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The Third Record-book of the Society of Mayflower ...

The Third Record-book of the Society of Mayflower ...

Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

ROBERT PERKINS BROWN 13 Charles Field Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from William Bradford Robert Perkins Brown ROBERT PERKINS BROWN 13 Charles Field Street, Providence, R. I. 33 No. 89 Gen. No. 2987. William Bradford d.
Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills

Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills


... A. Hawthorne Cranston Fire Department Cranston, Rhode Island Scott J. Murray Central Coventry Fire District Coventry, Rhode Island Kenneth J. Scandariato Rhode Island Fire Academy North Providence, Rhode Island J. Curtis Varone ...
Inventory of the Town and City Archives of Rhode Island: ...

Inventory of the Town and City Archives of Rhode Island: ...

Historical Records Survey. Rhode Island

Historical Records Survey. Rhode Island, Rhode Island Historical Records Survey Project ... 4 boxes, 1 f.d., 1 s.d. Invoices and payrolls (originals) presented to and paid by the town treasurer; invoices, shewing invoice number, name and ...
Journal ...

Journal ...

Rhode Island. General Assembly. House of Representatives

... James J. Dunn, Joseph C. Emidy, Woonsocket William S. Flynn, Providence James M. Gaynor, providence Daniel E. Geary, Providence Albert S. Greene, Burrillville Lewis C. Grinnell, Exeter Richard J. Guilduff, Providence Richard Herrick, ...
Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society

Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society

Rhode Island Historical Society

•i864 i860. •William Snell Haines, Providence. •1887 " •Daniel Howland Greene, E. Greenwich. •1886 *• •Henry Wight Diman, Bristol. •1884 1861. •William Attmore Robinson, Jabez Comstock Knight, Providence. 11 •1872 " •Abraham Payne, ...
Rhode Island Roots

Rhode Island Roots

More editions

... C. MacGunnigle 113 1774 Census of Rhode Island: Portsmouth Shellee Morehead 133 Rhode Island Civil War Dead Buried in the South Robert Grandchamp 138 Letters to the Providence Reform School Dr. George Branigan 142 Checklist ...
Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

More editions

Mr. and Mrs. Sigmunce L. (Bertha Vollmer) Lederer. Page 68. Mrs Caesar ( Marion L. Simons) Misch. Clubs: MacDowell Club, Metacomet Golf Club, Rhode Island W0men's Club, Providence Plantations Club. Page 78. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ...
At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and ...

At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and ...

Rhode Island

An Act to restore to James Hazard his civil and political rights. No. 36. Whereas, James Hazard, of Providence, who was convicted at the December term of the Court of Common Pleas, in the county of Providence, A. D. 1853, of receiving stolen ...
Rhode Island Historical Society Collections

Rhode Island Historical Society Collections

Rhode Island Historical Society

... Society contains an account of Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson by Miss Maud L. Stevens. Mrs. W. H. Eddy's interesting address on the Rhode Island Eddys and their achievements, which she read before the Eddy Family Association at ...


More editions

Prepared with thé assistance of thé Drainage Committee, Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. --p. [2] I. Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. Drainage Committee. II. Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. III. Title. IV.
Railroads of Rhode Island: Shaping the Ocean State's Railways

Railroads of Rhode Island: Shaping the Ocean State's Railways

Frank Heppner

Tour the state’s historic railways with longtime railfan and railroad historian Frank Heppner. From the Stonington Line to the Boston and Providence Railroad, speed along the pioneer tracks in Rhode Island.
Rhode Island Roots

Rhode Island Roots

More editions

... back to Rhode Island and have a story to tell often make interesting reading and help other distant readers. Please keep the manuscripts coming ~ we depend on YOU. ODLIN: AN EARLY RHODE ISLAND FAMILY LeoH. Garman, C.G. The.
Rhode Island Roots

Rhode Island Roots

More editions

Andrew D. Boisvert, then a reference assistant at Rhode Island Historical Society, researched the Providence mills active at that date and suggested that the most likely place would have been the Weybosset Mills at Troy and Dike Streets.
Rhode Island and the Civil War: Voices From the Ocean State

Rhode Island and the Civil War: Voices From the Ocean State

Robert Grandchamp

Robert Grandchamp was an eleventhgeneration Rhode Islander and is now a firstgeneration Vermonter. He earned his MA in American history from Rhode Island College. Robert is the author of eight other books on American military history, ...
Inventory of the church archives of Rhode Island: Baptist

Inventory of the church archives of Rhode Island: Baptist

Historical Records Survey (U.S.). Rhode Island

See ; Daniel Howland Greene, History of the Town of East Greenwich and Adjacent Territory, 1677-1877, Providence, J. A. k R. A. Reid, 1877, 263 pp. 266. BRANCH 0F THE ALLENDALE 3APTIST CHURCH, 1877 - ?, Johnston. Services were ...
Encyclopedia of Rhode Island Indians: Indians of Rhode ...

