San Diego City and County Directory

San Diego City and County Directory
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Sotello M, powdermn city sewer dept. Sotier Geo, lab, h 1501 India. Soto Ernest, driver G H Becker, r 747, 1st. Soto Jose, lab, r 471, 7th. Soto Jose M, atty 921, 4th rm 15, h ws Kansas bet Madison and Monroe. Soto Leo L, trnstr S D Truck Co, h 747, 1st. Souillon John, emp U S Grant Hotel. Soule Chas P, painter, h ns Connecticut nr Fay, La Jolla. Soule Wm L G, r 4113 Union av. Souter David, carp S D Elec Ry Co, h 1434 Grand av. Souter Jean A, clk Minnie Spizer, r 1434 Grand av.


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