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Catalogo metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle publicazioni ...

Catalogo metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle publicazioni ...

Italy. Parlamento. Camera dei deputati. Biblioteca

1129 » Conder'sSyrianStone-Iore(SyrianStone- lore; or the monumentai history of Palestine, by Claude Reignier Condor). 1130 CONFALONIERI. ... Le esequie del conte Federico Confalo- nieri in Milano. 1131 CONFORTI I gesuiti nel regno ...
A History of Video Art

A History of Video Art

Chris Meigh-Andrews

Centro Video Arte Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara was the other significant centre of activity for video art in Italy. For example it was here that Fabrizio Plessi (1940, Italy) produced his first videotapes Acquabiografico (1973) and Travel ( 1974), ...
Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia

Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia

More editions

... monete e della biblioteca nel palazzo di Brera in quanto queste raccolte sarebbero state didatticamente importanti per le scuole delle Belle Arti in Brera. 33 Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Il fondo Cameroni, a cura di Luisa Corvi Agostini, ...
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Italy

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Italy


Orto Botanico del Gianicolo Castel Sant ' Angelo LARgo MUTILATI E PIAZZA CAVOUR di Giustizia PIAZZA DEI ... Vo : N pV - Fl Ul ° Museo g Napoleonico Hostaria dell ' Orso A - 4 VIA D E LL o so ' o > O W \ é - < 3 A N ” > Qo V VD o N A o v ...
Dialogo su un sogno:

Dialogo su un sogno:

Pope Pius II

Pope Pius II Alessandro Scafi. nale della biblioteca e della collezione fotografica, e sulla disponibità di Nicholas Mann, direttore dell'Istituto durante gli anni della mia ricerca. Desidero anche ringraziare il personale della Biblioteca Apostolica ...
Giornale della libreria

Giornale della libreria

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Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Ex Hbris italiani, a cura di Franco Prini e Amilcare Mantegazza, Milano, 1980, pp. 48. ili., s.i.p. Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, // Fondo Cameroni, a cura di Luisa Corvi Agostini, Milano, 1981, 8°, pp. 64, ili.
The Book Trade in the Italian Renaissance

The Book Trade in the Italian Renaissance

Angela Nuovo

Courtesy of Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan ........................154 The Phoenix, mark of Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari, 1542. Courtesy of Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan ........................156 The mark of the poet Annibal Caro, from the title ...
Social Media Management: Technologies and Strategies for ...

Social Media Management: Technologies and Strategies for ...

Amy Van Looy

1 Julia Reynolds 599 Solved Help with camera Jacob Meltzer Aug. 31 Julia Reynolds 600 Solved How can I change the lens of my camera? Andrea Roseann Aug. 28 Andrew Spring 601 Unoffered Camera speed James Gory Aug. 27 Andrew ...
Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

Rosanne Dingli

A fast-moving yet poignant art heist adventure, Camera Obscura is one desperate man's struggle with obsessive love.


Chuck Palahniuk

On camera. With six hundred men. Snuff unfolds from the perspectives of Mr 72, Mr 137 and Mr 600, who await their turn on camera in a very crowded green room.
Gloria Dei: A Drama in Two Acts

Gloria Dei: A Drama in Two Acts

Scot Lahaie

In GLORIA DEI, a court order allows a brain-dead woman to die of starvation, but she is poisoned before her body gives way to deprivation.
New Philosophy of Human Nature: Neither Known to Nor ...

New Philosophy of Human Nature: Neither Known to Nor ...

