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Dümbüllü İsmail Efendi

Dümbüllü İsmail Efendi

Sadi Yaver Ataman

Paçavracı İsmail, Tesbihci Mehmet, Döşemeci İsmail. Rıza kocakarıya çıkardı. Asım, Eşekçi Mehmet, Hayalî Ömer. Bu sonuncusu Karagöz de oynattığı için Hayalî Ömer derlerdi. ABDÜRREZZAK EFENDİ Abdürrezzalc Efendi, Şehzade camisi ...
Innovations in Dryland Agriculture

Innovations in Dryland Agriculture


Crop Pasture Sci 67:81–90 Al-Mawali QS, Al-Sadi AM, Al-Said FA, Deadman ML (2013) Etiology, development and reaction of muskmelon to vine decline disease under arid conditions of Oman. Phytopathol Mediterr 52:457–465 Al-Sadi AM ...
Andrei Tarkovsky: Elements of Cinema

Andrei Tarkovsky: Elements of Cinema

Robert Bird

28 Asuman Suner, 'Sinemada Bir Karşı Söylem Olarak Eşcinsellik', Beyaz Perde, VII (May 1990), pp. 47–8. 29 Gönül DönmezColin, 'The Capital, The Banlieu and Two Girls: An Interview with Kutluğ Ataman', Osian's Cinemaya: The Asian Film ...
Al-Jazeera Television: Intifada on the Air

Al-Jazeera Television: Intifada on the Air

Mahmoud Raouf Al-Sadi

These works are packaged and produced by BiblioLabs under license by ProQuest UMI.
Spectral Analysis in Geophysics

Spectral Analysis in Geophysics

B.M. Båth

The need for a review of geophysical spectroscopy, especially in seismology, became obvious in our institute around 1965. But it was not until later that a major step forward was taken by us in this direction, especially by Dr. Hamid N. Al-Sadi.
Poverty Development: International Poverty Net

Poverty Development: International Poverty Net

Al Sadi

The book deals with poverty as one of the most serious and urgent issue in our modern time.
Lazare and Sadi Carnot: A Scientific and Filial Relationship

Lazare and Sadi Carnot: A Scientific and Filial Relationship

Charles Coulston Gillispie

This unique book shows how the two Carnots influenced each other in their work in the fields of mechanics and thermodynamics, and how future generations of scientists have further benefited from their work.
Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel: Frankfurter ...

Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel: Frankfurter ...

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9) H. N. Al-Sadi Seismic Exploration Technique and processing 1980. 220 Seiten . Linson DM 54.-/ sFr. 49.- ISBN 3-7643-1007-3 (LMW/A 7: Astronomisch- geophysikalische Reihe, Bd. 7) Biochemie/ Pharmakologie K. D. Rainsford A. W.  ...
Books in Print

Books in Print

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11500 (0-7911-1 1914) ASME. Seismic Eiploration. H. N. Al-Sadi (Astronomisch- Geophysikalische Reihe Ser: No. 7). I50p 1982. 48,00 (04176-1007-3) Birkhiuser . •Seismic Expression of Structiral Stylet: A Picture 1 Work Atlas. 3 vob. . 3 vols.
Al-Jazeera Television: Intifada on the Air

Al-Jazeera Television: Intifada on the Air

Mahmoud Raouf Al-Sadi

The Doha-based, pan-Arab "al-Jazeera Satellite Channel" came to life on November 1, 1996 by a Qatari Emiri decree, and began a 24-hour operation on February 1, 1998.
Petroleum Abstracts

Petroleum Abstracts

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... H.N.Al-Sadi (Iraq National Oil Co). 2ND ARAB GEOL. ASS. ET AL. MIDDLE EAST GEOL. CONGR. (Baghdad, Iraq, I0/22-24/83) PROC. pp.125129, 1985. (10 refs) The seismic signal reflected from an interface has 2 types of infonnation, the  ...
Comptes Rendus Des Séances

Comptes Rendus Des Séances

International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior

12, 1970 (north of Bollnas), Apr. 20, 1971 (northeast of Umea), July 28, 1971 ( Medelpad-Halsingland). BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. H.N. Al-Sadi, M. Bath, A.K. Ibrahim, O. Kulhanek and A. Sayman: Spectral analysis of seismograph records. Seismolog.
Crushing State's Sovereignty: Iraq Project

Crushing State's Sovereignty: Iraq Project

Al Sadi

... which make up the world today. 247 Stephan Klingebiel, 2006; New interfaces between security and development 248 Mark Duffield, ”Human security :linking development and security in an age of terror”; in Stephan Klingebiel, 2006:11 249 ...
Geçmişten günümüze Kosova tarihi ve Türkiye-Kosova ilişkileri

Geçmişten günümüze Kosova tarihi ve Türkiye-Kosova ilişkileri

İskender Özbay

makale/10405 -IHH Kosova Raporu 13 Temmuz 2008. temp508.pdf Stratejik Analiz, Kasım 2007 Erhan Türbedar, Sadi Çaycı, Hasan Kanbolat; “Kendi Kaderini Tayin Hakkı ve Ayrılıkçılık: Kosova'nın Bağımsızlığı Emsal ...
Bursa il yıllığı, 1967

Bursa il yıllığı, 1967

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20 Belediye Meclisi Üyeleri Galip Aydm, Salih Kali, Ali Sadi Fidm Mustafa Atan, Yusuf Dönmez, Arif Koşar, Mehmet Demiralp, Ali Kıhcı, Mehmet Hatay, Ali Tura. Hüseyin Kurnaz, Hüseyin Salih. (2) ARMUTLU BELEDİYESİ Başkan Abdullah ...

who called from an unknown number?