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The Education of John Dewey: A Biography

The Education of John Dewey: A Biography

Jay Martin

Most important, he registered for the advanced course in psychology taught by G. Stanley Hall, attending the class sessions four times weekly and also enrolling in the laboratory work of “observation and experiment.” Dewey soon pronounced ...
臺東大學教育學報第22卷第1期: NTTU Educational Research Journal Vol.22 No.1

臺東大學教育學報第22卷第1期: NTTU Educational Research Journal Vol.22 No.1


台東大學教育學報第二十二卷第一期 2011 年,22(1),1-24 以 J. Dewey 的「反思」 探討教育研究的存有論意涵葉彥宏謝妃涵摘要本文的出發點在於探究教育研究本身 的意義,透過闡述 Dewey 的「反思」來發掘教育研究的存有論意涵。從 Dewey 那裡 可以 ...
Romantic Naturalists, Early Environmentalists: An ...

Romantic Naturalists, Early Environmentalists: An ...

Dewey W. Hall

I am grateful for exchanges with Henry Chiu, James Chow, Liam Corley, Melanie Hall, the late Seamus Heaney (for his kind interest), Carola Kaplan, Mary Poplin, and especially J. Matthew Soeter. Thanks also to the Evergreen SGV men's ...
The School and Society

The School and Society

John Dewey

This forerunner of the major works shows Dewey’s per­vasive concern with the need for a rich, dynamic, and viable society. In his introduction to this volume, Joe R. Burnett states Dewey’s theme.
Understanding John Dewey: Nature and Cooperative Intelligence

Understanding John Dewey: Nature and Cooperative Intelligence

James Campbell

After an introduction situating Dewey in the context of American social and intellectual history, Professor Campbell devotes Part I to Dewey's general philosophical perspective as it considers humans and their natural home.
More Than Birds: Adventurous Lives of North American Naturalists

More Than Birds: Adventurous Lives of North American Naturalists

Val Shushkewich

Ibid., 119. 3. “Biography of J. Dewey Soper,” J. Dewey Soper Fonds, University of Alberta Archives, ... J. Alexander Burnett, A Passion for Wildlife: The History of the Canadian Wildlife Service (Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press, 2003), 58. J. Dewey ...
The Middle Works, 1899-1924

The Middle Works, 1899-1924

John Dewey

Appendix 2 PROFESSOR DEWEY'S "ACTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS" by Evander Bradley McGilvary In a footnote on page 69 of "Essays Philosophical and Psychological in Honor of William James," [this volume, p. 135] Professor Dewey ...
John Dewey and American Democracy

John Dewey and American Democracy

Robert B. Westbrook

This book will do a great deal to make Dewey more available and plausible, and to help his writings shape the imagination of a new generation of Americans.'--Richard Rorty, New Leader
Romantic Naturalists, Early Environmentalists: An ...

Romantic Naturalists, Early Environmentalists: An ...

Dr Dewey Hall

While Jeffrey Bilbro documents evidence of religious doctrine from the Disciples of Christchurch as that which defines Muir's sense of egalitarianism,7 i intend to demonstrate how principles from Emersonian transcendentalism influenced ...
Beyond Grief and Nothing: A Reading of Don DeLillo

Beyond Grief and Nothing: A Reading of Don DeLillo

Joseph Dewey

Dewey finds DeLillo's concerns to be organized around three rubrics that mark the writer's own creative evolution: the love of the street, the embrace of the word, and the celebration of the soul.
International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology

International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology


Trevor Butt shows the extent to which phenomenology may well have played a part in the formulation of Kelly's ideas and Bill Warren discusses the influence of Dewey's pragmatism. Dewey's philosophy was also related to religion. That is of  ...
Experience And Education

Experience And Education

John Dewey

Many pages of this volume illustrate Dr. Dewey's ideas for a philosophy of experience and its relation to education.
The Hall genealogy

The Hall genealogy

Helen Linenberger Hall

John Dewey: Science for a Changing World

John Dewey: Science for a Changing World

Svend Brinkmann

Scholars are returning to the writings of William James, Charles Peirce, George Herbert Mead, and John Dewey. This book continues the fine tradition of Transaction’s History and Theory of Psychology series.
Ohio State University Bulletin

Ohio State University Bulletin

More editions

The following monographs have also been published during the biennium period : RALPH LAWRENCE DEWEY — The Long and Short Haul Principle of Rate Regulation. RALPH LAWRENCE DEWEY AND HARVEY WALKER — Telephone  ...
West Coast Review of Books

