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The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity

The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity


Bonazzi, Mauro, and Celluprica, Vincenza (eds.). (2005) L'eredità platonica. Studisul platonismo da Arcesilao a Proclo. Naples. Bonazzi, Mauro, and Helmig, Christoph (eds.) (2007). Platonic Stoicism – StoicPlatonism. Leuven. BoysStones  ...
Atene, la città inquieta

Atene, la città inquieta

Mauro Bonazzi

What is the meaning of our existence? This is what was discussed at Athens.
New Essays on Ancient Pyrrhonism

New Essays on Ancient Pyrrhonism


AGAIN ON SEXTUS ON AENESIDEMUS ON PLATO Mauro Bonazzi I One of the most intriguing features of Early Imperial philosophy is the renewal of interest in the ancients.1 From the end of the first century bc onwards it is as if philosophers  ...
Il platonismo

Il platonismo

Mauro Bonazzi

Tutti concordano circa l'importanza di Platone, ma quasi nessuno è pronto a riconoscere che la conoscenza che ne abbiamo è mediata da secoli di interpretazioni, dibattiti, polemiche.
Theoria, Praxis, and the Contemplative Life after Plato and ...

Theoria, Praxis, and the Contemplative Life after Plato and ...


Thomas Bénatouïl, Mauro Bonazzi. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This volume collects the papers presented in a conference ('TheTheoretikos Bios in Hellenistic, Imperial and Late Ancient Philosophy', Gargnano, May 2009) organized by the joint ...
A Platonic Pythagoras: Platonism and Pythagoreanism in the ...

A Platonic Pythagoras: Platonism and Pythagoreanism in the ...

Mauro Bonazzi

"The present volume collects the papers presented at the Colloquium on Platonismo e pitagorismo in eta imperiale, held in Villa Feltrinelli at Gargnano (Lake Garda) on 14-16 April 2005"--P. [7].
À la recherche des idées: Platonisme et philosophie ...

À la recherche des idées: Platonisme et philosophie ...

Mauro Bonazzi

Le platonisme ne se reduit pas a l'exegese des dialogues de Platon; il se nourrit de la confrontation avec Aristote et les ecoles de philosophie hellenistiques.
Studia Philonica Annual XXVI, 2014

Studia Philonica Annual XXVI, 2014


35 See especially Mauro Bonazzi, “Towards Transcendence: Philo and the Renewal of Platonism in the Early Imperial Age,” in Philo of Alexandria and Post- Aristotelian Philosophy, (ed. Francesca Alesse, Studies in Philo of Alexandria 5; ...
Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy

Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy


39. Middle. Platonism. Mauro. Bonazzi. Early Imperial Platonism (first century BC –2nd/3rd century AD) is often regarded as a confused period in the history of Platonism, its distinctive mark being the failed attempt to transform Plato's arguments ...
Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing ...

Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing ...

Outi Lehtipuu

He ascribes the concept of ooÅ to Aristotle. 225 Lehtipuu, Afterlife Imagery, 83–7. 226 Mauro Bonazzi and Christoph Helmig, “Introduction,” in Platonic Stoicism, Stoic Platonism: The Dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in Antiquity (eds.
Commentary and Tradition: Aristotelianism, Platonism, and ...

Commentary and Tradition: Aristotelianism, Platonism, and ...

Pierluigi Donini

by Mauro Bonazzi and Robert W. Sharples1 1. Commentary and Tradition presents a selection of articles, two of which unpublished, that Pierluigi Donini dedicated to the Aristotelian and Platonist tradition in a period spanning over 30 years of ...
Philo of Alexandria's Exposition of the Tenth Commandment

Philo of Alexandria's Exposition of the Tenth Commandment

Hans Svebakken

Edited by Patricia Walters. Supplements to Novum Testamentum 136. Leiden: Brill, 2010. Bonazzi, Mauro. “Eudoro di Alessandria alle origini del platonismo imperiale.” Pages 117-160 in L'eridita platonica: Studi sul platonismo da Arcesilao a ...
Platonic Stoicism, Stoic Platonism: The Dialogue Between ...

Platonic Stoicism, Stoic Platonism: The Dialogue Between ...

Mauro Bonazzi

riccArdo chiArAdonnA (Università degli Studi Roma tre) la dottrina stoica della concezioni comuni ebbe un'importante posterità nel platonismo di età tardo- ellenistica e imperiale. Sicuramente, il testo più noto che testimonia della sua fortuna è ...
Maestro of Solitude

Maestro of Solitude

Robert Bonazzi

Highlighting work from the 1990s into the new millennium, Robert Bonazzi's fifth book of poems--his first in 20 years--draws upon the slow-gathering wisdom of late middle age.
Awakened by Surprise

Awakened by Surprise

Robert Bonazzi

While Bonazzi's poetry has been characterized by critic Paul Christensen as taking "poetry to its limits of subtlety, where sense nearly but does not quite give out into silence and awe," these fictional takes are entirely opposite.
Man in the Mirror: John Howard Griffin and the Story of ...

Man in the Mirror: John Howard Griffin and the Story of ...

Robert Bonazzi

" After describing this journey and analyzing the text ofBlack Like Me, Robert Bonazzi treats the dramatic aftermath of Griffin's experiment and life.Man in the Mirrorprovides a fascinating look at the roots of this important book, and ...
Global Turning Points: Understanding the Challenges for ...

Global Turning Points: Understanding the Challenges for ...

Mauro F. Guillén

... is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data Guillén, Mauro E Global turning points: understanding the challenges for business in the 2Ist century / Mauro Guillen and Emilio Ontiveros. p, cm.
Globalization: The Crucial Phase

Globalization: The Crucial Phase


... rates between 2001 and 2006. The Federal Reserve could have curbed asset- price inflation. After all, central banks enjoy independence from the political power 116 Mauro Guillén and Sandra L. Suárez Mauro Guillén and Sandra L Suárez.
The Revolutionaries Try Again

The Revolutionaries Try Again

Mauro Javier Cardenas

Excerpts from his first novel, The Revolutionaries Try Again, have appeared in Conjunctions, the Antioch Review, Guernica, Witness, and BOMB.
The Rise of Spanish Multinationals: European Business in the ...

The Rise of Spanish Multinationals: European Business in the ...

Mauro Guillén

A 2005 analysis of both the causes and consequences of the international expansion of Spanish multinational firms.
Outside the Margins: Literary Commentaries

Outside the Margins: Literary Commentaries

Robert Bonazzi

"A collection of literary criticism by one of the major Texas critics. The literature covered includes mainly Texas, the Southwest, and Latin America, from 1980 to 2015"--

who called from an unknown number?