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The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States

The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States

Florian Cajori

The first American quadrator we shall mention is William David Clark Murdock, who, in a pamphlet of eight pages, bearing no date, gives a Demonstration of the Quadrature of the Circle. The next man on our list is John A. Parker, whose work  ...


Florian Illies

If Florian Illies gave his generation a name in his book Generation Golf, in Local Call [Ortsgesprch] he gives a face to his native land.
Alle Eulen

Alle Eulen

Filip Florian

Filip Florian gelingt mit diesem Buch ein leidenschaftliches Lob der Freundschaft und zeigt, dass es bisweilen reicht, seinen Blickwinkel leicht zu ändern, um glücklich zu sein und die Fülle des Lebens zu sehen.
omnibeasts: animal poems and paintings

omnibeasts: animal poems and paintings

Douglas Florian

Get ready to bark, purr, and howl the night away with this high-spirited, special-sized gift edition featuring forty-four of Douglas Florian's favorite animal poems and paintings.
Chenzine literare:

Chenzine literare:

Tania Radu

Filip Florian, Toate bufniţele, Polirom, Iaşi, 2012. Din fericire, prozatorul Filip Florian a fost de la bun început iubit de critici, comentat, lăudatchiar şi dincolo de blestematele „tabere“ literare. Mare diferenţăde tratament faţă de Mircea Cărtărescu, ...
Helium und Katzengold: Elementare Geschichten

Helium und Katzengold: Elementare Geschichten

Florian Werner

Florian Werner hat jedem davon einen Text gewidmet und dabei dessen Eigenschaften aufgegriffen; Kurzgeschichten, die in den Naturwissenschaften – Chemie und Physik – genauso zu Hause sind wie in der Literatur.
Zilele regelui

Zilele regelui

Filip Florian

Filip Florian este autorul romanului Degete micispan style= color: #ce0500; – Premiul pentru „Cel mai bun debut in proza“ acordat in 2006 de Uniunea Scriitorilor din Romania Premiul de excelenta pentru debut in literatura al U.N.P.R. ...
Anleitung zum Unschuldigsein

Anleitung zum Unschuldigsein

Florian Illies

Ich sollte weniger Geld für Kleidung ausgeben. Ich sollte mehr Obst essen. Ich sollte mal wieder die leeren Flaschen wegbringen. Florian Illies' Buch ›Generation Golf‹ (Band 15065) erschien 2001 im Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
Gerade war der Himmel noch blau: Texte zur Kunst

Gerade war der Himmel noch blau: Texte zur Kunst

Florian Illies

Vor allem faszinieren Florian Illies die Maler und die Bilder selbst, Vergangenheit wird in seinen Texten unmittelbar als Gegenwart erfahrbar, unter seinem Blick entstehen bewegte Bilder in Farbe, werden aus historischen Figuren ...
Haase, AStG/DBA

Haase, AStG/DBA

Katharina Becker

Katharina Becker Florian Haase. Art. 6: Art. 7: Art. 8: Art. 9: Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. 10: 11: 12: 13: 15 und 16: 17: 18 und 19: 20: 21: Sylvia Galke / Prof. Dr. Florian Haase, M.I.Tax Rechtsanwältin, Steuerberaterin, Deloitte & Touche ...


Douglas Florian

Presents twenty-one short poems about such insects as the inchworm, termite, cricket, and mayfly.
Beast Feast

Beast Feast

Douglas Florian

In this hilarious collection of twenty-one original animal poems and paintings, the animals are out in all their finned, furry, and feathered glory.


Douglas Florian

A collection of more than one hundred humorous poems on such topics as ogres, pizza, fear, school, dragons, trees, and hair.
Guardians of Language: Twenty Voices Through History

Guardians of Language: Twenty Voices Through History

Florian Coulmas

This book provides an accessible account of the origins and conceptual foundations of language policy.


Florian Filip

Baiuteii a fost tradus in Polonia (Czarne) urmand sa fie publicat si in Spania (Acantilado) si Bulgaria (Panorama +).


Douglas Florian

Featuring a dynamic vertical format that illustrates the incredible heights and shapes of the trees, this book illuminates the natural history of these majestic beings as well as their unique and quirky characteristics.
1913: The Year before the Storm

1913: The Year before the Storm

Florian Illies

A witty yet moving narrative worked up from sketched biographical fragments, 1913 is an intimate vision of a world that is about to change forever.

who called from an unknown number?