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The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren

The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren

Iona Archibald Opie

First published in 1959, Iona and Peter Opie's The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren is a pathbreaking work of scholarship that is also a splendid and enduring work of literature.
Tail Feathers from Mother Goose: The Opie Rhyme Book

Tail Feathers from Mother Goose: The Opie Rhyme Book

Iona Archibald Opie

An illustrated collection of traditional verses, most of which have never been published before.
The Opie collection of children's literature

The Opie collection of children's literature

Iona Archibald Opie

London : J.W. Parker, 1839 . 224, 7 p. : ill. "This little work is founded on one published under the same title by Dr. Alcott." — Editor's preface. Publisher's advertisements on last 8 pages. Includes index. — Alcott, William Alexander, 1798-1859.
Little Boy Blue and Other Rhymes

Little Boy Blue and Other Rhymes

Iona Archibald Opie

The timeless world of mother goose has cpativated young children for generations.
The People in the Playground

The People in the Playground

Iona Opie

In the uninhibited language and astonishing inventiveness chronicled in these pages we recognize the games and jokes of previous generations; at once a revelation and a reassurance of continuity, this book offers a unique insight into the ...
Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies & ...

Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies & ...

Fred Opie

214. Ibid., 49. 215. Frederick Douglass Opie interview with Dr. Rodney Ellis, summer 2005; Frederick Douglass Opie interview with nutritionist Joan B. Lewis, summer 2005. 216. Frederick Douglass Opie interview with Lamenta Crouch, 2005.
Here Comes Mother Goose

Here Comes Mother Goose

Iona Archibald Opie

Presents more than sixty traditional nursery rhymes, including "Old Mother Hubbard, " "I'm a Little Teapot, " and "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, " accompanied by illustrations of various animals.
Children's games with things: marbles, fivestones, throwing ...

Children's games with things: marbles, fivestones, throwing ...

Iona Archibald Opie

Covering everything from marbles to hopscotch, this groundbreaking survey of children's games constitutes--with "Children's Games in Street and Playground" (1969) and "The Singing Game" (1985)--the final volume of the Opies' acclaimed ...
An Iona Prayer Book

An Iona Prayer Book

Peter Millar

A bestselling prayer book that follows the pattern of daily worship in Iona Abbey.
Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution

Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution

Frederick Douglass Opie

The Sandwich Brigade organized efforts to feed the thousands at the March on Washington. Author Fred Opie details the ways southern food nourished the fight for freedom, along with cherished recipes associated with the era.
Iona Dreaming: The Healing Power of Place

Iona Dreaming: The Healing Power of Place

Clare Cooper Marcus

Her compelling memoir Iona Dreaming is an inspirational account of personal survival and hope in which Clare shares her recovery from a life-threatening illness, which deepens into a contemplation of the events in her life and her physical, ...
The Roots of Urban Renaissance

The Roots of Urban Renaissance

Brian D. Goldstein

Historian Frederick Douglass Opie has described the political and cultural importance accorded to “soul food” as a specifically African American cuisine in the Black Power era. See Frederick Douglass Opie, Hog and Hominy: Soul Food from ...
The Turner Book: Tate Essential Artists Series

The Turner Book: Tate Essential Artists Series

Sam Smiles

13 Emendation to John Opie's Lectures on Painting (p.23), cited in Barry Venning , 'Turner's Annotated Books: Opie's "Lectures on Painting" and Shee's "Elements of Art" (I)', Turner Studies, vol.2, no.1. Summer 1982, p.41. 14 'I mean not to ...
Hog and Hominy: Soul Food from Africa to America

Hog and Hominy: Soul Food from Africa to America

Frederick Douglass Opie

Soul Food from Africa to America Frederick Douglass Opie. ch apte r. eAting. jim. croW. Restaurants,. Barbecue. Stands,. and. Bars. and. Grills. During. Segregation. Black folk bought and thoroughly enjoyed soul food long before restaurant ...
Letters to the Lost

Letters to the Lost

Iona Grey

It was big juicy read that reminded me of books that I loved in the past that wrapped you up, held you tight and didn't put you down until you were left devastated that the book had ended yet totally satisfied' Liz Fenwick 'A warm, ...
Iona: A Pilgrim's Guide

