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The Hermitage : a palace and a museum

The Hermitage : a palace and a museum

Ahmet Ertuğ

The paper used in the volume is 250 gsm Scheufelen Phoenixmotion Xantur, an exceptional German paper with FSC Qualification (the mark of responsible forestry). The volume was hand-bound in Italy by master binder Ruggero Rigoldi.
Domes: A Journey Through European Architectural History

Domes: A Journey Through European Architectural History

Ahmet Ertuğ

The book is a journey through architectural history, from the immense spherical dome of the first-century Roman Pantheon, its oculus open to the sky, to the steel and glass of Norman Foster's Bundestag, Berlin, one of the most visited new ...
The Last Sultan: The Life and Times of Ahmet Ertegun

The Last Sultan: The Life and Times of Ahmet Ertegun

Robert Greenfield

As the founder and head of Atlantic Records, Ahmet Ertegun signed and/or recorded many of the greatest musical artists of all time, from Ray Charles to Kid Rock.
Çanakkale Muharebeleri'nin esirleri: ifadeler ve mektuplar

Çanakkale Muharebeleri'nin esirleri: ifadeler ve mektuplar

Ahmet Tetik

Dr. Gülnihal BOZKURT Doç.Dr. Yusuf SARINAY Kur.Alb. iskender ÖZBAY Dr.Öğ. Alb. Zekeriya TÜRKMEN Yayına Hazırlayan / Editör Dr.Öğ.Alb. Ahmet TETİK Türkçe-İngilizce; Fransızca-Türkçe / ingilizce Çeviri Turkish-EngIish; French- Turkish ...
A History of the Church in the Middle Ages

A History of the Church in the Middle Ages

F Donald Logan

... the Empire and the Church', Dumbarton Oaks Papers 22 (1968), 45–60. On Santa Sophia see RowlandJ. Mainstone, Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure and Liturgy ofJustinian's Great Church ([London], 1988) and Robert Mark and Ahmet ...
Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging: Theory and Practice

Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging: Theory and Practice

Francesco Banterle

Theory and Practice Francesco Banterle, Alessandro Artusi, Kurt Debattista, Alan Chalmers. [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Ahmet O ̆guz Akyüz and Erik Reinhard. “Perceptual Evaluation of ToneReproduction Operators  ...
Armenian activities in the archive documents, 1914-1918:

Armenian activities in the archive documents, 1914-1918:

T.C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı

T.C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Ahmet Tetik. Bu ciltte yer alan ifadeler okunduğunda görülecektir ki ayrılıkçı Ermeni hareketleri, Ermeni toplumunun bütününe nüfuz ederek her kesimden destek bulmuşlardır. Karar verme noktalarında bulunanlar ...
Historical Archives and the Historians' Commission to ...

Historical Archives and the Historians' Commission to ...

Yücel Güçlü

On the Special Organization itself see Ahmet Tetik, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa (Umur-ı Şarkıyye Dairesi) Tarihi Cilt I:1914–1916 (History of the Special Organization [ Department of Eastern Affairs] Vol. I: 1914–1916), (İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür ...
Samsun eğlence tarihi

Samsun eğlence tarihi

Baki Sarısakal

Ligine Çıkan Samsunspor Onbiri: soldan Sağa, Üst Sıra: Yılmaz, Sami, Coşkun, Cengiz, Nuri, Abidin, Alt Sıra, Soldan Sağa: Yusuf, Şener, Acun, Hamdi ve Ahmet 1- Güneşspor 0 (Gol B. Mustafa Dk. 72). 30 Maçın 13'ünü beraberlikle bitiren, ...
On birinci Askerî Tarih Sempozyumu bildirileri: XVIII. ...

On birinci Askerî Tarih Sempozyumu bildirileri: XVIII. ...

Erdal Yurdakul

Alb.İskender ÖZBAY Prof.Dr.Esat ARSLAN Prof.Dr.Ömer TURAN Dr.Öğ.Alb. Ahmet TETİK Dr.Öğ.Alb. Yavuz ÖZGÜLDÜR Dr.Öğ.Alb.Mehmet ÖZDEMİR Dr.Öğ. Alb.Zekeriya TÜRKMEN DÜZELTİ İlkay SARlKAYA lSBN 978-975-409-472-5 NSN ...
Türk dünyası edebiyat tarihi

Türk dünyası edebiyat tarihi

Türk Dünyası Ortak Edebiyatı Projesi

geldiğini, çoğunluğunun esnaf olduğunu (Attar Şükrü Efendi, Demirci Edhem, Deveci Ali, Divitçi Mehmet, Döşemeci İsmail, Hacı Bekçi, Hamamcı Süleyman, Kağıtçı Ahmet, Kantarcı Kadri. Kaşıkçı Mehmet vb. ) kaydeder. Kendi mesleklerini  ...
Religions, Nations, and Transnationalism in Multiple Modernities

Religions, Nations, and Transnationalism in Multiple Modernities


3 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Karamustafa, Ahmet T. 1994. God''s Unruly Friends. Dervish Groups in the Islamic Middle Period 1200–1550. Oxford: One World. ———. 2014. Kaygusuz ABDAL: A Medieval Turkish Saint and the Formation of Vernacular Islam in Anatolia. In Unity in Diversity. Mysticism, Messianism and the Construction of Religious Authority in Islam, ed. Orkhan Mir- Kasimov, 329–342. Leiden: Brill. Kristó-Nagy, Istvan. 2013. La Pensée d''Ibn al- Muqaffaʻ.

who called from an unknown number?