Oliva Sabuco

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Cleveland State University for granting sabbatical leave to Professors Waithe and Zorita and for providing a research ... Several institutions accommodated research undertaken by Waithe and Vintro: the US. Library of Congress National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division; the Biblioteca Nacional de Espafia in Madrid; the Biblioteca y Museo de la Historia ...
Creative Camera

Creative Camera

More editions

First published in Creative Camera in Sept 1976 Jozef Legrand born 1957. Photographer and installation ... Andrea Scrima translated the text. Special thanks to Ingrid Meyer without whose support the project would never have happened !
Photographs and Photography in Irish Local History

Photographs and Photography in Irish Local History

Liam Kelly

This book gives a brief outline of the history of photography from the daguerreotype camera of early Victorian times to the digital camera.
Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography

Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography

Roland Barthes

This groundbreaking approach established Camera Lucida as one of the most important books of theory on the subject, along with Susan Sontag's On Photography.
Reconstructing Italy: The Ina-Casa Neighborhoods of the ...

Reconstructing Italy: The Ina-Casa Neighborhoods of the ...

Stephanie Zeier Pilat

7 della Via Tiburtina.” 12 Ludovico Quaroni, “Il Paese dei barocchi,” 24. 13 Carlo Aymonino, Carlo Chiarini, Federico Gorio, and Ludovico Quaroni, “Unità residenziale al km. 7 della Via Tiburtina,” 20. 14 Michelangelo Sabatino, “Back to the ...
Il secolo armato

Il secolo armato

Enzo Traverso

In questo libro, Enzo Traverso ricostruisce magistralmente il quadro d’insieme dei mutamenti che sono al centro dei grandi dibattiti storiografici attuali.
Camera Traps in Animal Ecology: Methods and Analyses

Camera Traps in Animal Ecology: Methods and Analyses


Guiding the practitioner through the entire process of using camera traps, this book is the first to compile state-of-the-art sampling techniques for the purpose of conducting high-quality science or effective management.
Representing Italy Through Food

Representing Italy Through Food


List of figures ix Notes on contributors xi Acknowledgments xv Editors' Introduction: Presenting food, representing Italy Peter Naccarato, Zachary Nowak , and Elgin K. Eckert 1 PART ONE (Re)presenting iconic Italy 1 And at last, the farmers win ...
La casa dei sogni

La casa dei sogni

Marzia Cutiepie Bisognin

Si occupa di moda e tendenze e da qualche tempo si è trasferita a Brighton, nel Regno Unito. La casa dei sogni è il suo esordio nella narrativa.
PC Mag

PC Mag

Full view

If you delete several paragraphs from either the camera column or the script column, the two columns won't lose their alignment. The camera instructions never leave their position alongside the corresponding words of the script. Martin Spinelli ...
The Hasselblad Manual

The Hasselblad Manual

Ernst Wildi

This edition of the Manual will bring you up to date with the latest features available within the popular Hasselblad camera systems emphasizing that camera and lens are the most important tools for creating exciting images whether you work ...
Camera Crazy

Camera Crazy

Christopher D. Salyers

"Showcasing the most unusual and unique examples of functioning toy cameras--retro analogs, branded novelties, new products from Japan--and the photographs they creat, Camera crazy explores the full range of this incredibly popular, and ...
Il ruolo dei velivoli da combattimento italiani nelle ...

Il ruolo dei velivoli da combattimento italiani nelle ...

Vincenzo Camporini

Vincenzo Camporini, Tommaso De Zan , Alessandro Marrone , Michele Nones , Alessandro R. Ungaro. Alessandro Marrone and Alessandro R. Ungaro, “The relations between United States of America and Italy in the post-Cold War period: a ...
Camera: A History of Photography from Daguerreotype to Digital

Camera: A History of Photography from Daguerreotype to Digital

Todd Gustavson

This gorgeous cornerstone volume celebrating the camera and the art of the photograph, created in collaboration with the George Eastman House, spans almost 200 years, from the first faint image ever caught to today's state-of-the-art ...
Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia

Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia

Convento di San Domenico Maggiore (Taranto, Italy)

... L'officina dei Pittori di Creusa, di Dolone e dell'Anabates a Metaponto Francesca Silvestrelli 403 Lo stile apulo tardo Marina Mazzei 407 Catalogo 423 Lo stile pestano Francesca Silvestrelli 433 La ceramica sovraddipinta policroma: Taranto ...

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