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An Irish Literature Reader: Poetry, Prose, Drama

An Irish Literature Reader: Poetry, Prose, Drama


SeeMeidhre, Brian Mac Giolla, Meszaros, Patricia K., 325 Meyer, Kuno, 3, 21, 23, 32, 147 Mhac an tSaoi, Maire [Maire Cruise O'Brien], 333-37, 376, 419 Midnight Court. See Cuirt an Mheadon Oidhche Midnight Verdict, The, 362 Midsummer ...
Irish Poetry After Joyce

Irish Poetry After Joyce

Dillon Johnston

See Mhac an tSaoi, Maire O'Brien, Peggy (on McGuckian), 281 O'Callaghan, Julie, xii O'Casey, Sean, 3, 16, 224 O'Connor, Frank, 10, 12-13, 104 O'Connor, Laura, 296 O'Donnell, Peader, 8 O'Dnscoll, Dennis, xii, xvi O'Faolain, Sean, 4, 7- 8, ...
Ireland: a concise history

Ireland: a concise history

Máire MacEntee O'Brien

Ireland A CONCISE HISTORY MAIRE AND CONOR CRUISE O'BRIEN There is a tragic inevitability about Irish history which this ... Maire O'Brien is the daughter of Sean Mac Entee, veteran of the Rising of 1916 and deputy prime minister in ...
The story of Ireland

The story of Ireland

Máire O'Brien

The Authors Dr. and Mrs. CONOR CRUISE O'BRIEN are a team uniquely qualified to write of their country's troubled history. Maire O'Brien is the daughter of Sean Mac Entee, famous independence fighter who has seen the inside of more than ...


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Derek Peters / books Same Age as the State Maire Cruise O'Brien O'Brien Press ISBN: 0-86278-885-4 Maire Cruise O'Brien is a fluent and gifted writer in both Irish and English and is the daughter of Sean McEntee and the wife of Conor ...
Island home: the Blasket heritage

Island home: the Blasket heritage

George Derwent Thomson

Children on the White Strand Eibhlin Guiheen, Lis Guiheen, Hanna Fill Kearney, Cait Sheaisi Kearney, Nora Keane, Cait Mhuiris Eoin Bhan O''Connor, Lis Mhicil O''Sullivan, unidentified girl, unidentified girl, Maire Mhicil O''Sullivan (back). The boy on the extreme right is Maidhc O''Sullivan; third from the right, at the back, is Micheal O''Guiheen. 11. Children at Tobar a''Puncan, "The Yank''s Well" beside the . 10. Maire Bean Ui Cathain stands outside the door of her house. 12. A view of the ...
William Empson, Volume II: Against the Christians

William Empson, Volume II: Against the Christians

John Haffenden

130 He had taken the trouble to do some homework on O'Brien before leaving for Ghana; but since he felt annoyed by ... But Maire O'Brien responded with what appeared to be tight lips: 'It won't be held against her, if she's seen the error of ...
Irish Rogues and Rascals – From Francis Shackleton to ...

Irish Rogues and Rascals – From Francis Shackleton to ...

Joseph McArdle

In a subsequent letter Máire Cruise O'Brien made a telling point. What we are doing is not merely forgiving Mr Stuart's past, we are exalting it. . . It is ironic that we have accorded Mr Stuart that very seal of establishment approval which he ...
Michael Collins: Himself

Michael Collins: Himself

Chrissy Osborne

Peg O'Driscoll remembered her father (Jim O'Brien) saying that as youngster he and his brother often played football with ... When talking one day to Máire Cruise O'Brien, a fellow resident of Howth, she told me about her mother, Margaret ...
Perceptions of Change and Stability in the Transmission of ...

Perceptions of Change and Stability in the Transmission of ...

