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Etiology of Acute Leukemias in Children

Etiology of Acute Leukemias in Children


Vadillo E, Pelayo R. El sistema hematopoyético a partir de células troncales. In: Pelayo R, editor. Células Troncales y Medicina Regenerativa. Mexico: PUIS; 2011. Vadillo E, Pelayo R. Toll-like receptors in development and function of the  ...
Basilio Vadillo Ortega:

Basilio Vadillo Ortega:

Pablo Serrano Álvarez

La decisión de la Suprema Corte era esperada por el presidente Obregón, quien el día 2 1 se entrevistó con Vadillo para proponerle un puesto diplomático que se definiría a finales del mes, además, extendió varias recomendaciones para ...
Women Poets and Urban Aestheticism: Passengers of Modernity

Women Poets and Urban Aestheticism: Passengers of Modernity

A. Vadillo

Christine Pullen's speculation that Levy substituted 'Prince' for 'Grant' [Allen] is therefore correct. See Christine Pullen, Amy Levy, 204. Levy began writing ballades in 1888, most of which were compiled in her last volume of verse, A London ...
Rulers and Ruled in Frontier Catalonia, 880-1010: Pathways ...

Rulers and Ruled in Frontier Catalonia, 880-1010: Pathways ...

Jonathan Andrew Jarrett

Amelia Vadillo Pinilla has hypothesised a group like this one in her study of the early patrimony of Sant Joan.106 Her understanding of settlement in the frontier zones, and her identification of some of the people in the sources from whom she  ...
Rius para principiantes

Rius para principiantes


Todo eso le pesaba como una losa a Vadillo, que no comulgaba para nada con las ideas de su famoso padre. Su mamá es noruega, as que la combinación genética le resultó muy (". problemática, así era en su trato = dos o (o IIrry" A y Pol o ...
Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences

Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences

Luís Gomes

Luís Gomes, Javier Garcia Zubia. Assessing e-learning in web labs Helena Matute, Miguel A. Vadillo Psychology Department, University of Deusto. Bilbao, Spain e-mail: ...
Learning by Effective Utilization of Technologies: ...

Learning by Effective Utilization of Technologies: ...


Quality. Assessment. in. e-Learning. Silvia Sanz-Santamaria", Julian Gutierrez Serrano", Jose A. Vadillo Zorita" "PhD Student, University of the Basque Country ( UPV-EHU), Spain bFull Professor, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU),  ...
Drug Management of Prostate Cancer

Drug Management of Prostate Cancer


Gonzalez-Barcena D, Vadillo-Buenfil M, Gomez-Orta F. Responses to the antagonistic analog of LHRH (Cetrorelix) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic cancer. Prostate 1994;24:84–92. 75. Comaru-Schally AM, Brannan ...



... Vadillo-Buenfil M, Kakar SS, Schally AV (1996) Endocrinology 137:3430 Schally AV, Comaru-Schally AM, Plonowski A, Nagy A, Halmos G, Rekasi Z ( 2000) The Prostate 45:158 Denmeade SR, Isaacs JT (2002) Nat Rev Cancer 2: 389 234.
London Eyes: Reflections in Text and Image

London Eyes: Reflections in Text and Image


M. Thain and A. Vadillo), vol. 34, no. 2 (2006), 508.) 24. Wilde was an inveterate networker in London's drawing-room culture, preferring 'at homes' to other social gatherings. W.B. Yeats, for example, tells of how it was only when the Rhymers ...

who called from an unknown number?