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Dictionary of Canadian Biography

Dictionary of Canadian Biography

Francess G. Halpenny

ROTHNEY, GORDON OLIVER. Honorary fellow, St John's College, and formerly professor of history, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Marc-Amable Girard. ROUILLARD, JACQUES. Professeur d'histoire, Universite de Montreal, ...
Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada

Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada

More editions

FRANCESSG. HALPENNY, F.R.S.C.*. Twenty. Years. of. Canadian. Biography1. THIS ADDRESS TAKES its place among other sessions of Academy n for 1986 which described and analyzed large research projects of recent years in the ...
The French and Indian War and the Conquest of New France

The French and Indian War and the Conquest of New France

William R. Nester

Hayne, FrancessG. Halpenny,and Ramsay Cook, eds. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966–. Brown, Peter Douglas. WilliamPitt, Earlof Chatham: The Great Commoner. London: AllenandUnwin, 1978.
Theories of Empire, 1450–1800

Theories of Empire, 1450–1800


1707 119 RAPQ 193940, p. 260.'Journal de ('Expedition d'Amérique commencé en l'Année 1756, du 26avr. 1757 120 RAPQ, 193940, 413. Mémoire du Roi à MM de Vaudreuil et Raudot, Versailles, 6juin 1708 121 FrancessG. Halpenny, ed.
A Reference Guide for English Studies

A Reference Guide for English Studies

Michael J. Marcuse

5th (1969). Editing Twentieth-Century Texts. Edited by FrancessG.Halpenny. 1972. PN162.E31969 6th (1970). Editing Seventeenth-Century Prose. Edited by D.I.B.Smith. 1972. PNl62.C621970 7th (1971). Editing Texts of the Romantic Period.

who called from an unknown number?