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Midnight in the Century

Midnight in the Century

Victor Serge

In 1933, Victor Serge was arrested by Stalin’s police, interrogated, and held in solitary confinement for more than eighty days.
Witness to the German Revolution

Witness to the German Revolution

Victor Serge

Victor Serge is best known as a novelist and for his Memoirs of a Revolutionary.


Victor Serge

Richard Greeman writes in his introduction that Serge "spoke the truth aloud and perpetuated the spiritual tradition of the Russian revolutionary intelligentsia at the very moment when the voices of his colleagues were forced into silence ...
Revolution in Danger: Writings from Russia, 1919-1921

Revolution in Danger: Writings from Russia, 1919-1921

Victor Serge

Assailed by counter-revolution from within and without, Victor Serge brings to life the unwavering revolutionary commitment of red Petrograd.
Tuez-les tous...

Tuez-les tous...

Serge Raffy

Ombres de l'Inquisition, meurtres sacrificiels, mysticisme, bûchers... des ruines de Montségur à la Catalogne, Serge Raffy se révèle, avec ce grand thriller ésotérique où se mêlent aventures, énigme policière, vengeance ...
La femme interdite

La femme interdite

Serge Raffy

Et sans identité. Qui est la belle captive? Pourquoi a-t-elle perdu la parole? Quel terrible secret porte-t-elle? Serge Raffy est journaliste, scénariste, romancier.
La guerre des Trois

La guerre des Trois

Serge Raffy

Serge Raffy. grandordonnateur dutrafic. Aufilde son enquête, Éric Halphen comprendqu'ilest tombé luiaussi dans un guet apenspolitique. Un corbeau luienvoie deslettres anonymes toutesorientées vers leclan chiraquien. Le jugedéteste être ...
Year One of the Russian Revolution

Year One of the Russian Revolution

Victor Serge

Year One of the Russian Revolution is Serge’s attempt to defend the early days of the revolution against those, like Stalin, who would claim its legacy as justification for the repression of dissent within Russia.
Monsieur Gendre: Le roman vrai de l'affaire Botton

Monsieur Gendre: Le roman vrai de l'affaire Botton

Serge Raffy

Serge Raffy est rédacteur en chef adjoint au Nouvel Observateur. Il a publié chez Fayard La Veuve, un roman vrai: l'affaire Boutboul.
Léon Blum

Léon Blum

Serge Berstein

Soixante-dix ans après le Front populaire et à l'aide d'archives longtemps inaccessibles, Serge Berstein dresse de Léon Blum un portrait équitable et nuancé, à cent lieues de l'histoire partisane qui sévit encore souvent à droite ...
A desqualificação social: ensaio sobre a nova pobreza

A desqualificação social: ensaio sobre a nova pobreza

Serge Paugam

Serge Paugam traz-nos com este livro uma desassombrada e ao mesmo tempo meticulosa desmistificação do universo do trabalho social Consegue-o não só pela pertinência das descrições da complexidade objectiva dos fenómenos de exclusão ...
Le Président: François Hollande, itinéraire secret

Le Président: François Hollande, itinéraire secret

Serge Raffy

Qui est vraiment ce Corrézien d’adoption dont les origines familiales se perdent dans le Pas-de-Calais, pays des mines et des corons ? Serge Raffy dévoile ce que dissimule l’éternel sourire débonnaire de cet héritier de Mitterrand.
Blaze in a Desert: Selected Poems

Blaze in a Desert: Selected Poems

Victor Serge

Exile relights its captive lampson the shore of time. A Blaze in a Desert comprises Victor Serge's sole published book of poetry, Resistance (1938), his unpublished manuscript Messages (1946), and his last poem, "Hands" (1947).
Plein Sud: Scénario du film

Plein Sud: Scénario du film

Luc Béraud

... considérations sont déplacées. Il referme la porte sur lui. Cut La nuit. Carol est déjà couchée. Serge s'approche et tire toute la literie. Serge : Viens, on va refaire la cabane... Carol se dresse et rabat les draps et les couvertures. Carol : Garde ...
Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

