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Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural ...
Eva IllouzIn her unique study of American love in the twentieth century, Eva Illouz unravels the mass of images that define our ideas of love and romance, revealing that the experience of "true" love is deeply embedded in the experience of consumer ...
La salvación del alma moderna
Eva IllouzSin embargo, la sociología y el análisis cultural han soslayado el estudio de ese proceso, de modo tal que esta obra de Eva Illouz viene a ocupar un sitio vacío en la comprensión de nuestra modernidad.
Die neue Liebesordnung: Frauen, Männer und Shades of Grey
Eva IllouzEva Illouz liest die Trilogie vor dem Hintergrund der These, daß manche Bücher deshalb zu Bestsellern werden, weil sie ein tatsächlich bestehendes und weitverbreitetes sozio-kulturelles Problem zugleich darstellen und lösen. »Shades of ...
Eva's Berlijn
Eva Wald LevetonEva is net vijf jaar als de Tweede Wereldoorlog in 1939 uitbreekt. Ze is de dochter van een Arische moeder en een Joodse vader. Gelukkig kan Eva’s vader op tijd ontkomen naar Amerika, maar Eva en haar moeder blijven achter.
Eva's Berlin: Memories of a Wartime Childood
Eva LevetonMemories of a Wartime Childood Eva Leveton. Eva's Berlin -Memories of a Wartime Childhood EvaWald Leveton Thumbprint Press COPYRIGHT © 2000 by Eva Wald Leveton. All rights reserved.
My Life as Eva: The Struggle is Real
Eva GutowskiFrom the popular YouTube tastemaker Eva Gutowski comes her nationally bestselling lifestyle and advice book on the ups and downs of life, told in her hilarious and earnest voice. What’s up guys? It’s me, Eva!
The Artistic Muse
Georgia Eva XanthopoulosGeorgia Eva Xanthopoulos. The Artistic Muse Written By Georgia Eva Xanthopoulos Poetry Copyright © 2010 by Georgia Eva Xanthopoulos All rights.
Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism
Eva IllouzBuilding on and revising the intellectual legacy of critical theory, this book addresses these questions and offers a new interpretation of the reasons why the public and the private, the economic and the emotional spheres have become ...
Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation
Eva IllouzThis book does to love what Marx did to commodities: it shows that it is shaped by social relations and institutions and that it circulates in a marketplace of unequal actors.
Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism
Eva IllouzBuilding on and revising the intellectual legacy of critical theory, this book addresses these questions and offers a new interpretation of the reasons why the public and the private, the economic and the emotional spheres have become ...
Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture ...
Eva IllouzSaving the Modern Soul examines the profound impact of therapeutic discourse on our lives and on our contemporary notions of identity.
Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation
Eva Illouz73 And Lisa Rene Reynolds, a psychologist, musing about Internet dating, says: “ You think people won't respond to your profile if you say you want marriage and kids, so you don't take a chance and go after what you really want.”74 To repeat ...
Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation
Eva Illouz73 And Lisa Rene Reynolds, a psychologist, musing about Internet dating, says: “ You think people won't respond to your profile if you say you want marriage and kids, so you don't take a chance and go after what you really want.”74 To repeat ...
The Last Diet: Cook Yourself Thin with Dr Eva
Eva OrsmondThis is the last diet you'll ever need. Why? Because Dr Eva Orsmond, at last, gives you the truth about healthy weight loss for life.
Auntie Eva's Boarder
Mako AllenHe soon realizes he might not be as mature as he'd thought after the first time she spanks him bare-bottom over her knee. When Eva starts putting him in diapers, he learns he's a lot more than just Auntie Eva's boarder.
Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
PreviewEva Cruz agrees that there is little comaradrie or support from other Latinos. Eva has two Latino and three white employees in her catering business. "I don't see any special loyalty from Hispanic customers," Eva explains, "My customers come ...
Encountering Eva Hesse
Griselda PollockEncountering Eva Hesse presents new writing on the work of Eva Hesse (1936-70) by international artists, curators, and art historians who examine the varied framings of exhibition, studio, and writing for their encounters with these still ...
Irrational Judgments: Eva Hesse, Sol LeWitt, and 1960s New York
Kirsten SwensonHelen Hesse Charash was interviewed by Vanessa Corby for her article on Eva Hesse's Jewish identity. Vanessa Corby, “Don't Look Back: Reading for the Ellipses in the Discourse of Eva Hess[e],” Third Text 57 (Winter 2001–2): 37. 13.
Queenship, Gender, and Reputation in the Medieval and Early ...
PreviewZita Eva Rohr, Lisa Benz. Zita Eva Rohr • Lisa Benz Editors Queenship, Gender, and Reputation in the Medieval and Early Modern West, 1060–1600 Editors Zita Eva Rohr Sydney, New South Wales Australia Lisa.
Eva HesseThe long-awaited publication of the personal diaries of pioneering American artist Eva Hesse Eva Hesse (1936-1970) is known for her sculptures that made innovative use of industrial and everyday materials.
The Idiot (The Unabridged Eva Martin Translation)
Fyodor DostoevskyThis is the version based on the unabridged Eva Martin translation. The Idiot is a novel written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published serially in The Russian Messenger between 1868 and 1869.
Educational testing and evaluation: design, analysis, and policy
Eva L. Bakerdesign, analysis, and policy Eva L. Baker, Madras, Edys S. Quellmalz, Madras. Presidency of Army, University of California, Los Angeles. Center for the Study of Evaluation. addressed themselves to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, ...
Eva Perón: The Myths of a Woman
Julie TaylorEva Perón, one of the most powerful women in the world at the time of her death in 1952, rose from humble origins to international renown as First Lady of Argentina and the force behind the throne of her husband Juan Perón.
Problems in Modern Latin American History: Sources and ...
PreviewThe Lady of Hope and the Woman of the Black Myth 4 Julie M. Taylor* 4. Peronist Feminism in Argentina 4 Eva Perón* 5. Women's. *From Julie M. Taylor, Eva Perón: The Myths of a Woman (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979), 75– 81 ...
EVA: The Real Key to Creating Wealth
Al EhrbarYet, despite its increasing visibility, most executives still only have a vague notion of what EVA is and what it can do for their company. This groundbreaking book explains and clarifies all.
Women in Hispanic Literature: Icons and Fallen Idols
Full viewThe relationship between women is, however, a central aspect of Ana Maria Moix's novel Julia,21 in which the protagonist Julia has a deep involvement with her university literature professor, Eva. Eva's importance in the novel is not merely ...
Una lengua injertada: poesía irlandesa del siglo XX
PreviewPOESÍA IRLANDESA DEL SIGLO XX Edición bilingüe Coordinadora: Eva Cruz Yáñez Seminario Permanente de Traducción Literaria Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, unam: Nair María Anaya Ferreira, Flora Botton-Burlá, Charlotte Broad, Eva ...
Puerto Rico: a Quick Overview of the Island and its People
PreviewEurípides Rubio, 363, 397 Europe, 90, 130, 247, 248 European colonization of the Americas, 257 European ethnic groups, 195 European Space Agency, 402 European Theatre of World War II, 162, 388 Eva Cruz, 374, 384 Eva LaRue, 271, ...
who called from an unknown number?