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Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in ...

Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in ...

Seyla Benhabib

45 46 47 48 Kiku Adatto has provided an impressive empirical study on the transformations of the television coverage of presidential elections by the three major evening newscasts of ABC, CBS and NBC from 1968 to 1988. Two empirical ...
Picture Perfect: Life in the Age of the Photo Op

Picture Perfect: Life in the Age of the Photo Op

Kiku Adatto

Julia R. Fox, Glory Koloen, and Volkan Sahin, “No Joke: A Comparison of Substance in The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Broadcast Network Television Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Election Campaign,” forthcoming Journal of ...
Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy

Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy

Michael J. Sandel

Finally, this work reflects much that I have learned from my wife, Kiku Adatto, a gifted writer on American culture. She did more than anyone else to improve this book, which I dedicate to her with love. Democracy's Discontent I The Constitution ...
Picture perfect: life in the age of the photo op

Picture perfect: life in the age of the photo op

Kiku Adatto

This is an empowering book."--Homi K. Bhabha, author of The Location of Culture"Picture Perfect is our most elegant, comprehensive, and current study of media and politics.
The Control Room: How Television Calls the Shots in ...

The Control Room: How Television Calls the Shots in ...

Martin Plissner

Kiku Adatto, Picture Perfect (New York: Basic, 1993), 48. 22. Jack Germond and Jules Witcover, Whose Broad Stripes and Bright Stars (New York: Warner, 1989), 137. 23. Christine Black and Thomas Oliphant, All by Myself (Chester, Conn.
Thrift and Thriving in America: Capitalism and Moral Order ...

Thrift and Thriving in America: Capitalism and Moral Order ...


16} Saving for Democracy THRIFT, SACRIFICE, AND THE WORLD WAR II BOND CAMPAIGNS Kiku Adatto The story of savings bonds during the Second World War is an intriguing episode in the saga of the thrift ethic in America. We often ...
Rivista di filologia e d'istruzione classica

Rivista di filologia e d'istruzione classica

More editions

830 ff, pp. 246-247 [“ aiyAav è un preludio adatto alla invocazione di valov , , ciò risulta anche dall'interpretazione o spiegazione dello scoliaste]. – E. W. CoRNwALL, On Acharnians 1093, p. 247 [Propone: dgxnorgióes, vò piAvaio Aguóòu' oè ...
Nuovi Argomenti (72)

Nuovi Argomenti (72)


Con la sua Veritas Media Inc. (mai nome fu più adatto) il fidato Pinkus cui la Lee aveva persino regalato la Medal of Freedom conferitale dal Presidente George W . Bush, avrebbe ... Almeno, forse, fino a che Samuel Pinkus non l'ha tradita.
Meditazioni sulla Passione di Gesù Cristo:

Meditazioni sulla Passione di Gesù Cristo:

Alfonso Maria de' Liguori

Cosa fare per amare perfettamente Dio? Il Signore rivelò a S. Alfonso che per giungere al perfetto amore non c’è esercizio più adatto che meditare spesso sulla sua Passione.

who called from an unknown number?