Dense Molecular Gas around Protostars and in Galactic ...

Dense Molecular Gas around Protostars and in Galactic ...

Examples are III Zw 35 (Pihlstr ̈om et al., 2001), Mrk 231 (Kl ̈ockner et al., 2003 ) and the eastern nuclei of Arp 220 (Rovilos et al., 2003). Molecular circumnuclear disks in OH megamaser sources have ... Typically the lines are of the order of 100 km s−1, but results from single-dish OH megamaser surveys have demonstrated the presence of lines with widths ex- ceeding 300 km s−1 by far (Darling and Giovanelli, 2002a). Even though the bulk of the emission may originate in a disk, ...


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