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Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Iowa. General Assembly. Senate

Iowa. General Assembly. Senate. JOURNAL. OF. THE. SENATE. Senate Chamber, Deb Moines, Iowa, January 19, 1961. ... time and manner of the election of members of the House of Representatives and Senators in the General Assembly, ...
Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Kentucky. General Assembly. Senate

Includes journals of the adjourned, regular and extra sessions.
Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate

Frank; therefore be it Resolved , By the Senate of the Seventy-ninth General Assembly of the State of Illinois, that we extend our sympathy and respect to Mrs. Katherine Schreiber and the entire Schreiber family during their time of bereavement ...
Journal of the Senate

Journal of the Senate

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. Smith of Wabash, Roddick, and Aldricb the commtttee on their part. They have also concurred with the Senate in the appointment of a committee of conference upon the disagreeing votes of the two Houses ...
Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. Those voting in the afiirmative are, . Messrs. Adams of Lee, Messrs. Casey, Messrs. Mack, Addams of Stephenson, Dummer, Ogden, Applington, Fun khouser, Oglesby, Bestor, Gregg, Pickett, Berry, Jayne, ...
Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the ...

Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the ...

Iowa. General Assembly. Senate

A few volumes include appendices (some separately paged) mainly reports of state officers.
Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for ...

Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for ...


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That John B. Floyd, Madison Mayfield, Hugh McEntire, Tarrence Conner and Samuel Morris, and their successors in office, be and they are hereby constituted and ...
Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Iowa. General Assembly. Senate

Respectfully yours ROBERT D. RAY Governor Also : Dear Governor Jepsen: It is my pleasure to submit to the Senate for their consideration the name of David J. Albert of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, for appointment as a member of the  ...
Dictionary of Politics: Selected American and Foreign ...

Dictionary of Politics: Selected American and Foreign ...

Walter John Raymond

State or other jurisdiction Both bodies Upper home Lower house Convening place Legislature Legislature Legislature General Assembly ... General Assembly General Assembly Legislature Kentucky General Assembly Legislature Milne Legislature Mirvl.nd General Assembly ... House of Representatives Assembly House of Representatives House of Representatives House of Representatives House of ...
Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri

Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri

Missouri. General Assembly. Senate

WHEREAS, two-thirds of the state Legislatures have not approved Identical resolutions, and WHEREAS, the Senate of the 75th Missouri General Assembly, the House of Representatives concurring therein, now disapproves of the terms, ...
Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri at the ... ...

Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri at the ... ...

Missouri. General Assembly. Senate

Missouri. General Assembly. Senate. 'House of Representatives: ' , ' -Wri ht. I I 190 I (JOURNAL or 'rnn sniv'u'x. Whereupon, Mr. Polk having received a majority of the votes given, wits deelareddnly elected a manager, as above. Mr. Gnmphell  ...
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky


AN ACT to divorce Nancy Forbes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That Nancy Forbes be, and she is hereby divorced from her husband, Hiram Forbes, and restored to all the rights and privileges of an ...


Indiana. General Assembly. Senate

General Assembly. Senate. payments when events elsewhere snarl (remonstrate it» policy and expediency here. The day is ... The b inks in New York have sent a circulnr to (his bank, requesting us to send a delegate to meet them in convention in that city on the 37th instant. ... The President laid before the Senate a report from the Secretary of State, which was referred to the committee on State Prisons.


Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Senate

Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Senate. I A motion was made by Mr. Penrose and Mr. Williams, to further amend the preamble by inserting therein, in the 68th line, after the word “ which” the words “ beyond the profits on exports-” Which was  ...
Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Kentucky. General Assembly. Senate

J. Frank Denton, - - - - - - - Contestant Vs. NOTICE. A. A. Demunbrum, - - Contestee The Contestee, A. A. Demunbrum, will take notice that the Contestant, J. Frank Denton, will on December 27th at ten o 'clock A. M. at the office of Harper and ...
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky


I. an ACT for the benefit of Thomas Bonnell. - - Approved December 28, 1818. * WHEREAS it is represented to the present Recital, general assembly, that Thomas Dean did, by his last will and testament, devise to Thomas Bonnell, the infant ...
Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for ...

Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for ...


WHEREAS, It appears to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that Michael Saylor, of Harlan county, who was found to be a pauper lunatic of said county by the judgment of the Harlan county court at its June term, l875; and ...
Journal of the Senate

Journal of the Senate

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate

86 WHEREAS, The General Assembly has learned with sorrow of the death of Dorothy “Deeg” Grant Arndt of Chicago; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Arndt was in partnership with her husband, and they formed the former law office of Arndt and Arndt in ...
Journal of the House of the General Assembly of the ...

Journal of the House of the General Assembly of the ...

Kentucky. General Assembly. House

Kentucky. General Assembly. House. And that they had passed bills of the following titles, viz: 1. An act to authorize the poor-house commissioner of Ohio county to sell the old poor-house property of said county. 2. An act ... House Representatives : Sm: In consequence of some mistake or oversight in enrolling the act of March 26, 1872, entitled “An act for the appropriation 708 JOURNAL OF THE [MAR. 20.


Kentucky. General Assembly. House of Representatives

Kentucky. General Assembly. House of Representatives. furnished the people with a sound currency, good at home and good abroad, and afforded every necessary facility to the commerce, business and enterprize of the community. When it ...
Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State ...

Iowa. General Assembly. Senate

William H. Harbor, Frank C. Byers, Earl Elijah, Committee. The resolution was unanimously adopted. W. OLIVER TURNER Mr. President: Your committee, appointed to prepare suitable resolutions commemorating the life, character and public ...
Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia

Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia

Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates

Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates. Ordered, That Mr. Henry do acquaint the Senate therewith. A message from the Senate by~ Mr. Christian: ' MR. SPEAKER,-—-The Senate have agreed to the resolution to empower the ...
Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the ...

Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the ...

Iowa. General Assembly. Senate

The President announced the standing committees for the session, as follows: Ways and Means.—Messrs. Shields, Hillis, Preston, Coolbaugh and Saunders, Judiciary.–Messrs. Love, Browning, Preston, Hamilton and Test. Federal Relations.
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

More editions

Wher EAs, It appears to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that Michael Saylor, of Harlan county, who was found to be a pauper lunatic of said county by the judgment of the Harlan county court at its June term, 1875; and  ...
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of ...

Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of ...


AN ACT to divorce Nancy Forbes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That Nancy Forbes be, and she is hereby divorced from her husband, Hiram Forbes, and restored to all the rights and privileges of an ...
Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate

Greek Independence Day SR-139, Congratulations, Ronald Williams . . SR 140. Congratulations. Union Avenue United Methodist Church SR-141. Congratulations. Rogers Park Community College Sit 142. Congratulations, Wilmer L. {Bill!
Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri at the ... ...

Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri at the ... ...

Missouri. General Assembly. Senate

Missouri. General Assembly. Senate. The President declared the bill passed. The title was read and agreed to. Senator Glick moved that the vote by which the bill passed be reconsidered. Senator Moore moved that the motion lie on the table.
Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly

Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly

Illinois. General Assembly. Senate

Benfleld, Callon, Campbell, Davis, Dearborn, DeLany, Fosdick, Hamilton, Kelly, Lee, Marshall, Mayborne, Mayfleld, Merritt, Neece, Kinehart, Scott, Shutt, Thomas , White— 20. By unanimous consent, On motion of Mr. Frantz, a bill, House Bill ...

who called from an unknown number?