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Current work in architectural history: papers read at the ...

Current work in architectural history: papers read at the ...

Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain. Symposium

Nadine Schibille The church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople was inaugurated on 27 December 537 CE, less then six years after the emperor Justinian had commissioned a new church to be built on this site. The edifice replaced the earlier ...


Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain)

Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain). high and pointed conductors. By Charles Viscount Mahon, F. R. S. 4to. W. C. Ross. — A Lithographic Print, representing our Saviour Dispossessing the Demoniacs. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and ...
Molecular Biology and Function of Carrier Proteins: Society ...

Molecular Biology and Function of Carrier Proteins: Society ...

Society of General Physiologists. Symposium

Society of General Physiologists, 46th Annual Symposium, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 10-13 September 1992 Society of General Physiologists. Symposium Luis Reuss, John M. Russell, Michael L. Jennings.
G Proteins and Signal Transduction: Society of General ...

G Proteins and Signal Transduction: Society of General ...

Society of General Physiologists. Symposium

Society of General Physiologists, 43rd Annual Symposium, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 6-9 September 1989 Society of General Physiologists. Symposium Neil M. Nathanson, T. Kendall Harden. Preface The ...
The Parker Society for the Publication of the Works of the ...

The Parker Society for the Publication of the Works of the ...

Parker Society (Great Britain)

Publications Parker Society (Great Britain). LETTER XIV. Here followeth another letter of Master Philpot to the Lady Vane: which, because for the length, I could not wholly insert, I have excerpted certain specialities thereout as followeth : The  ...
The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion ...

The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion ...

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain), George Long. Chester." Among his numerous partnerships was one with David Dale, Esq., of the Lanark Mills. Having presented a congratulatory address to George III., from the ...
Secretion and Its Control: Society of General Physiologists, ...

Secretion and Its Control: Society of General Physiologists, ...

Society of General Physiologists. Symposium

Society of General Physiologists, 42nd Annual Symposium, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 7-10 September 1988 Society of General Physiologists. Symposium G. S. Oxford, Clay M. Armstrong. The transport assay ...
Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the ...

Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the ...

Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain)

Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain). xxxvi Premiums offered for the Advantage of British Colonies. Rewards given in 18"23. BRITISH MARBLES. REWARDS BESTOWED BY THE. than three pounds weight, with proper certificates, signed by ...
The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain: from ...

The statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain: from ...

Great Britain

from Magna Carta to the union of the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland Great Britain, Sir Thomas Edlyne Tomlins, ... according to the aforesaid Act of His late Majesty, and Tables therein referred to ; in every such Case, the Magistrates or ...
Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Graeme Murdock University of Birmingham Authority and Society in Nantes in the French Wars of Religion, 1559-98. By Elizabeth C. Tingle. Studies in Early Modern European History. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2006. Pp. 230.
Sensory Transduction: Society of General Physiologists 45th ...

Sensory Transduction: Society of General Physiologists 45th ...

Society of General Physiologists. Symposium

Society of General Physiologists 45th Annual Symposium : Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 5-8 September 1991 Society of General Physiologists. Symposium, David P. Corey Stephen D. Roper ...
The Great Events by Famous Historians

The Great Events by Famous Historians

More editions

"The Great Events by Famous Historians is a comprehensive and readable account of the world's history, emphasizing the more important events, and presenting these as complete narratives in the master-words of the most eminent historians.
Molecular Evolution of Physiological Processes: Society of ...

Molecular Evolution of Physiological Processes: Society of ...

Full view

Society of General Physiologists, 47th Annual Symposium Society of General Physiologists. Symposium Douglas M. Fambrough. Processes Using Maximum Likelihood Michael J. Sanderson Department of Biology, University of Nevada at  ...
A Guide to the Sources of British Military History

A Guide to the Sources of British Military History


Great Britain. Ministry of Transport. Railway Accidents. Report to the Minister of Transport on the Safety Record of the Railways in Great Britain during the year 1967. London: H.M.S.O., 1968. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and ...

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and ...

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Calcutta : Imperial Library. Calcutta : Indian Museum, Archive- logical Section. Calcutta : Presidency College. 40 Calcutta : Ripon College. Calcutta : St. Paul's College. Calcutta : Sanskrit College. Calcutta : University Library. Cambridge ...
The Optical Munitions Industry in Great Britain, 1888–1923

The Optical Munitions Industry in Great Britain, 1888–1923

Stephen C Sambrook

Great Britain, Admiralty, Manual of Gunnery for H. M. Fleet, 1917 (London: HMSO , 1917). Great Britain, Admiralty, Rate Book for Naval Store: Authorised List and Price List of Naval Stores (London: HMSO, annually from 1870). Great Britain ...
Reports and Papers

Reports and Papers

Associated Architectural Societies

1850-1931 (v. 1-40) include reports and papers of the Yorkshire Architectural and York Archaeological Society, and some years, of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society, of the Leicestershire Archaeological Society and of other similar ...
The Law Reports. Queen's Bench Division

The Law Reports. Queen's Bench Division

Great Britain. High Court of Justice. Common Pleas Division

Great Britain. High Court of Justice. Common Pleas Division, Great Britain. High Court of Justice. Exchequer Division, Great Britain. Court of Appeal, Great Britain. Railway and Canal Commission, Great Britain. High Court of Justice.
Cell Calcium and the Control of Membrane Transport: Society ...

Cell Calcium and the Control of Membrane Transport: Society ...

Society of General Physiologists. Symposium

Society of General Physiologists, 40th Annual Symposium, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, ... to the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Physiologists, held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, during September 4-7, 1986.
Coastal Recreation Management: The sustainable development ...

Coastal Recreation Management: The sustainable development ...

Tim Goodhead

Great Britain (1925) Law of Property Act, HMSO, London. Great Britain (1949) Coast Protection Act, HMSO, London. Great Britain (1%4) Harbours Act, HMSO, London. Great Britain (1985) Food and Environment Protection Act, HMSO, London.
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Great Britain

Great Britain Sir George Kettilby Rickards. strates at the several Quarter Sessions for the Remuneration of the Appraisers and Arbitrators appointed under this Act for the Execution of their Duty, to be paid either by the Plaintiffs or Defendants, as such Magistrates shall think fit, in the several Matters of Dispute, and to issue their Warrant to compel Payment accordingly. > v,IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any Person who shall think himself ...
Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society

Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain)

Vols. for 1846-55 include Proceedings at meetings of the society.
Designing Modern Childhoods: History, Space, and the ...

Designing Modern Childhoods: History, Space, and the ...


In the book architectural historians, social historians, social scientists, and architects examine the history and design of places and objects such as schools, hospitals, playgrounds, houses, cell phones, snowboards, and even the McDonald ...

who called from an unknown number?