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Grammar & Corpora 2009:

Grammar & Corpora 2009:


Dušková, Libuše (2004): Syntactic constancy of the subject complement 1: A comparison between Czech and English. In: Linguistica Pragensia XIV, 2: 57-71. Dušková, Libuše (2005): Syntactic constancy of the subject complement 2: A comparison between English and Czech. In: Linguistica Pragensia XV, 1: 1-17. Dušková, Libuše et al. (2006 [1988]): Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny. [The Grammar of Contemporary English against the Background of Czech]. Pra- ha: ...
Studies in the English Language

Studies in the English Language

Libuše Dušková

Libuše Dušková. Crystal, D. and D. Davy (1969), Investigating English Style, London. Curme, G. O. (1931), Syntax, Boston. Curme, G. O. (1935), Parts of Speech and Accidence, Boston. DaneS, F. (1964), "A Three-Level Approach to Syntax", ...
Studies in the English Language II

Studies in the English Language II

Libuše Dušková

Dušková is one of the eminent Czech linguists specialising in the English language. This book presents the results of long lasting research of English grammar, syntax and hyper syntax.
Quantitative Linguistik / Quantitative Linguistics: Ein ...

Quantitative Linguistik / Quantitative Linguistics: Ein ...


Berlin, 321K345. Doležel, Lubomír (1969). A framework for the statistical analysis of style. In: Doložel/Bailey 1969, 10K35. Doležel, Lubomír/Bailey, R. W. (Eds.), Statistics and Style. New York/London: Elsevier, 1969. Dušková, Libuše (1971), On some functional and stylistic aspects of the passive voice in present-day English. In: Philologica Pragensia, 14, 117K143. Dušková, Libuše (1972), The passive voice in Czech and English. In: Philologica Pragensia, 15, 93K117. Ducretet, Pierre ...
Libuše Moníková in Memoriam

Libuše Moníková in Memoriam


Preface 3 Brigid Haines and Lyn Marven List of Abbreviations 7 Libuse Monikova : Life, Works and Reception 9 Brigid Haines Rede auf die Hirst in Libuse: /inn Tode von Libuse Monikova 23 Friedrich Christian Delius Writing is a Murderous ...
Angličtina pro vědecké a odborné pracovníky: kurs pro ...

Angličtina pro vědecké a odborné pracovníky: kurs pro ...

Libuše Dušková

Učebnice, předpokládající "znalost asi 850 nejběžnějších slov a základních jevů mluvnických", je uspořádána tak, aby na ni bylo možno navázat po prostudování kterékoliv základní učebnice.
From Syntax to Text: The Janus Face of Functional Sentence ...

From Syntax to Text: The Janus Face of Functional Sentence ...

Dušková, Libuše

Translated by Hana Žantovská. Prague: Mladá fronta, 1976. HAC Havel, V. Largo desolato. In: V. Havel, Largo desolato. Pokoušení. Asanace. Prague: Artforum, 1990 (1st ed. 1985). HAE Havel, V. Largo desolato. Translated by Tom Stoppard.
Prague Linguistic Circle Papers:

Prague Linguistic Circle Papers:


Ambiguities. Libuše. Dušková. Prague. 1. The present article is concerned with syntactic ambiguities in English, considered from the viewpoint of Czech. Contrastive treatment of this point appears to promise a worthwhile line of approach insofar as sentences that are ambiguous in English often lack an ambiguous Czech equivalent: the two structures that can be assigned to the English sentence are formally distinguished in Czech so that no ambiguity is involved. On the other hand, ...
Drug Resistance in Leukemia and Lymphoma III

Drug Resistance in Leukemia and Lymphoma III


... Gabriela Feketová, Kassmine Jess, Libuše Gojová, Ivo Kaspárek, Jan Stary,” Bohumír Blazek," Dagmar Pospíšilová, and Zbynik Novák "Laboratory of Experimental Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Palacky University 775 20 Olomouc, ...

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