Kari K. Veblen

Maire O'Keeffe feels that children need games and incentives to continue practicing. She often arranges impromptu recitals, surprise birthday parties for faculty, field trips, visiting musicians, trips to the radio station and school concerts.
L'hebdo des socialistes

L'hebdo des socialistes

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Ce dispositif est une entorse au principe de libre administration territoriale. Si le gouvernement veut limiter le droit de grève dans le secteur public, qu'il se débrouille avec ses propres agents ! » Fabrice Verdier, maire de Fons-sur- Lussan [Y ...
Thomas Davis and Ireland: A Biographical Study

Thomas Davis and Ireland: A Biographical Study

Helen Mulvey

Dublin: Gill and MacMillan; London: Hambledon, 1987. O'Driscoll, Robert. An Ascendancy of the Heart: Ferguson and the Beginnings of Modern Irish Literature in English. Introduction by Maire Cruise O'Brien. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1976. , ed.
The Same Age as the State

The Same Age as the State

Máire O'Brien

" "Then she met and married Conor Cruise O'Brien, a rising star at the UN. Therafter, her life took her to the Congo, Ghana, Europe and America, where Conor worked both academically and politically in highly dramatic situations.
Acta geographica

Acta geographica

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Le Conseiller Xavier-Marie Bordet, représentant le Maire Jean Tibéri, lit l' allocution de celui-ci devant nos sociétaires dans les salons de l'Hôtel de Ville. ( Photo Udofia) Madame le Ministre Alice Saunier-Séïté et le Président Jean Bastié ...
The Same Age as the State

The Same Age as the State

Máire Cruise O'Brien

It was beautifully translated by the late Breandán Ó hEithir and I give it here: The First Shoe Translated by Breandán Ó hEithir We put the shoe on him the first time this morning, minute, stitchedtogether, a little jewel of leather, a miracle of ...
Gouvernez !

Gouvernez !

Francois Cornut-gentille

Analysant, l'exercice du pouvoir tel qu'il s'est pratiqué durant les dernières décennies, François Cornut-Gentille – député-maire de Saint-Dizier - constate l'inefficacité de ce que l'on nomme la " gouvernance ".
British India and Victorian Literary Culture

British India and Victorian Literary Culture

Maire ni Fhlathuin

... 1850–1915 Anna Despotopoulou Walter Pater: Individualism and Aesthetic Philosophy Kate Hext London's Underground Spaces: Representing the Victorian City, 1840–1915 Haewon Hwang Visit the Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian ...
Rethinking the Irish in the American South: Beyond Rounders ...

Rethinking the Irish in the American South: Beyond Rounders ...


Michael o'Brien, Conjectures of Order: Intellectual Life and the American South, 1810–1860, 2 vols. (Chapel Hill: University of ... Máire Cruise o'Brien, The Same Age as the State (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2004), 37. 25. kwame  ...
Bertrand Delanoë: une irrésistible ambition : document

Bertrand Delanoë: une irrésistible ambition : document

Frédéric Charpier

Elu maire de Paris presque contre toute attente en 2001, Bertrand Delanoë a acquis en quelques années une stature nationale, au point que l'on peut parler à son sujet d'une véritable " success story ".
Le secret des Mulliez: révélations sur le premier empire ...

Le secret des Mulliez: révélations sur le premier empire ...

Bertrand Gobin

Il s'agit d'Yves Blein, un cousin par alliance. Son étiquette peut surprendre au regard des opinions majoritaires dans la famille : il est membre du parti socialiste . Réputé proche de Pierre Mauroy, l'ex-maire de Lille - ce qui n'est pas sans ...
Bulletin de la Société des sciences et arts de Bayonne

Bulletin de la Société des sciences et arts de Bayonne

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Cette danse devait être menée par M. Dubrocq, fils du maire, et clôturée par. -. M. Tausiet,. fils. de. l'échevin. Enfin,. des. jeunes gens s'étant présentés aux magistrats pour former une garde d'honneur pour le service du prince, habillés à leurs ...

who called from an unknown number?