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Categorical Closure Operators

Categorical Closure Operators

Gabriele Castellini

The first one to see in Salbany's closure construction a great potential for further development was Eraldo Giuli who in [Gi] used it to obtain a characterization of the epimorphisms in epireflective subcategories of Top. The first paper to present a ...
Categorical Perspectives

Categorical Perspectives


Gabriele Castellini, who was a graduate student of George's along with the author from 1982 until 1986, had studied with Eraldo Giuli from the University of L 'Aquila before coming to the United States. In fact, George had met him there during ...
General Topology and Applications

General Topology and Applications


Eraldo Giuli University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy ABSTRACT. Given infinite cardinal numbers a ^ b let P[a,b] be the class of all Hausdorff spaces of character not greater than b and such that every


Canadian Mathematical Society

89 Eraldo Giuli, University of L'Aquila, Italy (General Topology), Oct. 4-7/89 DISTINGUISHED AWARDS YORK UNIVERSITY Professor D.A.S. Fraser ( statistics) is the 1990-recipient of the R.A. Fisher Award and will be the R.A. Fisher Lecturer ...
Axiom of Choice

Axiom of Choice

Horst Herrlich

... Consequences of the Axiom of Choice, • to those colleagues and friends whose curiosity, knowledge, and creativity provided ample inspiration, often leading to joint publications: Lamar Bentley, Norbert Brunner, Marcel Ern ́e, Eraldo Giuli, ...
Categorical Structures and Their Applications: Proceedings ...

Categorical Structures and Their Applications: Proceedings ...

Werner G_hler

Proceedings of the North-West European Category Seminar, Berlin, Germany, 28 -29 March 2003. THE STRUCTURE OF AFFINE ALGEBRAIC SETS ERALDO GIULI Department of Mathematics University of L'Aquila 67100 L'Aquila, Italy ...
Cahiers de Topologie Et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques

Cahiers de Topologie Et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques

More editions

[22] J. Slapal, Convergence structures for catégories, Appl. Categorical Structures 9 (2001), 557-570. [23] J. Slapal, Compactness with respect to a convergence structure, Quaes- tiones Math. 25 (2002), 19-27. Eraldo Giuli, Dipartimento di ...
Index Analysis: Approach Theory at Work

Index Analysis: Approach Theory at Work

Robert Lowen

Further, I have collaborated on approach theory, either in its own right or related to metrically generated theories, lax-algebraic theories, or approach frames, with many colleagues: Maria-Manuel Clementino, Guiseppe Di Maio, Eraldo Giuli, ...
Categorical Topology: Proceedings of the L'Aquila Conference ...

Categorical Topology: Proceedings of the L'Aquila Conference ...

Eraldo Giuli

The Katetov Dimension of Proximity Spaces An internal approach H. L. BENTLEY Department of Mathematics, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606 U.S.A. M. HUSEK Department of Mathematics, Charles University, Sokolovskd 83, 18600 ...

who called from an unknown number?