West Coast Review of Books

More editions

Porter Rockwell By Richard Lloyd Dewey. Paramount $19.95. * THE HISTORY of Joseph Smith, Jr., and the Church of Latter Day Saints has been obscured by innumerable attempts at falsification. Richard Lloyd Dewey, a writer ...
Ohio State University Course Offerings Bulletin

Ohio State University Course Offerings Bulletin

More editions

The following monographs have also been published during the biennium period : RALPH LAWRENCE DEwey–The Long and Short Haul Principle of Rate Regulation. RALPH LAWRENCE DEwey AND HARVEY WALKER—Telephone ...
John Dewey: America's Philosopher of Democracy

John Dewey: America's Philosopher of Democracy

David Fott

Examining Dewey's evolving conception of liberalism, David Fott illuminates his subject's belief in democracy more fully than has ever been before.
Art as Experience

Art as Experience

John Dewey

Based on John Dewey's lectures on esthetics, delivered as the first William James Lecturer at Harvard in 1932, Art as Experience has grown to be considered internationally as the most distinguished work ever written by an American on the ...
The Later Works of John Dewey, 1925-1953: 1938, Logic - The ...

The Later Works of John Dewey, 1925-1953: 1938, Logic - The ...

John Dewey

To Evander Bradley McGilvary, the work assured De­wey â¿¿a place among the worldâ¿¿s great logicians.â¿¿ William Gruen thought â¿¿No treatise on logic ever written has had as direct and vital an impact on social life as ...
East Side-West Side: Organizing Crime in New York, 1930-50

East Side-West Side: Organizing Crime in New York, 1930-50

William Graham Summer

Beginning with a radio address on October 3, Dewey molded these events into the rhythm of his campaign. Calling the attempted murder of Max Rubin “the frightened act of a desperate criminal underworld”, Dewey chronicled the careers of ...
Pragmatism and Diversity: Dewey in the Context of Late ...

Pragmatism and Diversity: Dewey in the Context of Late ...


Dewey in the Context of Late Twentieth Century Debates J. Green, S. Neubert. democratic ... JudithM.Green's contribution beginswith her suggestion that, in spite ofdifferences in focus andin philosophical methodologies, diverse contemporary ...
Exercises in the 23rd Edition of Dewey Decimal Classification

Exercises in the 23rd Edition of Dewey Decimal Classification

M. P. Satija

This book introduces the process of assigning class numbers based on the 23rd edition (2011) of the Dewey Decimal Classification.
John Dewey's Democracy and Education: A Centennial Handbook

John Dewey's Democracy and Education: A Centennial Handbook

More editions

The Handbook is divided into two parts. Part I features short companion chapters corresponding to each of Dewey's chapters in Democracy and Education. These serve to guide readers through the complex arguments developed in the book.
Goin' Back to Sweet Memphis: Conversations with the Blues

Goin' Back to Sweet Memphis: Conversations with the Blues


Well, just like I tell you, Willie Polk, James Manus, Son Brimmer, Dewey Corley, Earl Bell. That's some of them on that picture right behind you. Right there. For more on Dewey Corley, see the Memphis Ma Rainey chapter. Earl Bell (1914-77)  ...
A Ben Jonson companion

A Ben Jonson companion

Dewey Heyward Brock

Dewey Heyward Brock. This edition first published in the United States in 1983 by INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS Tenth and Morton Streets, Bloomington, Indiana and in Great Britain by THE HARVESTER PRESS LIMITED Publisher: John ...
John Dewey and Mortimer Adler on Curriculum, Teaching, and ...

John Dewey and Mortimer Adler on Curriculum, Teaching, and ...


A Christian Evaluation of John Dewey's Views on Curriculum 170 A Christian Evaluation of John Dewey's Views on Teaching 174 A Christian Evaluation of Mortimer Adler's Views on the Purpose of Schooling 182 A Christian Evaluation of ...
The Principal's Office: A Social History of the American ...

The Principal's Office: A Social History of the American ...

Kate Rousmaniere

Dewey quoted in Simpson and Stack, Teachers, Leaders, and Schools, 118. 4. John Dewey, “Toward Educational Statesmanship,” in Simpson and Stack, Teachers, Leaders, and Schools, 132; William G. Wraga, “Making Educational Leader ...
National Magazine

National Magazine

More editions

This memory came to mind when the news flashed over the 'phone that Captain Hall had passed away. w » Charles Winslow Hall was of old Puritan stock; one ancestor, John Hall, came from England with Governor Winthrop in 1630; another  ...

who called from an unknown number?