Serge Raffy

Dopo anni di ricerche, Serge Raffy traccia il ritratto vivido di un personaggio complesso e inquietante, figura camaleontica, Líder Máximo, "Stalin dei tropici", ripercorrendo le tappe della sua vita e della sua parabola politica: dalle ...
Enseignement de l'informatique:

Enseignement de l'informatique:

Serge Abiteboul

Le Conseil national du numérique, suite au rapport publié par l'Académie des Sciences en mai 2013, intitulé "L'enseignement de l'informatique en France - Il est urgent de ne plus attendre", a été saisi par Serge Abiteboul et Christine ...
La TVA et les avocats: Les cahiers de la TVA (Belgique)

La TVA et les avocats: Les cahiers de la TVA (Belgique)

Serge Mary

Le 25 novembre 2013 Françoise Baltus Avocate au Barreau de Bruxelles, spécialisée en TVA Chargée de conférences à l'Executive Master en gestion fiscale de Solvay ULB Chargée de cours auprès de l'Ordre des ExpertsComptables et ...
The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture: 150 ...

The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture: 150 ...


150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing Serge Dauchy, Georges Martyn, Anthony Musson, Heikki Pihlajamäki, Alain Wijffels. Serge Dauchy • Georges Martyn • Anthony Musson Heikki Pihlajamäki• Alain Wijffels Editors The  ...
The Scottish Covenanter Genealogical Index - (1630-1712): ...

The Scottish Covenanter Genealogical Index - (1630-1712): ...

Isabelle MacLean

Mary Ward

Mary Ward

Sister Margaret Mary

This is the first paperback edition of the standard biography of Mary Ward.Mary Ward founded the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 17th Century, an order devoted to the education of women so they could play their part in the ...
Mary Ward: pilgrim and mystic, 1585-1645

Mary Ward: pilgrim and mystic, 1585-1645

Margaret Mary Littlehales

Mary Poyntz and Henriette Peters make interesting comments on the happenings of this year in Mary Ward's life. The former quotes Mary herself as saying God perhaps permitted these months as a Poor Clare choir sister "to take away a ...
The Price, Blakemore, Hamblen, Skipwith, and allied lines: ...

The Price, Blakemore, Hamblen, Skipwith, and allied lines: ...

Jay Berry Price

... osephine Blakemore 611-613 Mary L. Blakemore 557 Mary Lewis Blakemore 513 Mary Louise "MoUie" Blakemore 574, 580 Mary Lynn Blakemore 579 Mary " Polly" Blakemore 125, 445 Mary Stewart Blakemore 55 Mary Suzanne Blakemore ...
Executive Documents, Annual Reports

Executive Documents, Annual Reports


March 2jFrederica Ressner. Mary Davidaou 5' Mary Cook 7 Mary Grimm 14 John Dahl 19i Barbara Mark ley.. ! Matilda Wolfel.... 22'Snsan Towusted . . . 23 Jog. Grimm IP. Roofing 27|Maggie Arnold Mary Grimm 2bjMaggie Roofing... Mary Hook ...
Exploraciones Curso Intermedio, Enhanced

Exploraciones Curso Intermedio, Enhanced

Mary Ann Blitt

Mary Ann Blitt, Margarita Casas, Mary T. Copple ... Western Michigan U Mark Harpring, University of Puget Sound Marlene Gottlieb, Manhattan College Mary Hartson, Oakland U Mary Horley, University ofNorth Carolina at Greensboro Melany ...
Exploraciones curso intermedio 4LTR press

Exploraciones curso intermedio 4LTR press

Mary Ann Blitt

Mary Ann Blitt, Margarita Casas, Mary T. Copple ... Western Michigan U Mark Harpring, University of Puget Sound Marlene Gottlieb, Manhattan College Mary Hartson, Oakland U Mary Horley, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Melany ...

who called from an unknown number?