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Correspondence Between Lubetkin and Max Risselada ...

Correspondence Between Lubetkin and Max Risselada ...

Berthold Lubetkin

Concerns mainly an exhibition in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and arrangements to return photographs to Lubetkin when he comes to Amsterdam. Risselada also refers to articles on Russia in the twenties, which Lubetkin is interested in.
Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch

Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch

More editions

Heinrich Ramelow. 1738. Peter Kind. 1739. Johann Ringstedt (t vor 1349). 1740. Henning Krampe. 1741. Berthold Rode und dessen Söhne 1742 — 6. Hinzeke, Konrad, Hermann, Berthold und Henning Rode. 1747. Konrad Ekensched. 1748.


Berthold Auerbach

"We do not err, we think, in calling this one of his masterpieces, in which we have his art at its best.
Friedrich der Große im Spiegel seiner Zeit: Geistesleben, ...

Friedrich der Große im Spiegel seiner Zeit: Geistesleben, ...

Gustav Berthold Volz

Mit zeitgenossischen Abbildungen versehener Nachdruck des Originals.
The Edinburgh Companion to Irvine Welsh

The Edinburgh Companion to Irvine Welsh

Berthold Schoene-Harwood

This series offers new insights into Scottish authors, periods and topics drawing on contemporary critical approaches.
Black Forest Village Stories

Black Forest Village Stories

Berthold Auerbach

He was the founder of the German "tendency novel", in which fiction is used as a means of influencing public opinion on social, political, moral, and religious questions. This is one of his works.
Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy

Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy

Berthold Block

This pocket guide helps to grasp the connection between three-dimensional organ systems and their two-dimensional representation in ultrasound imaging.
Villa Eden: The Country-House on the Rhine

Villa Eden: The Country-House on the Rhine

Berthold Auerbach

He was the founder of the German "tendency novel", in which fiction is used as a means of influencing public opinion on social, political, moral, and religious questions. This is one of his works.
Chimeric Toxins: Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic ...

Chimeric Toxins: Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic ...


Gonatas, N.K., Kim, S.U., Stieber, A., and Avrameas, S. (1977) Internalization of lectins in neuronal GERL.J. Cell. Biol., 73, 1–13. ... Plate, U.C., Hansmann, M.L., Wacker, H.H., Berthold, F., Diehl, V., and Engert, A. (1994). Antidisialoganglioside  ...
Public management: the New Zealand model

Public management: the New Zealand model

Jonathan Boston

... and politicians — who contributed to the writing of this book by way of interviews, assistance with material, or comments on draft chapters: Jonathan Ayto, Carl Bakker, Ian Ball, Margaret Bazley, Joanna Beresford, Tom Berthold, Kevin Brady, ...
Salman Rushdie and Indian Historiography: Writing the Nation ...

Salman Rushdie and Indian Historiography: Writing the Nation ...

Nicole Weickgenannt Thiara

... Anindita Ghosh, John Zavos, Mary Searle-Chatterjee, Berthold Schoene, Ken Hirschkop, Thomas Blom Hansen, Anastasia Valassopoulos, Dalia Said Mostafa, Tilman Frasch and Dietmar Rothermund. For funding my doctoral thesis, I thank ...
Jewish Center Program Aids

Jewish Center Program Aids

More editions

... Louis Berkowitz Julian L. Greifer Samuel Stellman Louis H. Blumenthal Leonard M. Katowitz Theodore T. Tarail Ruth Breitman Mordecai Kessler Abe Vinik Berthold Demsch Rabbi Alter F. Landesman Leah Weisman Samuel Neuschatz.
Deutsche Unternehmerinnen im 20. Jahrhundert

Deutsche Unternehmerinnen im 20. Jahrhundert

Christiane Eifert

Christine von Oertzen, Luise Berthold: Hochschulleben und Hochschulpolitik zwischen 1909 und 1957, in: Feministische Studien 20.Jg., 2002, H. 1, S. 8-22. Christine von Oertzen, Völkerverständigung durch akademische Vernetzung.
A Guide To The Plays Of Bertolt Brecht

A Guide To The Plays Of Bertolt Brecht

Stephen Unwin

Brecht's Life Eugen Bertolt Brecht was born on 10 February 1898 in the south German city of Augsburg. His father, Berthold (1869–1939), was a paper manufacturer and Brecht enjoyed a comfortable middleclass childhood. His mother, Sophie ...
Radio 2.0: Uploading the First Broadcast Medium

Radio 2.0: Uploading the First Broadcast Medium

Matthew Lasar

Berthold Brecht, “The Radio as a Communications Apparatus,” cited in Daniel Gilfillan, Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009), 91. 7. Daniel Gilfillan, interview with Paul Riismandel,  ...
Historia : Zeitschrift fur alte Geschichte

Historia : Zeitschrift fur alte Geschichte

More editions

302 Rainer Bernhardt (Hamburg), Die Immunitas der Freistadte J90 Richard M. Berthold (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque) ... 71 Hans-Joachim Diesner ( Halle), Thukydides und Thomas Hobbes 1 Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Gottingen), Zur ...
Denizations, Naturalizations, and Oaths of Allegiance in ...

Denizations, Naturalizations, and Oaths of Allegiance in ...

Kenneth Scott

1630-1664. ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1865). CDNY Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, vols. 1-11 ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan; vols. 12-15 ed. by Berthold Fernow (Albany: Weed , ...
Coluccio Salutati and His Public Letters

Coluccio Salutati and His Public Letters

Ronald G. Witt

After 1395 3 For the life of Coluccio Salutati to 1374 see, Francesco Novati, La giovinezza di Coluccio Salutati (1331-1353) (Turin, 1883) ; Berthold L. Ullman, The Humanism of Coluccio Salutati, Medioevo e Umanesimo, vol. 4 (Padua, 1963) ...
Bret Easton Ellis's Controversial Fiction: Writing Between ...

Bret Easton Ellis's Controversial Fiction: Writing Between ...

Sonia Baelo-Allué

Daniel Cojocaru (2008–9) argues that Bateman kills in a quest to find his own identity. He kills those who are different and who may have an identity that he lacks. Berthold Schoene (2008) also feels that Bateman's killings are acts of manly ...

who called from an unknown number?