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Encounters of the Filmic Kind: Guidebook to Film Theories

Encounters of the Filmic Kind: Guidebook to Film Theories

Cristian, Réka Mónika

Gabbard,GlenO. 2004. “Pszichoanalízis és film,” (trans. Orsolya Papp). Thalassa 2004/3: 5–16. Hayward, Susan.Cinema Studies: TheKey Concepts.Second Edition. London: Routledge, 2000. Heath, Stephen. “Cinema and Psychoanalysis : ...
Church and State: Religious Nationalism and State ...

Church and State: Religious Nationalism and State ...

Cristian Romocea

See Cristian Vasile, Istoria Bisericii Greco-Catolice sub regimul comunist 1945– 1989 (Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2003); Cristian Vasile, Între Vatican s ̧i Kremlin: Biserica Greco-Catolica ̆ în timpul regimului Communist (Editura Curtea Veche,  ...
'Der Berufsschulreligionsunterricht ist anders!': Ergebnisse ...

'Der Berufsschulreligionsunterricht ist anders!': Ergebnisse ...


Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Religionslehrkräften in NRW Monika Marose, Michael Meyer-Blanck, Andreas Obermann. Monika Marose ... Fortbildungen: Ziele und Interessen (Monika Marose) 1. Die generelle Bedeutung des Themas.
La nit de Vàlia

La nit de Vàlia

Monika Zgustova Jamuskova

Monika Zgustova Jamuskova. MONIKA ZGUSTOVA LA NIT DE VÀLIA %a Aquest llibre ha rebut una ajuda del Departament de Cultura.
Politicile culturale comuniste in timpul regimului ...

Politicile culturale comuniste in timpul regimului ...

Cristian Vasile

Cristian Vasile. 1957. Simuţ, Ion, „Canonul literar proletcultist“, în România literară, nr. 27, 2008. Šmejkalová, Jiřina, „Censors and Their Readers: Selling, Silencing, and Reading Czech Books“,înLibraries and Culture,vol.36, no.1, 2001.
An Introduction to Narratology

An Introduction to Narratology

Monika Fludernik

In this book, Monika Fludernik outlines: the key concepts of style, metaphor and metonymy, and the history of narrative forms narratological approaches to interpretation and the linguistic aspects of texts, including new cognitive ...
The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction

The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction

Monika Fludernik

Monika Fludernik presents a detailed analysis of free indirect discourse as it relates to narrative theory, and the crucial problematic of how speech and thought are represented in fiction.
Materias Salvajes: Códigos, Desplazamientos, Reverberaciones

Materias Salvajes: Códigos, Desplazamientos, Reverberaciones

Cristián Vila Riquelme

"Cristián Vila Riquelme (Villalemana, Chile, 1955) fue discípulo del filósofo chileno Juan Rivano. Es doctor en Filosofía por la Sorbonne de Paris, ciudad donde vivió a partir de 1975. En 1991 regresa a Chile.
The Nature of the Future: Dispatches from the Socialstructed ...

The Nature of the Future: Dispatches from the Socialstructed ...

Marina Gorbis

Paul Cristian Radu, “Adoption Exec Leaves Legacy of Complaints,” San An— tonio Express—News, October 28, 2001, Metro edition, South Texas, 1B. . Paul Cristian Radu, series of interviews by author, Palo Alto, CA, April— October, 2011 .
증폭의 시대: 소수의 증폭된 개인이 전체를 바꾸는 세상

증폭의 시대: 소수의 증폭된 개인이 전체를 바꾸는 세상

마리나 고비스

6) Paul Cristian Radu, “Adoption Exec Leaves Legacy of Complaints,” San Antonio ExpressNews, October 28, 2001, Metro edition, South Texas, 1B. 7) Paul Cristian Radu, series of interviews by author, Palo Alto, CA, April-October, 2011.
Diccionario de la Literatura Chilena

Diccionario de la Literatura Chilena


3. Dueto, en colaboración con Cristián Vila, poesía, 1980. 4. Al mar, en colaboración con Cristián Vila, poesía, 1981. LANZA, Juan (1928) Poeta. Viajó a España en 1952, a seguir estudios superiores. OBRAS: 1. Tiempo perdido, poesía, 1951.
Dead Hand of History

Dead Hand of History

Sally Spencer

The first in a new series featuring Charlie Woodend's protege, DCI Monika Paniatowski - It will be no easy task to fill DCI Charlie Woodend's shoes, the newly-promoted Monika Paniatowski tells herself, but, given a little time, she thinks ...
Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Europe

Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Europe

Corina Dobos

The Masks of Evil by vladimir tismăneanu and Cristian vasile mentions the years 1963–1964 as years of limited relaxation for the romanian culture (vladimir tismăneanu, Cristian vasile, The Perfect Acrobat . Leonte Răutu . The Masks of Evil, ...
History of Communism in Europe vol. 1 / 2010: Politics of ...

History of Communism in Europe vol. 1 / 2010: Politics of ...


The Masks of Evil by vladimir tismăneanu and Cristian vasile mentions the years 1963–1964 as years of limited relaxation for the romanian culture (vladimir tismăneanu, Cristian vasile, The Perfect Acrobat . Leonte Răutu . The Masks of Evil, ...
David Baker: A Legacy in Music

David Baker: A Legacy in Music

Monika Herzig

In this richly illustrated volume, Monika Herzig explores Baker’s artistic legacy, from his days as a jazz musician in Indianapolis to his long-term gig as Distinguished Professor and Chairman of the Jazz Studies department at Indiana ...
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on ...

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on ...


319 Saloni Bhatia, Monika Singh and Hemani Kaushal Performance Evaluation of Free Space Optical Link Under Various Weather Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Monika Singh, Saloni Bhatia and Hemani Kaushal ...
Omnis novum sub sole: (el agua del paraíso)

Omnis novum sub sole: (el agua del paraíso)

Cristián Vila

(el agua del paraíso) Cristián Vila. canto. xxiv. Bergantín del Irredento, Mayo 23.1995. Hay momentos en que la escritura se presenta como un lugar de nadie. Un enorme terreno eriazo. Un galpón. Un desierto en el cual no hay nadie, sólo ...
Spirituelle Selbstkompetenz: Eine empirische Untersuchung ...

Spirituelle Selbstkompetenz: Eine empirische Untersuchung ...


Monika Marose, Michael Meyer-Blanck, Andreas Obermann (Hrsg.) ... Mit Beiträgen von Andreas Feige, K. Peter Henn, Meinfried Jetzschke, Monika Marose, Michael Meyer-Blanck, Peter Mörbel, Andreas Obermann, Rainer Pauschert, Fred ...

who called from an unknown number?