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The J. Paul Getty Museum and Its Collections: A Museum for ...
John WalshPaul Getty, 1965 This book appears on the occasion of the opening of the Getty Center, which includes a new building for the ]. Paul Getty Museum. The Museum is dedicated to the task Mr. Getty put in such modest terms: interesting people in ...
The J. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Collection: Eighth ...
J. Paul Getty MuseumThis book is a revised and fully updated guide to major objects in the collections at the Getty. This gorgeous new edition of The J Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Collection features over 350 of the museum's most beloved objects.
Illuminated Manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands in ...
J. Paul Getty MuseumBooks of related interest from Getty Publications ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS OF GERMANY AND CENTRAL EUROPE in the J. Paul Getty Museum Thomas Kren FRENCH ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS in the J. Paul Getty Museum ...
Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum: Paintings: English ...
Denise AllenMasterpieces ofthe Paul Getty Museum is a series of seven superbly illustrated volumes that present the finest works from the Museum's ... 60) The J. Paul Getty Museum's paintings collection, featured in this volume, ranges from the ...
Roman Funerary Monuments in the J. Paul Getty Museum: Volume 1
The J. Paul Getty MuseumThis is the sixth volume in the Museum’s series of Occasional Papers on Antiquities. Important Roman funerary monuments in the J. Paul Getty Museum’s collection are examined, and much new scholarly research is included.
The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: Volume 20, 1992
The J. Paul Getty MuseumPaul Getty Museum (Heidemarie Koch) 13:27—32 A Set of Archaic Greekjewelry (Elizabeth Trimble Buckley) 1:27—32 ... in Malibu (Guntram Koch) 8:129 —40 ' épitaphe d'Hélene (jean-Paul Boucher) 10:121—22 Etruscan Inscriptions at the].
Greek vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum
J. Paul Getty MuseumThis is the sixth in a series that documents the vast collection of Greek vases in the Getty Museum. Eight essay--in English, German, and Italian--shed light on a number of objects from the Museum's fine collection.
The J. Paul Getty Museum: Handbook of the Collections
J. Paul Getty MuseumThis revised and updated J. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Collections includes many major objects that recently have been added to the collections, as well as the more familiar masterpieces frequent visitors have become acquainted with ...
Masterpieces of Painting in the J. Paul Getty Museum
J. Paul Getty MuseumThe J. Paul Getty Museum's paintings collection ranges from the fourteenth to the end of the nineteenth century.
Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum: Volume 6
The J. Paul Getty MuseumUn gruppo di frammenti della collezione di antichità del J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, offre lo spunto per una serie di riflessioni sul significato, l'iconografia e gli aspetti stilistici di questa produzione vascolare, che si distingue da ogni altra ...
The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: Volume 19, 1991
The J. Paul Getty MuseumThe J. Paul Getty Museum Journal has been published annually since 1974.
Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
J. Paul Getty MuseumAn exhibition catalog presents fifty photographs taken from the J. Paul Getty Museum along with informaton on the life and career of Manual Alvarez Bravo.
Eugène Atget: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
Eugène AtgetPhotographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum Eugène Atget, J. Paul Getty Museum . Staircase, Montmartre 1924 Albumen print 21.8 x 17.8 cm (8Vn x 7 in.) 90.XM. 124.1 This tautly composed image of a precipitously raked staircase descending ...
Widen Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway) from Interstate 10 ...
Read... Owners' Association 517 Westwood Hills Property Owners Association 518 Westwood Hills Proe Owners Association 520 The J . Paul Getty Trust 534 The J. Paul Getty Trust 534 The J . Paul Getty Trust 534 The J. Paul Getty Trust 534 The J ...
Studia Varia from the J. Paul Getty Museum: Volume 1
The J. Paul Getty MuseumBARBARA A. BARLETTA The Getty Museum recently acquired some architectural elements from the ancient Greek settlement of Selinus, on the southwestern coast of Sicily. The material was brought to the United States in the 1920s as part of ...
More editionsPrepared with thé assistance of thé Drainage Committee, Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. --p. [2] I. Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. Drainage Committee. II. Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. III. Title. IV.
Across the Great Divide: Modernism’s Intermedialities, from ...
PreviewJ. Paul Getty Trust Allan Kaprow, 18 Happenings in 6 Parts (1959), plan of space, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles. © J. Paul Getty Trust Allan Kaprow, 18 Happenings in 6 Parts (1959), Sandwich Man, The Getty Research Institute, ...
Looking at Glass: A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques
Catherine HessA Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques Catherine Hess, Karol Wight. © 2005 J . Paul Getty Trust Getty Publications 1 200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 500 Los Angeles, California 90049- 1682 Christopher Hudson, Publisher ...
Illuminated Manuscripts of Germany and Central Europe in the ...
Thomas KrenThomas Kren. Books of related interest from Getty Publications FRENCH ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS in the J. Paul Getty Museum Thomas Kren 144 pages 113 color illustrations ITALIAN ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS in the J. Paul Getty ...
László Moholy-Nagy: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
László Moholy-NagyThe J. Paul Getty Museum owns eighty-two photographs by Moholy-Nagy, almost fifty of which are presented in this volume, the second in the Museum's In Focus series on photographers.
Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum: European ...
Peter FuscoMasterpieces of the ]. Paul Getty Museum is a series of seven superbly illustrated volumes that present the finest works from the Museum's world-renowned permanent collection. Each volume contains majestic color reproductions, interpreted ...
The Why Files: The Science Behind the News
David J. Tenenbaum... C. Lee / PhotoLink / Photodisc / Getty Images; Man eating doughnuts, CalCrary / Photodisc / Getty Images: Fire ant, Science VU / S. Meola / Visuals Unlimited / Getty Images; Blue eye, Dwight Eschliman / Stone / Getty Images; Microscope, ...
Migraine Your Questions Answered
Carol FosterMasterfile: Noel Hendrickson (l). 8 Getty Images: altrendo images. 12 Getty Images: The Image Bank/Sacha Ajbeszyc. 16 Delia Malchert: (l) (r). 17 Getty Images: Photonica/Mark Adams. 18 Getty Images: Photonica/Emmet Malmstrom ( l).
The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: Volume 22, 1994
The J. Paul Getty Museum... Microcomputer Support Specialist CURATORIAL DEPARTMENT OF ANTIQUITIES Marion True Curator Kenneth Hamma John Papadopoulos Associate Curators Marit R. Jentoft—Nilsen Associate Curator for Research Karol Wight Assistant ...
The J. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Antiquities Collection
J. Paul Getty MuseumIn lively prose accompanied by full-color photographs of nearly two hundred objects, this handbook presents the most important pieces in the collection. "
Robert Mapplethorpe: The Photographs
Paul MartineauDrawing from the extraordinary collection jointly acquired in 2011 by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art from The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, as well as the Mapplethorpe Archive housed at the Getty ...
August Sander: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
August Sander"The approximately fifty plates featured in In Focus: August Sander are some of the most striking from the J. Paul Getty Museum's more than twelve hundred pictures by the artist.
The J. Paul Getty Museum Guidebook:
W. R. ValentinerThis is the second edition of the original guidebook to the J. Paul Getty Museum’s collection. The book introduces the collection, as divided into Greek and Roman antiquities, European paintings, and French decorative arts.
French Illuminated Manuscripts in the J. Paul Getty Museum
J. Paul Getty MuseumThis volume includes full-color reproductions of masterpieces from such works as a bible from ninth-century Tours; a sacramentary attributed to Nivardus of Milan from the first quarter of the eleventh century; the Shah Abbas Bible, made in ...
who called from an unknown number?