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Logical grammar, with special consideration of topics in ...

Logical grammar, with special consideration of topics in ...

Thomas T. Ballmer

(39a) r -H- 1 I l TV } \ ES TRIFFT IHN, DASS ANNA PETER GESTEHT, DASS BIRGIT FRITZ HASST. (it bothers him, that Anna to-Peter confesses, that Birgit acc-Fritz hates) (39b) ES TRIFFT PETER, DASS ANNA IHM GESTEHT, DASS BIRGIT ...
Embracing Restlessness: Cultural Musicology.

Embracing Restlessness: Cultural Musicology.


Contents. Acknowledgments VI Birgit Abels Restless, Risky, Dirty (An Introduction ) 1 Birgit Abels Sketching Cultural Musicology 17 Eva-Maria Alexandra van Straaten It Slaps and It Embraces! On Psytrance, Immersion, and Potential Facets of ...
Austronesian Soundscapes: Performing Arts in Oceania and ...

Austronesian Soundscapes: Performing Arts in Oceania and ...

Full view

Birgit Abels is a cultural musicologist at the University of Amsterdam and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Birgit's projects have explored performing arts traditions in the Southeast Asian island ...
Protest in Hitler's “National Community”: Popular Unrest and ...

Protest in Hitler's “National Community”: Popular Unrest and ...


Popular Unrest and the Nazi Response Nathan Stoltzfus, Birgit Maier-Katkin ... Nathan Stoltzfus and Birgit Maier-Katkin Nathan Stoltzfus is the Dorothy and Jonathan Rintels Professor of Holocaust Studies at Florida State University and the ...
Multilingualism at Work: From Policies to Practices in ...

Multilingualism at Work: From Policies to Practices in ...


From Policies to Practices in Public, Medical and Business Settings Bernd Meyer, Birgit Apfelbaum. Table. of. contents. Multilingualism at work: A brief introduction 1 Birgit Apfelbaum and Bernd Meyer Public sector Linguistic competence and ...
Richard Middleton, the Man and His Work

Richard Middleton, the Man and His Work

Henry Savage

Richard Middleton . . . Frontispiece Camera Portrait by E. O. Hoppé. Facing page Richard Middleton at the Age of 7 . . 10 Richard Middleton in Fancy Dress . . 28 A Bohemian Gathering . . . . 36 Sketch by Herbert Garland. Richard Middleton at ...
Mit Verantwortung handeln: Ein CSR-Handbuch für Unternehmer

Mit Verantwortung handeln: Ein CSR-Handbuch für Unternehmer

Birgit Riess

Eine einmalige Darstellung von guter Unternehmenspraxis basierend auf der umfangreichsten Sammlung mittelständischen Engagements in Deutschland.
Literary Spinoffs: Rewriting the Classics - Re-Imagining the ...

Literary Spinoffs: Rewriting the Classics - Re-Imagining the ...

Birgit Spengler

8 With regard to intertextuality in African American texts see also more recent approaches by Ashraf and Bärbel Höttges, both of whom are careful not to eliminate specific cultural contexts from their analyses. 9 For a more conducive ...
Freedom’s Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and ...

Freedom’s Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and ...

Richard S. Newman

Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and the Black Founding Fathers Richard S. Newman ... —Richard Allen, “An Address to Those Who Keep Slaves and Approve the Practice” With his coauthorship of the yellow-fever pamphlet, Richard ...
Performing Violence: Literary and Theatrical Experiments of ...

Performing Violence: Literary and Theatrical Experiments of ...

Birgit Beumers

Authors Beumers and Lipovetsky examine the representation of violence in these new dramatic works penned by young Russian playwrights.
Sounds of articulating identity: tradition and transition in ...

Sounds of articulating identity: tradition and transition in ...

Birgit Abels

As the ethnomusicological exploration of the Palauan world proceeds, the book demonstrates how a study of the music of a small island nation is capable of transcending the boundaries of ethnomusicology as an academic discipline, and it adds ...
New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson, University of Louisville Kentucky Richard Wilson, Humanities Distinguished Professor of English Richard Dutton, Richard Dutton. First published 1992 by Longman Group Limited Published 2013 by Routledge 2 Park Square, ...
The Stage History of Shakespeare's King Richard the Third

The Stage History of Shakespeare's King Richard the Third

Alice Ida Perry Wood

In 1610, Robert Niccol's new edition of The Mirror for Magistrates appeared, in which there were two poems on Richard the Third, The Two Princes, and Richard III, the last to replace Segar's poem, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, ...
Establishing the Revolutionary: An Introduction to New ...

Establishing the Revolutionary: An Introduction to New ...


... that these activities, religions' shift from egoism to altruism, have begun to gradually heighten members' awareness of society. Translated by Ruth Achenbach and Birgit Staemmler 4. New Religions – Economic Aspects Sakurai Yoshihide 1.
The Cinema of Richard Linklater: Walk, Don't Run

The Cinema of Richard Linklater: Walk, Don't Run

Rob Stone

... Richard Linklater Cinematography: Richard Linklater Editor: Richard Linklater Main Cast: Richard Linklater, James Goodwin, Daniel Kratochvil, Linda Finney, Tracy Crabtree, Linda Levine, Lisa Schiebold, Erin MCafée, Denise Montgomery,  ...
Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644: local ...

Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644: local ...

Birgit Tremml-Werner

Combining a systematic comparison with a focus on specific actors during this period, this book addresses many long-held misconceptions and offers a more balanced and multifaceted view of these nations’ histories.
Richard III

Richard III

Richard Andersen

Richard Andersen. Berger, Harry Jr. "Conscience and Complicity in Richard III," in Richard III, edited by Thomas Cartelli. New York: Norton, 2009. Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998.
Programming of Life

Programming of Life

Donald E. Johnson

Dawkins (Richard), “Book Review,” The New York Times, 4/9/89, section 7, p3. Dawkins (Richard), River Out of Eden,1995, p83. Dawkins (Richard), The Blind Watchmaker, 1996B. Dawkins (Richard), Climbing Mount Improbable, 1996C.
Symmetric Coordination: An Alternative Theory of Phrase ...

Symmetric Coordination: An Alternative Theory of Phrase ...

Birgit Wesche

[Ross, 1967a] John Robert Ross. Gapping and the Order of Constituents. In Proceedings of the tenth International Congress ofLinguistics, 1967. also published in: Bierwisch, M. and Heidolph, K.E. (eds.): Progress in Linguistics, Mouton, The ...

who called from an unknown number?