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New York City and the Hollywood Musical: Dancing in the Streets
Martha Shearer1958. Up from Puerto Rico. New York and Morningside Heights: Columbia University Press. Panetta, Roger. 2006. Westchester, the American Suburb: A New Narrative. In Westchester: The American Suburb, edited by Roger Panetta, 5 –76.
An Uncommon Cape: Researching the Histories and Mysteries of ...
Eleanor Phillips BrackbillRoger Panetta, “Westchester, the American Suburb: A New Narrative,” in Westchester, the American Suburb, ed. Roger Panetta, 5—75 (New York: Fordham University Press; Yonkers, NY: Hudson River Museum, 2006), 8. 12. Solon Robinson ...
Dutch New York: the roots of Hudson Valley culture
Roger G. Panetta"Published in conjunction with the exhibition Dutch New York: the roots of Hudson Valley culture, organized by the Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, June 13, 2009 through January 10, 2010"--T.p. verso.
Dutch New York: the roots of Hudson Valley culture
Roger G. Panetta"Published in conjunction with the exhibition Dutch New York: the roots of Hudson Valley culture, organized by the Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, June 13, 2009 through January 10, 2010"--T.p. verso.
The Hudson: An Illustrated Guide to the Living River
Stephen P. StanneAn Illustrated Guide to the Living River Stephen P. Stanne, Roger G. Panetta, Brian E. Forist, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc. Acknowledgments. The authors and Clearwater wish to acknowledge and thank the Hudson River Foundation, ...
New York History Review Annual
NEW YORK. HISTORY REVIEWHudson Valley Culture, edited by Roger Panetta, 339 - 376. New York: Hudson River Museum, 2009. Kupperman, Karen Ordahl. “International at the Creation: Early Modern American History.” In Rethinking American History in a Global Age, ...
Creating Sustainable Communities: Lessons from the Hudson ...
Rik ScarceOliver A. Rink, “Seafarers and Businessmen: The Growth of Dutch Commerce in the Lower Hudson River Valley,” in Dutch New York: The Roots of Hudson Valley Culture, ed. Roger Panetta (New York: Fordham University Press, 2009), 7–34.
The St. Paul Conspiracy - Thriller: McRyan Mystery Series
Roger StelljesMcRyan Mystery Series Roger Stelljes. The St. Paul Conspiracy (McRyan Mystery Series) By Roger Stelljes Copyright 2006 Roger Stelljes.Allrights reserved, including therightto reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form. No part of ...
A Visual Encyclopedia of Unconventional Medicine
More editionsSupplement. Therapy. Honeycomb Ginseng root High Protein Next to water, protein is the most plentiful. 143 NUTRITION: SUPPLEMENTARY DIETS Roger Newman Turner Roger Newman Turner Roger Newman Turner Roger Newman Turner.
Coal Report
More editionsN 12W ------ Kirkwood 1550'-1590'----------- G.L. 431' Roger Kirkwood, Agent- - Roger Kirkwood Etal #W.F. 101------ 20'S 640'E, NWe Sec. 133N 12W-______ --| Kirkwood 1520'-1560'. .L. Roger Kirkwood, Agent. - Roger Kirkwood Etal #W.F. ...
The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations ...
Eric SchmidtClarkeand RobertK.Knake,Cyber War:TheNext Threat to National Security and What toDoAboutIt(New York:Ecco,2010),6. 104 InOctober2012,the U.S. secretaryofdefense, LeonPanetta, warned: Elisabeth Bumiller and ThomShanker, “Panetta ...
Roger Craig's Tales from the San Francisco 49ers Sideline
Roger CraigRoger Craig, Matt Maiocco, Bill Walsh. Suddenly, I went from being depressed about the loss we had just suffered to being excited about the upcoming season. I wanted to put the team on my back and lead the way to the Super Bowl the ...
Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential ...
Janet Rumbarger... to 50 Up to 10 Up to 8' between subpurlins Deflection and creep Roger K Lewis. FAIA, and Mehmet T. Ergene. Architect; Roger K. Lewis, FAIA, & Associates; Washington, DC. Roof Structure Assemblies 77 Roger K. Lewis, FAIA , and Mehmet.
