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The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional ...

The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional ...


Sorpong Peou, 'Mass Atrocities under the Khmer Rouge Reign of Terror', in State Violence in Asia, eds N. Ganesan and Sung Chull Kim (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2013); Sorpong Peou, 'The Limits and Potential of Liberal ...
Human Security in East Asia: Challenges for Collaborative Action

Human Security in East Asia: Challenges for Collaborative Action


Challenges for Collaborative Action Research Associate Centre for International and Strategic Studies Sorpong Peou, Sorpong Peou. Contents Acknowledgements List of contributors Introduction: Collaborative action problems in 1 human ...
Cambodia after the Cold War: the search for security continues

Cambodia after the Cold War: the search for security continues

Sorpong Peou

This Working Paper No. 96 from the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Asia Institute is concerned with the changes to Cambodia's foreign policy.
Government and Politics in Southeast Asia

Government and Politics in Southeast Asia


1 For background analysis of the UN intervention, see Sorpong Peou, Conflict Neutralization in the Cambodia War: From Battlefield to Ballot-box (New York, Singapore & Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1997). See also contributions by ...
Peace and security in the Asia-Pacific: theory and practice

Peace and security in the Asia-Pacific: theory and practice

Sorpong Peou

Demonstrating that none of the various perspectives under review has emerged as the clear winner in the struggle for theoretical hegemony in security studies, this book shows that eclectic perspectives, like democratic realist ...
Human Security Studies: Theories, Methods and Themes

Human Security Studies: Theories, Methods and Themes

Sorpong Peou

Even proponents of criminal justice acknowledge its limits. Lillian Barria and Steven Roper note: “Although decisions of the ICTY and the ICTR forum have referred to the deterrent effect of criminal tribunals, they are not a form that can provide ...
Political Change, Democratic Transitions and Security in ...

Political Change, Democratic Transitions and Security in ...


2 See, for instance, Chou Meng Tarr, 'The Vietnamese Minority in Cambodia', and Ramses Amer, 'The Ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia: A Minority at Risk?', in Sorpong Peou (ed.), Cambodia: Change and Continuity in Contemporary Politics , ...
Peace, Power and Resistance in Cambodia: Global Governance ...

Peace, Power and Resistance in Cambodia: Global Governance ...

P. Lizeé

Background Analysis and Documents, Amitav Acharya, Pierre Lizée, Sorpong Peou, eds., 34. Speech by Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia to the Paris International Conference on Cambodia Paris 30 July 1989. In Cambodia – The 1989 Paris ...
International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: ...

International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: ...

S. Peou

This book explains why international donors may succeed in putting war-torn countries on the path of democratic transition and negative peace, but fail to consolidate the gains they make.

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