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Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse

Work has been carried out on Lower Carboniferous microfloras (Finn Bertelsen), and Lower Carboniferous and Permian ostracods (Ole Bruun Christensen). Work on the ostracod faunas from Triassic, Upper Jurassic, and Lower Cretaceous ...
Bulletin - Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse

Bulletin - Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse

Norges geologiske undersøkelse

N. P. 25 759, april 12, 1915, Chemische Fabrik Rhenania og Messerschmidt, A. ( VI, 4): Raafosfater (trikalciumfosfater) og kaliholdige silikater ophetes sammen med kalk eller kalksten i overskud til en temperatur av over 1100o C.
Challenges of the Housing Economy: An International Perspective

Challenges of the Housing Economy: An International Perspective


Danmarks Nationalbank (2008) Monetary Review 3"l Quarter 2008, Danmarks Nationalbank, Copenhagen. side/Monetary_Review_ 2008_3_Quarter/$file/mon3_2008_web.pdf Accessed ...
OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2009

OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2009


Danmarks Nationalbank's measures Danmarks Nationalbank has taken a number of measures to ease liquidity restrictions, mainly focused on the types of securities that can be used as collateral in daily and weekly monetary policy operations ...
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

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... D. C.; Matematisk Forening i København: Professor Aksel Frederik Andersen, Danmarks Tekniske Højskole, Copenhagen; Lektor Kai Rander Buch, Danmarks Tekniske Højskole, Copenhagen; Lektor Svend Bundgaard, Matematisk Institut, ...
Report and Accounts

Report and Accounts

Danmarks nationalbank

Each report includes statistics for the preceding 7-8 years.
Monetary Review

Monetary Review

Danmarks nationalbank

I have attended the development at close range during the whole period, and have often had the advantage of discussing important issues with Andre Szasz. We have, of course, not always agreed, but we often had similar appraisals of basic ...
Denmark: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Detailed ...

Denmark: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Detailed ...

International Monetary Fund

Within the framework of the agreement, the borrower has to open an “automatic collateralization account” at Danmarks Nationalbank on which the loans granted under this scheme are booked and from which the money raised by loans can be  ...


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Bebop Slavernes olde- og tipoldebørn Slavernes slægt er et enestående værk, som følger op på en række tv-udsendelser, som journalisten Alex Frank Larsen har lavet for Danmarks Radio. Det, der satte forfatteren i gang, var læsningen af ...
OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2016

OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2016


(2013), “Productivity and Cost-Efficiency in the Danish Financial sector”, Monetary Review, 4th Quarter 2013, Danmarks Nationalbank, Copenhagen. Almy, R. (2014), “Valuation and Assessment of Immovable Property”, OECD Working Papers ...
Self-Determination: International Perspectives

Self-Determination: International Perspectives


Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove, Holmen, Anne and Phillipson, Robert (eds) (1993), Uddannelse af minoriteter (Copenhagen: Danmarks Laererhøjskole). Skutnabb- Kangas, Tove and Phillipson, Robert (1986a), “Denial of Linguistic Rights: The New ...
Kjeld & Dirch: Historien om Danmarks største komikerpar

Kjeld & Dirch: Historien om Danmarks største komikerpar

Jesper Gaarskjær

En tak går i denne sammenhæng til Malin Lindgren, Leif Plenov, Paul Hammerich, Rikke Rottensten og Jakob Steen Olsen for deres forskellige skriftlige værker, som har været vigtige og indsigtsfulde kilder. Derudover skylder jeg at takke min ...
Medical Imaging: Ultrasonic imaging and signal processing

Medical Imaging: Ultrasonic imaging and signal processing

William F. Walker

... University of California/Davis (USA) Jorgen Arendt Jensen, Danmarks Tekniske University (Denmark) Kathryn R. Nightingale, Duke University (USA) K. Kirk Shung, University of Southern California (USA) Kai E. Thomenius, General Electric ...
Kjeld & Dirch: Historien om Danmarks største komikerpar

Kjeld & Dirch: Historien om Danmarks største komikerpar

Jesper Gaarskjær

Bogen om Kjeld og Dirch går bag om fænomenet og de mange myter, der klæber til de to folkekære danskere. Kjeld & Dirch – skrevet af journalist og forfatter Jesper Gaarskjær – er en historie om humor og stor komik.
Statistisk årbog for København og Frederiksberg samt ...

Statistisk årbog for København og Frederiksberg samt ...

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Borgmester: John Winther (kons.) Viceborgmestre: Vibeke Skov Christensen ( kons.) Karin Dubin (soc.dem.) The municipal council, election 16.1 1.1993: Voles Elected p.c. candida- A. Socialdemokratiet 19.9 6 B. Det Radikale Venstre 4.0 1 C. Det konservative Folkeparti 43.1 12 F. Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF) 1 1 .3 3 V. Venstre, Danmarks liberale Parti . . 10.0 3 Z. Fremskridtspartiet 2.5 Other lists 9.2 Total 100 25 Number of votes 51604 Attendance 68.5 p.c. Mayor: John Winther ( kons.) ...

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