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Essays on Gogol: Logos and the Russian Word

Essays on Gogol: Logos and the Russian Word


These fourteen essays reflect the increasingly interdisciplinary character of Russian literature research in general and of the study of Gogol in particular, focusing on specific works, Gogol''s own character, and the various approaches to ...
The Government Inspector

The Government Inspector

Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol

THE STORY: The corrupt, squabbling bureaucrats of a provincial Russian hamlet are suddenly shocked to learn that a Government Inspector is about to pay them a visit--incognito.
Taras Bulba JES 30

Taras Bulba JES 30

Nikolai Gogol

Featuring Stories by the World's Greatest Authors The Joint European Series ( JES) of Classics off.” was the term coined to represent those titles and issues printed across Europe – which included versions in German, Swedish and Dutch.
A Terrible Revenge JES 67

A Terrible Revenge JES 67

Nikolai Gogol

Featuring Stories by World's Greatest Authors The Joint European Series (JES) of Classics oft” was the term coined to represent those titles and issues printed across Europe – which included versions in German, Swedish and Dutch.
청춘의 독서: 세상을 바꾼 위험하고 위대한 생각들

청춘의 독서: 세상을 바꾼 위험하고 위대한 생각들


여기서 도스토옙스키는 소설가 니콜라이 고골(Nikolai Gogol')을 비판한 평론가 비사리온 벨린스키(Vissarion Belinskii)의 편지 를 낭독했다. 누구보다 먼저 고골의 재능을 알 아보았던 벨린스키는, 만년의 고골이 러시아 정교회와 차르 체제를 찬양 하는 ...


Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Lobachevskiĭ

Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Lobachevskiĭ Athanase Papadopoulos. Nikolai I. Lobachevsky Pangeometry Edited and translated by Athanase PapadopouLos This One 1KBE- AXU-8FKC European ^^Mathematical vSbciety Editor: Athanase Papadopoulos ...
The Suicide

The Suicide

Nikolai Erdman

It scarcely matters what Sam actually wants. Faced with the promise of immortality, what's his life worth? Suhayla El-Bushra takes the satiric masterpiece by Nikolai Erdman and smashes it into contemporary urban Britain.
Settlers on the Edge: Identity and Modernization on Russia's ...

Settlers on the Edge: Identity and Modernization on Russia's ...

Niobe Thompson

... to particularly acknowledge Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, Bruce Grant, Nikolai Vakhtin, Patty Gray, Mark Nuttall, Susan Crate, Finn Sivert Nielsen, Sarah Radcliffe, Emma Wilson, Elena Khlinovskaya-Rockhill, Gail Fondahl, and Marilyn Strathern.
The Steel Flea

The Steel Flea

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

Reprint. Originally published: Boston: Merrymount Press, 1916.
Vladimir Odoevsky and Romantic Poetics: Collected Essays

Vladimir Odoevsky and Romantic Poetics: Collected Essays

Neil Cornwell

Vladimir Odoevsky (1804-1869) was a fascinating and encyclopedic figurein nineteenth-century Russian culture, who in his day was mentioned in the same breath as Pushkin and Gogol.
The Little Golden Calf

The Little Golden Calf

Evgeniĭ Petrov

So many quotations from The Little Golden Calf have entered everyday Russian speech that it stands alongside the works of Griboyedov, Pushkin, and Gogol for its profound effect on Russian language and culture.
Aleksey's Kingdom

Aleksey's Kingdom

John Wiltshire

When they become pawns in a conspiracy, Nikolai must unleash the unfettered savagery of his true nature to save Aleksey.
Implantology Made Easy

Implantology Made Easy

TP Chaturvedi

Nikolai J. Altard and George A. Zarb. Implant prosthodontic management of partially edentulous patients missing posterior teeth: The Toronto Experience. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89:352-9. life-threatening hemorrhage. JP 2000;71: 1893-5.
Networks in the Russian Market Economy

Networks in the Russian Market Economy

Markku Lonkila

(informatika) and design', Nikolai was a school-time champion of the all-Russian Olympiad in mathematics and information science.10 Odnoklassniki ('Classmates ') was also founded in 2006 by the Moscowborn Albert Popkov and claimed to ...
The Tsar's Foreign Faiths: Toleration and the Fate of ...