Architectural Graphic Standards
American Institute of Architects... post-tensioning L ≤ 1.33 W — Contributors: Roger K. Lewis, FAIA, and MehmetT. Ergene, architect, Roger K. Lewis and Associates, Washington, DC. ROOF STRUCTURE ASSEMBLIES (continued) 2.125 Contributors: Roger K. Lewis, FAIA, ...
British University Observatories 1772–1939
Roger HutchinsRoger Hutchins. Journal of the History of Astronomy (JHA). The London University Guide 1913 (London, 1912); also 1934–35 edition (London, 1934). Manchester University, Faculty ... Physical sciences, Roger R. Bilboul (ed.) ( Oxford, 1976).
The Collected Papers of Roger Harrison
Roger HarrisonThe Collected Papers of Roger Harrison brings the author's hard-to-find classic works together with new material written expressly for this collection.
Roger Ebert's Four Star Reviews--1967-2007
Roger EbertSpanning the length of Roger Ebert's career as the leading American movie critic, this book contains all of his four-star reviews written during that time. A great guide for movie watching.
33 Movies to Restore Your Faith in Humanity: Ebert's Essentials
Roger EbertThen consider Roger Ebert's e-book original 33 Movies to Restore Your Faith in Humanity. Read Roger's full-length reviews of movies and rekindle your belief in the human spirit.
Hugh Hutchins of Old England: the history of the Hutchins ...
Jack Randolph HutchinsRoger Hutchins Nicholas Hutchins Thomas Hutchins Thomas Hutchins Roger Hutchins Jonathan Hutchins John Hutchins Roger Hutchins John Hutchins Hugh Hutchins Thomas Hutchins Steven Hutchins Thomas Hutchins sen Thomas ...
The Complete Writings of Roger Williams, Volume 7: Perry ...
Roger WilliamsShortly after the U.S. Civil War, a group of men in Providence, Rhode Island, calling themselves the Narragansett Club, determined to rescue the widely scattered literary remains of Roger Williams. The happy result of their efforts was the ...
De verdwijntruc
Roger HobbsRoger Hobbs. De verdwijntruc Roger Hobbs De verdwijntruc Vertaald door Mario Molegraaf 2o15 Prometheus.
Why Am I Up, Why Am I Down?: Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Roger GranetWhy Am I Up, Why Am I Down? Understanding Bipolar Disorder Roger Granet, MD. and Elizabeth Ferber A Dell Mental Health Guide Series Editor: Roger Granet, MD. A DELL BOOK Published by Dell Publishing a division of Random House, ...
A Fearful Gentleman: Sir George Downing in The Hague, 1658-1672
Roger DowningSir George Downing in The Hague, 1658-1672 Roger Downing, Gijs Rommelse. A fearful gentleman Sir George Downing in The Hague, 1658-1672 Roger Downing & Gijs Rommelse Hilversum Verloren 2011 Cover illustrations: The Hofvijver ...
What Am I Still Doing Here?: My Life as Me
Roger LewisThis is Roger Lewis at his best: more cantankerous and curmudgeonly wit and musings about the pointlessness of life. Dark, witty and hilarious, Roger Lewis has a real way with words.
Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from ...
Roger ChartierTexts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer Roger Chartier. ROGER CHARTIER FORMS AND MEANINGS Forms and Meanings. Cover.
Ã_mile Durkheim: Law in a Moral Domain
Roger B. M. CotterrellEmile Durkheim Law in a Moral Domain Roger Cotterrell STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 1999 This One illlllL XA8Q-FXO -DJJ5 Stanford University Press Stanford, California © Roger Cotterrell, 1999 Originating.
The Summer Game
Roger AngellA classic collection of early sportswriting by renowned reporter Roger Angell Acclaimed New Yorker writer Roger Angell’s first book on baseball, The Summer Game, originally published in 1972, is a stunning collection of his essays on the ...
Five Seasons: A Baseball Companion
Roger AngellRoger Angell’s chronicle of baseball’s most fascinating and unforgettable years Classic New Yorker sportswriter Roger Angell calls 1972 to 1976 “the most important half-decade in the history of the game.” The early to mid-1970s ...
A History of Russia
Roger BartlettRoger Bartlett traces the history of Russia from its beginnings in Kiev Russia, through the Muscovite and Imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods, to the end of the twentieth century.
who called from an unknown number?