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Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Černi"

Based on them, water and salt regimes of the soil, water chemistry regime and agricultural production in 1968 defined h) Not published 4 — a) Monitoring and Measurements of Hydrochemical, Hydrological and Salinization Phenomena and Agricultural Utilization in the Zone which Might be Affected by the Backing-Up of the Danube Due to the Djerdap Dam in 1969 b) Djerdap Power Plant Enterprise c) Ljubomir Grujic, dipl. inz., Jelena Bogdanovic, dipl. inz., Emilija Todo- rovic, dipl.
Stetkevych, Jaroslav: Zephyrs of Najd:

Stetkevych, Jaroslav: Zephyrs of Najd:

Jaroslav Stetkevych

Taking a comparatist approach, Jaroslav Stetkevych attempts in this book to integrate the classical Arabic lyric into an enlarged understanding of lyric poetry as a genre.
The Modern Arabic Literary Language: Lexical and Stylistic ...

The Modern Arabic Literary Language: Lexical and Stylistic ...

Jaroslav Stetkevych

In this volume a respected and masterful scholar of the Arabic language Jaroslav Stetkevych notes the ways that new words have been incorporated into the language, ranging from deriving new terms from existing roots (for example, the word ...
České disertace

České disertace

More editions

... Ivan 838, 57, 58 777, 916, Dvořák, Jaroslav 918, 919 Dvořák, Jaroslav 655 Dvořák, Miroslav 713 Dvořák, Richard 412 Dvořák, Vladimír 962 Dvořáková, Dagmar 672 Dytrych, Vladimír 118 Ebert, Miroslav 354, 355 Ehrmann, Jiří 582 Endryáš, ...
Lost in Canada?

Lost in Canada?

More editions

Linda ZIMMERMAN, Box 44, Walhalla, ND 58282 XXXXXXXXXX FOR SALE: Elmer Courteau Genealogical Library Institut G§n§aloglque Drouin. Dlctlonnalre national des canadiens francais 1608- 1760. 3 volumes. (Canada: The Institut ...
Miscellaneous Publication

Miscellaneous Publication


Peninsula Horticultural Society. Transactions. Dover, Del. Penn State Farmer. State College, Pa. Perfumery and Essential Oil Record. London. Biologicheskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut. Institut des Recherches Biologiques de Perm.
The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece

The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece

Judith M. Barringer

... (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin), Candace Smith, Matthias Steinhart (JuliusMaximiliansUniversität Würzburg), Andrew Stewart (University of California, Berkeley), Jutta Stroszeck (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Kerameikos, ...
Abbreviations Used in the Dept. of Agri. for Titles of ...

Abbreviations Used in the Dept. of Agri. for Titles of ...


Peninsula Horticultural Society. Transactions. Dover, Del. Penn State Farmer. State College, Pa. Perfumery and Essential Oil Record. London. Biologicheskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut. Institut des Recherches Biologiques de Perm.
Schumann's Virtuosity: Criticism, Composition, and ...

Schumann's Virtuosity: Criticism, Composition, and ...

Alexander Stefaniak

In Instrumentalistinnen-Lexikon, Sophie Drinker Institut für Musikwissenschaftliche Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung. Accessed March 15 , 2013. Bergmann, Hanna, and Mirjam Gerber. “ Voigt, Henriette.
الشعر العربي و الاستشراق

الشعر العربي و الاستشراق

Jaroslav Stetkevych

Looks at the relationship between Arabic poetry and the poetic tradition in the west.
Medieval Latin Christian Texts on the Jewish Calendar: A ...

Medieval Latin Christian Texts on the Jewish Calendar: A ...

C. Philipp E. Nothaft

In Les univer- sités a la fin du Moyen Age: Actes du Congrès international de Louvain, 26–30 mai 1975, edited by JacquesPaquetand JozefIjsewijn, 256–275. Publicationsde l'Institut d'Études Médiévales, 2nd ser., vol. 2. Louvain: Institut ...
Text& Kontext

Text& Kontext

Rolf Wiecker

Leif L. Albertsen Aarhus Universitet Institut for germansk filologi Bygning 326, Ndr . Ringgade DK - ARHUS C. Heinrich Anz Kobenhavns Universitet Institut for germansk filologi Njalsgade 80 DK - 2300 KOPENHAGEN S Hartmut Böhme ...
Sociology: an international bibliography of serial ...

Sociology: an international bibliography of serial ...

