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Pierce's Register: Register of the Certificates Issued by ...

Pierce's Register: Register of the Certificates Issued by ...

United States. War Department. Pay Department

Bradbury, David Bradbury, Jacob Bradbury, Jacob Bradbury, Jacob .... Bradbury, Saunders. Bradbury, Winthrop Bradbury ... Bradley, David Bradley, John Bradey, John To whom issued. Bradley, John Bradley, Lewis Bradford, Andrew Bradford ...
Inside the Bungalow: America's Arts & Crafts Interior

Inside the Bungalow: America's Arts & Crafts Interior

Paul Duchscherer

123, 125, 127, 129, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145: Wallpaper by Bradbury & Bradbury Art Wallpapers / Bruce Bradbury; wallpaper artwork by Scott Cazet; wallpaper design layout by Bradbury & Bradbury's Design Service / Therese Tierney ...
Julia Bradbury's Wainwright Walks

Julia Bradbury's Wainwright Walks

Julia Bradbury

Julia Bradbury. Thatwas quite alot to take up the mountain for thefirst time with a newcrew, for anew series. Ah well, barely anyone wouldbe watching ... (or so we allthought at the time). HAYSTACKS AscENT FROM GATEs GARTH 2000 feet of  ...
Julia Bradbury's Wainwright Walks

Julia Bradbury's Wainwright Walks

Julia Bradbury

The companion to the BBC series Wainwright Walks, with Julia Bradbury following in the footsteps of famous fell-walker and guide writer AW Wainwright.
Ray Bradbury: The Life of Fiction

Ray Bradbury: The Life of Fiction

Jonathan R. Eller

Details each of Bradbury's writings from initial draft through various editions, providing sample pages showing Bradbury's drafts and revisions and side-by-side sections of novels and short stories that compare the way Bradbury's work ...


Jennifer Bradbury

Jennifer Bradbury. PRAISE FOR JENNIFER BRADBURY “Bradbury weaves Egyptology, Napoleonic conquest and a flirtation with the supernatural into a spy thriller. . . . [Jane] Austen fans who wish her characters would get up off their settees ...
Julia Bradbury's Railway Walks

Julia Bradbury's Railway Walks

Julia Bradbury

Accompanying the six-part BBC 2 series, the six walks featured in this book follow the old tracks, overgrown cuttings and ancient viaducts which are the legacy of 'The Beeching Axe'.
The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition

The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition

Ray Bradbury

"The Center for Ray Bradbury Studies"--Spine.
Ray Bradbury Unbound

Ray Bradbury Unbound

Jonathan R. Eller

In Ray Bradbury Unbound, Jonathan R. Eller continues the story begun in his acclaimed Becoming Ray Bradbury, following the beloved author's evolution from a short story master to a multi-media creative force and outspoken visionary.
The Gothic and the Carnivalesque in American Culture

The Gothic and the Carnivalesque in American Culture

Timothy Jones

Jonathan R. Eller and William F. Touponce, Ray Bradbury: The Life of Fiction ( Kent, OH and London: Kent State University Press, 2004), pp. 273– 4. Ray Bradbury, 'The Black Ferris', in Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 1 (London: Harper, 2008), ...
Austen Tayshus: Merchant of Menace

Austen Tayshus: Merchant of Menace

Ross Fitzgerald

Key members from the cast of When the Dust Settles, a 2010 film by David Bradbury. Left to right: Zoe Hutchence, Sandy Gutman, David Bradbury, Tony Barry, Mandy Nolan with her daughter Ivy Stevens, and Dylan Bradbury. ( Courtesy David ...


Evelyn Scott

At the same time she felt a repugnance to Julia which she had never experienced until recently. Julia, also ... Just then he caught Julia's eyes and a flush spread over his face. ... "Farley, you and Miss Julia get your wraps and we'll wait for you.
The 1850 Census of Delaware County, New York

The 1850 Census of Delaware County, New York

More editions

561, 622, 773 Jane E. 485, Janet Janet E. Janett 200, 209, 661 Jarvis A. Jerellah Jeridiah Jerusha Jesse B. Jesse T. Jessie ... 704, Joshua В. Josiah D. Judson Julia Julia A. 211, 358 Julia Ann 161 Julia Ett 161 Juliette 720 Landa 528 Leonard ...
Julia Child's Menu Cookbook

Julia Child's Menu Cookbook

Julia Child

Presents complete menus from "Julia Child & Company" and "Julia Child & More Company" for every occasion, from picnics to dinner parties
Presumption: An Entertainment: A Sequel to Pride and Prejudice

Presumption: An Entertainment: A Sequel to Pride and Prejudice

Julia Barrett

Cynthia Ozick Julia Barrett is a pseudonym for Julia Braun Kessler and Gabrielle Donnelly. Julia Braun Kessler, journalist and editor, is the author of Getting Even with Getting Old Gabrielle Donnelly's novels include Holy Mother, Faulty Ground  ...
Becoming Ray Bradbury