Encyclopedia of Rhode Island Indians: Indians of Rhode ...

Donald Ricky

Indians of Rhode Island and Easterns (Sic) Woodlands Donald Ricky. ARTICLE 4 . All expenses incurred in the execution of this treaty, and in the sale of the lands included in it, shall be defrayed out of the funds raised therefrom, including such  ...
Early New England: A Covenanted Society

Early New England: A Covenanted Society

David A. Weir

in William Halls flat of 1 7 Id (Providence, RI, 1937); D. H. Greene, History of the town of East Greenwich and Adjacent Territory, from 1677 to 1877 (Providence, RI, 1877); Martha G. McPartland, The History of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, ...
At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and ...

At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and ...


AN ACT to restore to James Hazard his civil and political rights. Mo. 36. Whereas, James Hazard, of Providence, who was convicted at the December term of the Court of Common Pleas, in the county of Providence, A. D. 1853, of receiving ...
Many Excellent People: Power and Privilege in North ...

Many Excellent People: Power and Privilege in North ...

Paul D. Escott

Power and Privilege in North Carolina, 1850-1900 by Paul D. Escott Winner of the 1986 Mayflower Cup for Nonfiction, Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of North Carolina "[A] well-researched and thought-provoking survey of ...
The Difference "difference" Makes: Women and Leadership

The Difference "difference" Makes: Women and Leadership

Deborah L. Rhode

Women and Leadership Deborah L. Rhode. 1, 13; Deborah L. Rhode, "Balanced Lives," 102. Columbia University Law Review 834, 841-842. (2002). 93. Williams, Unbending Gender, at 71; Rhode, "Balanced Lives for Lawyers," at 2.2.13. 94.
Yankee Heritage: A Sisson Ancestry

Yankee Heritage: A Sisson Ancestry

Brian Joe Lobley Berry

Richard Sisson (ca.1608-ca.1683) emigrated from England about 1653 and settled in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. His descendants lived in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and other locations.
The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island: Comprising ...

The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island: Comprising ...

John Osborne Austin

This legendary work consists of alphabetically arranged genealogical tables of approximately 500 Rhode Island families, representing thousands of descendants of pre--1690 settlers, all carried to the third generation, and some--about 100 ...
The Arnold family of Smithfield, Rhode Island

The Arnold family of Smithfield, Rhode Island

Richard Harold Benson

449 Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 3: Smithfield Marriages, 12. Dorothy Higson White, Descendants of Roger Williams, Book III - The Sayles Line (East Greenwich, R.I., 2002), 67. Judith A. Hurst, Sayles Country II (Baltimore, 1990), 123.
Providence, a pictorial history

Providence, a pictorial history

Patrick T. Conley

Traces the history of Providence, Rhode Island from Colonial times to the present and examines the development of the city's culture.
International Dictionary of Library Histories

International Dictionary of Library Histories


Brown University Library, Special Collections at Brown University: A History and Guide, Providence, Rhode Island: ... History of Brown University Library, ̄ in Report of the Committee, by Brown University Survey Committee, Providence, ...
North Burial Ground, Providence, Rhode Island: old section, ...

North Burial Ground, Providence, Rhode Island: old section, ...

John E. Sterling

Newport: d. in Providence; signed: Tingley AA 00969 WILBUR, ANNA LYON 17910 4 JUN 1858 67 M P S B O D/0 URIEL Е HANNAH (LYON) AA 00970 TOWNSEND, SOLOMON, JR 22 AUG 1805 21 AUG 1854 M F P B 0 good condition in ...
Follow-up Audit of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s ...

Follow-up Audit of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s ...

Full view

... Boston Division Office Boston, Massachusetts New Bedford Resident Office New Bedford, Massachusetts Providence Resident Office Providence, Rhode Island Burlington Resident Office Burlington, Vermont As a result of our 2007 audit, ...
Elder John Gorton and the Six Principle Baptist Church of ...

Elder John Gorton and the Six Principle Baptist Church of ...

Cherry Fletcher Bamberg

... Gorton and the Six Principle Baptist Church of East Greenwich, Rhode Island OS Cherry Fletcher Bamberg WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Special Publication 6 Rhode Island Genealogical Society Endpapers: Daniel Howland Greene, ...
Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society

Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society

Rhode Island Historical Society

SKETCH OF DR. PETER TURNER. [BY BR. HENRY C. TURNER.] Doctor Peter Turner, of East Greenwich, R. I., was the fourth and youngest son of Doctor William Turner, of Newark, New Jersey, whose father was Captain William Turner , ...

who called from an unknown number?