Iona: A Pilgrim's Guide

Peter Millar

Every wednesday, there is a pilgrimage around the island and this guide follows its route, stopping at all the principal sites to reflect on the island's history rooted in Celtic spirituality, and to pray for the needs of the world.
Consuming Agency in Fairy Tales, Childlore, and Folkliterature

Consuming Agency in Fairy Tales, Childlore, and Folkliterature

Susan Honeyman

Frederick Douglass Opie explains that “[m]olasses, like cornbread, was considered by most to be among the 'roughest of food,' suitable for slaves and poor whites,” for whom the three Ms—molasses, (corn)meal, and (hog)meat— made up the ...
The Michigan Historical Review

The Michigan Historical Review

More editions

James T. Carroll Iona College Kevin L. Borg. Auto Mechanics: Technology and Expertise in Twentieth-Century America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. Pp. 249. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Cloth, $50.00.
Comparisons and Interactions Within/Across Cultures

Comparisons and Interactions Within/Across Cultures

Ludmilla Kostova, Iona Sarieva and Mihaela Irimia

Ed. William Allan Nelson. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1907. - - -. Romances of Roguery: An Episode in the History of the Novel. Part 1: The Picaresque Novel in Spain. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1899. Croston ...
Happy Endings: The Tales of a Meaty-Breasted Zilch

Happy Endings: The Tales of a Meaty-Breasted Zilch

Jim Norton

The popular stand-up comedian offers an offbeat, frequently raunchy memoir of his life, in which he shares his affinity for hookers, the time he stalked Black Sabbath and Alan Alda, his experiences with Opie and Anthony, his arrest on the ...
The Surprise of the Sacred: Finding God in Unexpected Places

The Surprise of the Sacred: Finding God in Unexpected Places

Peter Millar

Author and former warden of Iona Abbey, Peter Millar reflects on where the sacred may be found in the modern world. This book shows how to recognise and celebrate the authentic presence and work of the Holy Spirit.
Nature's Nation: An Environmental History of the United States

Nature's Nation: An Environmental History of the United States

John Opie

NATURE'S NATION examines our consumer-based industrial and urban society, and comments upon the heavy human and environmental price this society exacts.
Art Now: Interviews with Modern Artists

Art Now: Interviews with Modern Artists


Art Now is a series of interview-based profiles of prominent contemporary visual artists, bringing together the work of Howard Hodgkin, Antony Gormley, Rachel Whiteread, Julian Opie, Mark Wallinger, and 2001 Turner Prize winner Martin Creed ...
Both Sides of Sunset: Photographing Los Angeles

Both Sides of Sunset: Photographing Los Angeles

Jane Brown

"Both Sides of Sunset" showcases many of the artists featured in the original book-such as Lewis Baltz, Catherine Opie, Stephen Shore and James Welling-but also incorporates new images that portray a city that is at once unhinged and driven ...
The curfew: a play, in five acts. As performed at the ...

The curfew: a play, in five acts. As performed at the ...

John Tobin

As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane John Tobin. EPILOGUE. BY MRS . OPIE. {Spoken by Miss Duncan.) M ay I come forward, ? Do I friends behold ? Has not our Curfew then its own knell toll'd ? I fear'd our drama's name alone ...
Upsetting the Apple Cart: Black-Latino Coalitions in New ...

Upsetting the Apple Cart: Black-Latino Coalitions in New ...

Frederick Douglass Opie

César J. Ayala and Rafael Bernabe, Puerto Rico in the American Century: A History Since 1898 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007), 243; Rose Muzio, “Puerto Rican Radicalism in the 1970s: El Comité-MINP” (Ph.D. diss ., ...
Black Labor Migration in Caribbean Guatemala, 1882-1923

Black Labor Migration in Caribbean Guatemala, 1882-1923

Frederick Douglass Opie

This is a wonderful case study that complicates Latin American history, and particularly labor history in that region, by emphasizing the positive role played by black migrants in labor mobilization in Guatemala.

who called from an unknown number?