The Tsar's Foreign Faiths: Toleration and the Fate of ...

Paul W. Werth

50 Intrepid thinkers such as Nikolai Novikov and Aleksandr Radishchev took Enlightenment thought further and came closer to endorsing what Gary Hamburg calls “a general writ of toleration,” although they were silenced by arrest and/or ...
Sobranie sochineniĭ

Sobranie sochineniĭ

Nikolaĭ Zadornov

Матрена Парфентьева, высокая, худая, изможденная женщина, еще молодая, со скуластым лицом и карими ... Спросонья Мокей самодовольно и мельком глянул вслед жене, потом перевел взор на Фомина, который, стоя на ...
Sobranie sochineniĭ

Sobranie sochineniĭ

Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Pirogov

Удушье, ощущаемое большинством больных, чрезвычайно неприятно. До сих пор нет единодушия в объяснении причин удушья. Очень многие считают , что основной причиной является недостаток кислорода. Это не совсем ...
Optical Spectroscopy: Methods and Instrumentations

Optical Spectroscopy: Methods and Instrumentations

Nikolai V. Tkachenko

This book will help readers to sourse spectroscopy tools to solve their problems by providing information on the most widely used methods while introducing readers to the principles of quantitative analysis of the application range for each ...
Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin

Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin

Fiona Hill

... John Peet, Norma Percy, Nikolai Petrov, Sebastian Peyrouse, Alexander Pivovarsky, Michael Ratner, Peter Reddaway, Maura Reynolds, Kirill Rogov, Steven Rosenberg, Angus Roxburgh, Eric Rubin, Eugene 299 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.
Factors Influencing Business Relationships in Agri-food ...

Factors Influencing Business Relationships in Agri-food ...

Nikolai Reynolds

EINZELSCHRIFTEN Gereon Pieper Bilanzierung von Pensionsrückstellungen nach BilMoG unter Berücksichtigung der eingeräumten Übergangsregelungen Lohmar – Köln 2010 136 S. € 43,- (D) ISBN 978-3-89936-973-1 Mathias Osann ...


More editions

Photograph by Alexander Makarov. PHOTO AND PICTURE CREDITS Front cover: Alexander Makarov; page 43: Nikolai Rakhmanov; pp.79 — 85: Alexander Makarov; pp.88— 95: Valeri Shustov; pp.124— 127: Vassili Peskov. Design and  ...
The man who changed the world: the lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev

The man who changed the world: the lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev

Gail Sheehy

Several insiders: Author's interviews with Nikolai Shishlin, Gennady Gerasimov, and Vladimir Kvint. . . . the promotion of the Stavropolian: Radio Liberty research by Terry McNeill, 10 December 1984. 133 ... sharply down: Author's interview ...
The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov: The Story of Stalin's ...

The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov: The Story of Stalin's ...

Peter Pringle

Pringle uses newly opened Soviet archives, including Vavilov's secret police file, official correspondence, vivid expedition reports, previously unpublished family letters and diaries, and the reminiscences of eyewitnesses to bring us this ...
Advances in Dynamics, Patterns, Cognition: Challenges in ...

Advances in Dynamics, Patterns, Cognition: Challenges in ...


Challenges in Complexity Igor S. Aranson, Arkady Pikovsky, Nikolai F. Rulkov, Lev S. Tsimring ... Arkady Pikovsky, and Andrey Shilnikov 5 Anomalous Transport in Steady Plane Viscous Flows: Simple Models .
Confronting Hunger in the USA: Searching for Community ...

Confronting Hunger in the USA: Searching for Community ...

Adam M. Pine

®People,. Places, and Policy: A Politically Relevant Framework for Efforts to Rescue Concentrated Poverty. ̄ The Policy Studies Journal 32(4): 545¥568. Stark, Stacey, David Abazs, David Syring, Gayle Nikolai, and Mike Mageau. 2010 .

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