Becoming Ray Bradbury

Jonathan R. Eller

Eller traces the sources of Bradbury's very conscious decisions, following the sudden success of The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man, to voice controversial political statements in his fiction, and he highlights the private ...
A Moment Comes

A Moment Comes

Jennifer Bradbury

And yet he’s compelled to… Against the backdrop of the nearly forgotten history of the partition of India, Jennifer Bradbury, as if with strands of silk, weaves together the heart-pounding tale of three teenagers on wildly different ...
River Runs Deep

River Runs Deep

Jennifer Bradbury

Jennifer Bradbury. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment ...
The Toynbee Convector

The Toynbee Convector

Ray Bradbury

One of Ray Bradbury’s classic short story collections, available in ebook for the first time.
The Winners! Handbook: A Closer Look at Judy Freeman's ...

The Winners! Handbook: A Closer Look at Judy Freeman's ...

Judy Freeman

A Read-Aloud Resource with Tips, Techniques, and Plans for Teachers, Librarians, and Parents Grades 1 and 2 By Judy Bradbury, Photographs by Gene Bradbury This volume focuses on read-alouds for children in grades 1 and 2, providing ...
The Muses on Their Lunch Hour

The Muses on Their Lunch Hour

Marjorie Garber

Cited in Jonathan R. Eller, “The Story of Fahrenheit 451,” in Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, 60th Anniversary edition (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013), 171. 21. Eller, “The Story of Fahrenheit 451,” 169. 22. Ray Bradbury, “The Mad Wizards ...
The Miscellany of the Spanish Golden Age: A Literature of ...

The Miscellany of the Spanish Golden Age: A Literature of ...

Jonathan David Bradbury

A Literature of Fragments Jonathan David Bradbury. First published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX144RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor ...
Only Fools and Horses: The Story of Britain's Favourite Comedy

Only Fools and Horses: The Story of Britain's Favourite Comedy

Graham McCann

(See The Times, 16 October 1981, p.4.) 11 John Sullivan, interviewedby David Bradbury andJoe McGrath, Now That'sFunny!, op.cit., p.88. 12 John Sullivan, interviewed by David Bradbury and Joe McGrath, Now That's Funny!, op. cit., p.91 .
Accounting for Business

Accounting for Business

David Harvey

David Harvey, Edward McLaney, Peter Atrill ... 1 Bradbury Ltd is a family»owned clothes manufacturer based in the South' west of England. For a number of years the chairman and managing director of the company was David Bradbury.
Mary Robertson Bradbury Howard Correspondence and Related ...

Mary Robertson Bradbury Howard Correspondence and Related ...

Mary Robertson Bradbury Howard

Chiefly Letters from Mary R.B. Howard, wife of architect John Galen Howard to family members (dated 1920-1959) or to Sadie and Warren Gregory (dated 1904-1956).
Frontier Naturalist: Jean Louis Berlandier and the ...

Frontier Naturalist: Jean Louis Berlandier and the ...

Russell M. Lawson

Jean Louis Berlandier and the Exploration of Northern Mexico and Texas Russell M. Lawson. a similar experience with skunk prepared by French voyageurs; Bradbury was unwilling to try the delicacy. See John Bradbury, Travels in the Interior ...
Orbiting Ray Bradbury’s Mars: Biographical, Anthropological, ...

Orbiting Ray Bradbury’s Mars: Biographical, Anthropological, ...


... Intentional Fallacy.” Sewanee Review 54, 1946. 468–488. Print. Bradbury's Mars Pathway to Reinvention and Redemption KIMBERLY FAIN The 116 Part Three: Literary Lens.
Julia Margaret Cameron: The Complete Photographs

Julia Margaret Cameron: The Complete Photographs

Julian Cox

According to one of Julia Margaret Cameron’s great-nieces, “we never knew what Aunt Julia was going to do next, nor did anyone else.” This is an accurate summation of the life of the British photographer (1815–1879), who took up the ...
Innenwelten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne: Interiorität in ...

Innenwelten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne: Interiorität in ...

Anne-Julia Zwierlein

Interiorität in Literatur, Bild und Psychologiegeschichte Anne-Julia Zwierlein Claudia Olk. Claudia Olk und Anne- Julia Zwierlein (Hg.) Innenwelten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne Interiorität in Literatur, Bild und Psychologiegeschichte * Claudia ...


Julia Bell

A new cover edition of Julia Bell's critically acclaimed YA novel, Massive, published to coincide with the release of Julia's new book, The Dark Light 'Bell's debut novel is tough, grimy and truthful as it looks at three women in the same ...

who called from an unknown number?