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Perspectives on Kurdistan's Economy and Society in ...

Perspectives on Kurdistan's Economy and Society in ...


Short Biography of Almas Heshmati: Almas Heshmati, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Sogang University, K526, Baekbeom-ro (Sinsu-dong) Mapu-gu, Seoul 121-742 Korea and Research Associate at Soran University, ...
Recent Developments in the Chinese Economy

Recent Developments in the Chinese Economy

Almas Heshmati

This book provides an up-to-date and in depth analysis of five factors crucial to the success of the policy and current state of the economy.
Efficiency and Competitiveness of International Airlines

Efficiency and Competitiveness of International Airlines

Almas Heshmati

This book focuses on the factors that support the strengths of international airlines in general and the Asian airline carriers in particular.
Economic Fundamentals of Power Plant Performance

Economic Fundamentals of Power Plant Performance

Almas Heshmati

The book will appeal to those interested in energy and energy policies, as well as researchers and practitioners in the economic development and electricity and utilities industry.
Roadmap to Bangalore?: Globalization, the EU's Lisbon ...

Roadmap to Bangalore?: Globalization, the EU's Lisbon ...

Almas Heshmati

14 World System Hypotheses and Two Scenarios on the Future of the Union' in ' Globalization: Critical Perspectives ' (Gernot Kohler and Emilio Jose Chaves ( Editors)), pp. 93 197. Hauppauge. New York: Nova Science Publishers Tausch A.
Commercialization and Transfer of Technology: Major Country ...

Commercialization and Transfer of Technology: Major Country ...

Almas Heshmati

This book serves as an international forum focusing on the transfer of technology and the exchange of ideas that are informative and enhances the practice of technology transfer to developing and newly industrialised countries.
Information and Communication Technologies Policies and ...

Information and Communication Technologies Policies and ...

Almas Heshmati

This volume serves as an international forum focusing on the information and communication technology policies and practices which have led to the rapid and remarkable record of high and sustained economic growth of Asian countries since ...
The Economy of Southern Kurdistan

The Economy of Southern Kurdistan

Almas Heshmati

Southern Kurdistan is a region located in Northern Iraq. Certain aspects in regard to the economy of Southern Kurdistan are covered in this book.
The Development of Renewable Energy Sources and its ...

The Development of Renewable Energy Sources and its ...

Almas Heshmati

This book analyzes the effects of power generated by renewable energy sources, renewable energy production technologies, energy efficiency, and market regulation of carbon emissions.
Hasta Martes

Hasta Martes

Luis Carlos Montalván

Pero más que eso, Hasta Martes es una historia de amor entre un hombre y un perro y cómo se sanaron las almas el uno al otro.
Radio muerte: Novela

Radio muerte: Novela

Leopoldo Gout

Radio Muerte es una novela escalofriante sobre un programa de radio que abre la puerta a un mundo paranormal, dándoles voz a los muertos e instigando una batalla épica por las almas de los vivos Desde las atestadas entrañas de una oscura ...

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