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The Book on Palo: Deities, Initiatory Rituals and Ceremonies

The Book on Palo: Deities, Initiatory Rituals and Ceremonies

Baba Raul Canizares

The book also features' many photographs of rituals, initiations, and sacrifices
Furdek: Jednota Annual

Furdek: Jednota Annual

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How I Remember "Baba" DONNA MATRAZZO with Gertrude Puhala Matrazzo The Christmas trees I remember most were those at Baba's. Baba is the Slovak word for grandmother; mine had come alone across the ocean to the New World.
Puritan Conquistadors: Iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700

Puritan Conquistadors: Iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700

Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra

In this remarkable work in Atlantic history, Jorge Canizares-Esguerra demonstrates with lavish scholarship and visual imagery the European settlers struggle with Satanic forces that permeated the colonization and settlement of Europeans, ...
Mystics, Masters, Saints, and Sages: Stories of Enlightenment

Mystics, Masters, Saints, and Sages: Stories of Enlightenment

Robert Ullman

Baba, Meher. The Everything and the Nothing. Myrtle Beach, SC: Sheriar Foundation, 1995. *Baba, Avatar Meher, and A. G. Munsif. Hazrat Babajan. Ahmednagar, India: Avatar Meher Baba Trust, 1981. Schloss, Makom, and Charles Purdom.
Raul's Revenge

Raul's Revenge

Jacqueline Baird

Raul's reason for revenge… Penny seized her opportunity to save the love she and Raul shared and proposed marriage—but he turned her down flat!
The Incredible Sai Baba

The Incredible Sai Baba

Arthur Osborne

This book is a lucid account of the amazing life of Sai Baba, one of the most revered saints, and one of the most extraordinary of India s holy men.
Sai Baba of Shirdi (English)

Sai Baba of Shirdi (English)

V. B. Kher

Shirdi is no longer an obscure village. Today it is a centre of pilgrimage for lakhs of Sai Baba s devotees. This book translated into Hindi is a complete account of his life and mission.Hindi Rs. 95 / Telugu Rs. 125
What Researchers Say on Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

What Researchers Say on Sri Shirdi Sai Baba


This research monograph is a unique addition to the existing literature on Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, who lived a humble life and taught the basics of spirituality and morality to the devotees through his many miracles, revelations of their past ...
La Mar Es Mala Mujer

La Mar Es Mala Mujer

Raúl Guerra Garrido

Raúl Guerra Garrido. — Pues si te cuento los sucedidos de Edouard Du- céré, mi cofrade de Bayona, compadre a pesar de los años que me sacaba, ...
La carta

La carta

Raúl Guerra Garrido

El ficticio pueblo vasco de Eibain, en el que con el tiempo la irracionalidad del terror ha sustituido los intentos de justificación ideológica de la barbarie presentes en "Lectura insólita de El Capital" es el lugar donde RAÚL GUERRA ...
Inside Triathlon

Inside Triathlon

More editions

A BALANCE YOUR TRAINING Crosstraining for Endurance Athletes by Raul Guisado Olympic coach Raul Guisado takes crosstraining beyond the basics of strength and flexibility to explain the benefits that trunk stability, joint stability, power, ...
Stanford Exploration Project

Stanford Exploration Project

Stanford Exploration Project

... Media Jon Claerbout Jon Claerbout Raul Estevez Raul Estevez Phil Schultz Phil Schultz Phil Schultz Phil Schultz Jon Claerbout Raul Estevez 102 Numerical Viscosity—Dip Filtering Doherty & Claerbout Speculative Studies 110 Variational  ...
The Mexican American Experience: An Encyclopedia

The Mexican American Experience: An Encyclopedia

Matt S. Meier

Greenwood Press, 1985; "Interview with Raul Yzaguirre." LaLuz 1:11 (March 1973) 26-28, 30; Martinez, Douglas. 'Yzaguirre at the Helm." Americas 32:6-7 ( June- July 1980) 49; Mora, Sabine. "In Recognition of Raul Yzaguirre: President,  ...
Castilla en canal

Castilla en canal

Raúl Guerra Garrido

La mezcla de tiempo y espacio, el cronotopo, a la hora de tejer una trama, una de las constantes en la obra de Raúl Guerra Garrido, también está pesente en "Castilla en canal".
Studii si cercetari de geologie, geofizica, geografie. Geofizica

Studii si cercetari de geologie, geofizica, geografie. Geofizica

Academia Republicii Socialiste România

RAUL DOROBANŢU, DOREL ZUGRĂVESCU, ST. FANACA, D. HARTIA (1983), A stabilized supplier 16/6 V, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géophys., Géogr. – Géophysique, 27. 9. RAUL DOROBANŢU, DOREL ZUGRĂVESCU, ST. FANACA (1983), A ...

who called from an unknown number?