Jan Wepsiec

Series of papers. Some issues in revised editions. 904 Instituts Solvay. Institut de Sociologie. BIB- LIOTHEQUE SOCIOLOGIQUE. 1, 1903. Bruxelles. Superseded by its Etudes Sociales. 905 Instituts Solvay. Institut de Sociologie. BULLETIN.
Referativnyi Zhurnal Geofizika

Referativnyi Zhurnal Geofizika

Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoi informatsii

Institut nauchnoi informatsii. Дается краткий очерк развития океанографии со времен американского «следопыта моря» М. Ф. Мори до осуществления проекта «Мохол». ... 4В26 К. Лоция Средиземного моря. Т. 1а. Лигурийское море ...
Revue de l'Institut Napoléon

Revue de l'Institut Napoléon

Institut Napoléon

La nature et la méthode des recherches de Joseph Valyn- seele, non seulement sur l'ascendance et la carrière des maréchaux, jaais sur leur descendance ( chapitres d'intérêt révélateur, parfois piquant, pour l'histoire sociale) garantit ...
Annual Report of the Institute of Phonetics of the ...

Annual Report of the Institute of Phonetics of the ...

Københavns universitet. Institut for fonetik

Københavns universitet. Institut for fonetik. Ni el s Reinholt Petersen: "Perceptual compensation for segmentai - ly conditioned fundamental frequency perturbation ", Phonetica 43, 1986, 31-42 Jorgen Rischel: "Is there just one level of prosodic ...


Karlsruhe (Germany) Kernforschungszentrum

Gabriele Bürle Dipl.-Phys. E. Diegele Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Institut für Material- und Festkörperforschung IV Postfach 36 40, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1 Dipl.-Phys. Michael Dzierzawa Institut Tür Theorie der Kondensierten Materie ...
Coherent and Collective Interactions of Particles and ...

Coherent and Collective Interactions of Particles and ...


Michael HARTL Universität Konstanz Fakultät für Physik Postfach 5560 78434 KONSTANZ Germany Henning HINDERTHÚR Institut für Quantenoptik Universität Hannover Welfengarten 1 30167 HANNOVER Germany Peter HORAK Institut für ...
Nahost Jahrbuch 1991: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ...

Nahost Jahrbuch 1991: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ...

Deutsches Orient-Institut

Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten Deutsches Orient-Institut, Thomas Koszinowski, Hanspeter Mattes. Zur Umschrift Soweit möglich, wurden bei der Wiedergabe von Eigennamen ...
Annales de l'Institut archéologique du Luxembourg

Annales de l'Institut archéologique du Luxembourg

Institut archéologique du Luxembourg, Arlon, Belgium

... Jean Collen , bourgeois de La Roche , comme mari de Marguerite , fille du dit feu Thomas le Foullon , avec eux le jeune Jean Collen , leur fils , le vieux Jean Collen , tuteur des enfants de Jehenne le Foullon , sœur de Marguerite , Nicolas  ...
Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry: From the Golden Age of Spain to ...

Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry: From the Golden Age of Spain to ...


Jaroslav Stetkevych, The Zephyrs of Najd: The Poetics of Nostalgia in the Classical Arabic Nasib (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993). See for information on the development of this and other themes. 18. Raymond P. Scheindlin, The ...
Reorientations: Arabic and Persian Poetry

Reorientations: Arabic and Persian Poetry


THE SEVEN WORDS OF THE NASIB Jaroslav Stetkevych The nasib, or opening section of the classical Arabic ode, with its recurrent elegiac motifs — the ruined abodes, the lost mistress, etc. — has traditionally been categorized as concretely  ...


More editions

Rainera ö. 54. Jaroslav Perner, PhDr., adjunkt Musea království Ces- kého; nar. 25. bfezna 1869 v Labském Tynci; dopisujícím clenem zvolen dne 4. prosince 1903. Bydlí na Kr. Vinohradech, Kollárova ul. ö. ç. Bohumil Kucera, PhDr., mimof.
Slánský obzor

Slánský obzor

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JOSEF CIZEK, majitel dfevafství v Slaném, z ah y nul V koncentraônim tábofe v Terezinë JAROSLAV CHYSK?, ridící uëitel v. v., Slany JOSEF KUNES, feditel mëstanské skoly v. v., Slany ALOIS MEZERA, architekt, Praha-Dejvice FRANTISEK ...
Tradition and Modernity in Arabic Language And Literature

Tradition and Modernity in Arabic Language And Literature

J R Smart

Jaroslav Stetkevych University of Chicago Arabic poetry is a poetry of a very clearly circumscribed repertory of themes. With much formal rigour these themes are distributed over the Arabic poem's (qasidah's) three structural 'sections', - the  ...
Muḥammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian Myth

Muḥammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian Myth

Jaroslav Stetkevych

... the Encyclopaedia Britannica, preface by Prof. W. Robertson Smith (New York: Meridian Books, 1957), p. 218. So too, Wilhelm Wittekindt (Das Hohe Lied und seine Beziehungen zum Istarkult [Hannover: Orient-Buchhandlung Heinz Lafaire,  ...

who called from an unknown number?