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From Alexander to Jesus

From Alexander to Jesus

Ory Amitay

But until now, no comprehensive effort has been made to connect the mythic life and career of Alexander to the stories about Jesus and to the earliest theology of the nascent Christian churches.
Creole Trombone: Kid Ory and the Early Years of Jazz

Creole Trombone: Kid Ory and the Early Years of Jazz

John McCusker

The book also features unpublished Ory compositions, photographs, and a selected discography of his most significant recordings. The definitive biography of the great band leader and New Orleans Jazz performer
Near East Report

Near East Report

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Published weekly at 444 N. Capitol St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Subscription $16 per year. Second Class postage paid at Washington. D.C, and additional offices Alan M. Tigay. Editor Sheryl L. Sarezky. Assistant Editor Morris J. Amitay.
A barbarian in Barcelona

A barbarian in Barcelona


Surrealism - Postismo is a postwar, pictorial-literary movement created by Eduardo Chicharro (1905-1964) and Carlos Edmundo de Ory (1923-2010) in Madrid in 1945; presented as a synthesis of the isms, spontaneity, play and enigma as a ...
The Civil War in Popular Culture: Memory and Meaning

The Civil War in Popular Culture: Memory and Meaning


Beidler, “Ted Turner,” 500. 8. Barbara Correll, “Rem(a)inders of G(l)ory: Monuments and Bodies in Glory and In the Year ofthePig,” Cultural Critique 36 ( Spring1995): 151. 9. PatriciaA.Turner, CeramicUncles and Celluloid Mammies: Black ...
Critical Craft: Technology, Globalization, and Capitalism

Critical Craft: Technology, Globalization, and Capitalism


Technology, Globalization, and Capitalism Clare M. Wilkinson-Weber, Alicia Ory DeNicola. volume, and in the realm of digital media, as Lane DeNicola writes, this means demolishing the false wall that divides the material from the virtual.
The Rabelais Encyclopedia

The Rabelais Encyclopedia


Readings: James K. Farge, "Dore, Pierre," Biographical Register of Paris Doctors of Theology, 1500-1536 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1980), no. 151: 137-42; James K. Farge, "Ory Matthieu," Biographical Register, no.

who called from an unknown number?