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African Politics in Comparative Perspective

African Politics in Comparative Perspective

Goran Hyden

This revised and expanded second edition of African Politics in Comparative Perspective reviews fifty years of research on politics in Africa and addresses some issues in a new light, keeping in mind the changes in Africa since the first ...
Alvar Aalto: the complete catalogue of architecture, design, ...

Alvar Aalto: the complete catalogue of architecture, design, ...

Göran Schildt

With the full cooperation of the Alvar Aalto Foundation, Goran Schildt has explored its archives, and some 20,000 letters, memoranda and contemporary newspaper cuttings as well as many building models, to ensure that every work is included ...
Od šapata do vriska

Od šapata do vriska

Goran Skrobonja

Goran Skrobonja. U ponedeljak, Ana Čolović nije bila na času. Dežurni joj je rekao da je javila drugarici da je imala smrtni slučaj u porodici. U nekom trenutku tokom vikenda, dok je Marija lebdela u zaboravu, Ana Čolović je ostala bez oca.
Navajo Area Newsletter

Navajo Area Newsletter

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... Theron Honyumptewa, Sarah M. Horseherder, Danny Humetewa, Trina C. Humetewa, Myron Huskon, Larry Hyden; ... Frank Stevens, Felipita Stewart; Elean or Talahytewa, Lloyd Talawyma, Phillin Talayumptewa, Elouise Tallman, Paul ...
Alvar Aalto, the mature years

Alvar Aalto, the mature years

Göran Schildt

In the last of a three-part biography, the author traces the noted Finnish architect's life and career from 1939 to his death in 1976
Alvar Aalto: the decisive years

Alvar Aalto: the decisive years

Göran Schildt

Traces the influential Finnish architect's life and career from the late 1920s to 1939 and examines his designs for houses, apartment buildings, banks, schools, theaters, and office buildings
Alvar Aalto: Master Works

Alvar Aalto: Master Works

Göran Schildt

и»? m и ¡bics hRCM 1920S - 6 ' 1930S 30 il: I.: ' 1940S ~; 1950S 9C Vf I 16 128 I 36 ; 0 1 62 170 1960S 180 f • 210 FURNItURE AND OBJECtS 216 V 224 , '. contents introduction by michael trencher seinajokl defense corps building.
Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology

Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology

Jeffrey C. Pommerville

... Introduction to Plant Biology, Fourth Edition James D. Mauseth Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body Stanton Braude, Deena Goran, & Shelley Maxfield Clinical Information Systems: Overcoming Adverse Consequences Dean F.
Fundamentals of Microbiology

Fundamentals of Microbiology

Jeffrey C. Pommerville

... Fifth Edition James D. Mauseth Botany: A Lab Manual Stacy Pfluger Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body, Second Edition Stanton Braude, Deena Goran, & Alexander Miceli Electron Microscopy, Second Edition John J. Bozzola ...
Open Fire: Understanding Global Gun Cultures

Open Fire: Understanding Global Gun Cultures


Goran Aijmer and Jon Abbink, pp. xi–xvii. Oxford: Berg. Abdel-Nabi, S. (2001). The Death of a Palestinian Child, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Washington, DC, September 30, 2001, XX(6): 95–6. Afflitto, F. M. (2000).
Iptables Tutorial 1.2.2

Iptables Tutorial 1.2.2


Version 1.1.6 (7 December 2001) By: Oskar Andreasson Contributors: Jim Ramsey, Phil Schultz, Göran Båge, Doug Monroe, Jasper Aikema, Kurt Lieber, Chris Tallon, Chris Martin, Jonas Pasche, Jan ...
Environmental Economics: A Theoretical Inquiry

Environmental Economics: A Theoretical Inquiry

Karl-Göran Mäler

Quality asaProblem of Social Choice, ̄in Allen V.Kneese and BlairT. Bower, eds. , Environmental Quality Analysis:Theory and Method in the Social Sciences. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UniversityPress,1972. Hestenes, MagnusR., Calculusof ...
Incitement in International Law

Incitement in International Law

Wibke K. Timmermann

102 Bikindi TrialJudgment, 2 December 2008, para 387. 103 Ibid. 104 Nahimana AppealJudgment, 28 November 2007, para 706. 105 Alexander Zahar and Göran Sluiter, International Criminal Law: A Critical Introduction (Oxford University ...
RIBA Journal

RIBA Journal

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The Alvar Aalto guide THE ALVAR AALTO GUIDE MICHAEL ftENCHft • PIINCEIOr By Michael Trencher Princeton Architectural Press, £16.95 Alvar Aalto: Masterworks By Goran Schildt Thames & Hudson, £14.95 If you can track it down  ...

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