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The “Slumdog” Phenomenon: A Critical Anthology

The “Slumdog” Phenomenon: A Critical Anthology


Chapter 7 SLUMDOGS AND MILLIONAIRES: FACTS AND FICTIONS OF INDIAN (UNDER)DEVELOPMENT Snehal Shingavi Much ink has been spilled on the differences between Vikas Swarup's Q & A (2005) and the movie that was based  ...
The Mahatma Misunderstood: The Politics and Forms of ...

The Mahatma Misunderstood: The Politics and Forms of ...

Snehal Shingavi

Ruth Jennison provided me with my first serious model of Marxist theory and practice and is responsible for turning me into an activist. Christine Hong never had a shortage of encouraging words, seeing design in my chaos. Siddharth Patel ...
Premchand in World Languages: Translation, reception and ...

Premchand in World Languages: Translation, reception and ...


Premchand, Sevasadan, Snehal Shingavi (trans.), Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 65. Alok Rai and Mushtaq Ali (eds), Samaksh: Premchand ki Bees UrduHindi Kahaniyon ka Samantar Paath, Allahabad: Hans Prakashan, 2002, p. ii.

who called from an unknown number?