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Storytelling in Chefchaouen Northern Morocco: An Annotated ...

Storytelling in Chefchaouen Northern Morocco: An Annotated ...

Aicha Rahmouni

... is still ignored.67 OneofthefirstEuropeanstoenterthecity,WalterB.Harris, 68saysthat“only certain Jewsareallowedtogo tothetownatall, andtheymustwear abadgeto showthattheyare'protected'bysomeMoorwithinthewalls.” Mouliéras69adds that ...
A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France's Empire in the ...

A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France's Empire in the ...

Benjamin Claude Brower

My work in the United States was facilitated by Aïcha Rahmouni, Federico Finchelstein, Tracie Matysik, Chris Bilodeau, Eleanor Kaufman, Jared Poley, Rick Keller, and Richard Schaefer. In Princeton my family and I could not have asked for a ...
Jewish and Muslim Dialects of Moroccan Arabic

Jewish and Muslim Dialects of Moroccan Arabic

Jeffrey Heath

Aicha Rahmouni. 1996. “Textos ārabes de Chefchaouen: transcripción, traducción y glosario.” EDNA 1:139–55. Nebes, Norbert. 1982. Funktionsanalyse von kåna yaf'alu : Ein Beitrag zur Verbalsyntax des Althocharabischen. Hildesheim/NY: ...
Dragon of the Two Flames

Dragon of the Two Flames

Michael Ford

Batnu 'aqallatanu - btn 'qltn (The Twisting/Crooked Serpent) Above: Nahas Bariah, 'The Fleeing Serpent' in Hebrew. 24 Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts by Aicha Rahmouni, pg 145. Batnu Barihu – 'btn brh' (The Fleeing Serpent ...
General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 11/1

General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 11/1

More editions

The Term prz in Ugaritic-Hurrian Texts: A Possible Ugaritic-Hurrian "Epithet Component AICHA RAHMOUNI* Cornell University Various attempts to define the term prz by designating it as a toponym epithet or simply as an epithet have been ...
The Splintered Divine: A Study of Istar, Baal, and Yahweh ...

The Splintered Divine: A Study of Istar, Baal, and Yahweh ...

Spencer L. Allen

Reflecting this preference for the name Baal over Hadad, Aicha Rahmouni lists ġmr hd (“the annihilator/avenger/champion Hadad,” 1.2 i46) as one of Baal's fourteen epithets and lists none for Hadad in her book Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic ...
Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts

Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts

Aïcha Rahmouni

This study of the divine epithets in the Ugaritic alphabetic cuneiform texts from Ras Shamra and Ras Ibn Hani provides a new and comprehensive analysis of the epithets of the individual Ugaritic deities.
Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes

Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes


Adler AI, Stratton IM, Neil HA, et al. Association of systolic blood pressure with macrovascular and ... Dickson M, Sigmund C. Genetic basis of hypertension: revisiting angiotensinogen. Hypertension 2006', 48: 14-20. Rahmouni K, Correia M, ...

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