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En busca de lo propio: inicios de la modernidad en el arte ...

En busca de lo propio: inicios de la modernidad en el arte ...

Ivonne Pini

inicios de la modernidad en el arte de Cuba, México, Uruguay y Colombia 1920- 1930 Ivonne Pini. países encuentra respuestas al mismo tiempo análogas y diferentes. A lo largo de las páginas se devela el interés de artistas y grupos ...
Art Nexus

Art Nexus

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D( | C.inA, Ml mco, Uruguay y Colombia i 1920-1930 Ivonne Pini — Front cover of the book En busca de lo propio. lie behind the artistic creations. As the title points out (Seeking out one's own: The beginnings of modernity in the art of Cuba, ...
Papaver Somniferum

Papaver Somniferum

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As critic Ivonne Pini has noted, Herran's intention did not lie in establishing a denunciation through these violent objects but in "showing them as part of the violent surroundings that produced them."7 In this sense, production of the objects ...
Constructing Colombian Indigeneity, 1920-1946

Constructing Colombian Indigeneity, 1920-1946

Igor Argelino Rodríguez Calderón

321 * Ivonne Pini, En busca de lo propio: inicios de la modernidad en el arte de Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay y Colombia 1920-1930 (Bogotá: Programa de Maestria en Teoria e Historia del Arte y la Arquitectura Universidad Nacional de Colombia,  ...


Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas. D. C, 2002 / 2003, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Instituto Caro y Cuervo, pp. 185-187. ALBERTO SALDARRIAGA ROA. Ivonne Pini, "En busca de lo propio.
Eugene O'Neill and American Society

Eugene O'Neill and American Society

Ivonne Shafer

As Leslie A. Wade has written, post-war America was “forced to confront economic upheaval, political realignment, demographic shifts, and increased diversification in its population. He noted that among the many Off-OffBroadway writers, ...
American Composers: Dialogues on Contemporary Music

American Composers: Dialogues on Contemporary Music

Edward Strickland

I want to thank Terry and the other musicians for their participation, and for their support Fanfare publisher Joel Flegler, Ron Firman, Dennis Strickland, Adrien Kathryn Strickland, C.F.M., Virginia Pump, Ivonne Ramirez, Martin Drury, Jose Luis ...

who called from an unknown number?