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Diminished Democracy: From Membership to Management in ...
Theda SkocpolIn Diminished Democracy, Theda Skocpol shows that this decline in public involvement has not always been the case in this country—and how, by understanding the causes of this change, we might reverse it.
States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of ...
Theda SkocpolTheda Skocpol shows how all three combine to explain the origins and accomplishments of social-revolutionary transformations.
Social Revolutions in the Modern World
Theda SkocpolIn this collection of essays, Theda Skocpol, author of the award-winning States and Social Revolutions (CUP, 1979), updates her arguments about social revolutions.
Social Policy in the United States: Future Possibilities in ...
Theda SkocpolIn this wide-ranging collection of essays, renowned social scientist Theda Skocpol shows how historical understanding, centered on U.S. governmental institutions and shifting political alliances, can illuminate the limits and possibilities ...
New Deal Fat Cats: Business, Labor, and Campaign Finance in ...
Michael J. WebberSkocpol, Theda, and Kenneth Finegold. 1982. "State Capacity and Economic Intervention in the Early New Deal." Political Science Quarterly 97(summer):255- 78. Skocpol, Theda, and Kenneth Finegold. 1984. State, Party, and Industry: From ...
Obama and America's Political Future
Theda SkocpolBut he quickly faced skepticism from supporters and fierce opposition from Republicans. What happened? Skocpol surveys the political landscape to help us to understand Obama’s triumphs and setbacks and see where we might be headed next.
States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of ...
Theda Skocpol11; and John L H. Keep, The Russian Revolution (New York: Norton, 1976), pt. III. 7. See: Chamberlin: Russian Revolution, vol. 1, chap. 12; Paul H. Avrich, “ Russian Factory Committees in 1917,” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 11: 2 ...
The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism
Theda SkocpolDescribes the history of the Tea Party movement, from the roots of its development and its conservative backers to its pivotal role in the 2010 midterm elections, and discusses the party's ideologies and future of its political agenda.
State and party in America's New Deal
Kenneth FinegoldProviding a needed historical perspective on current debates about industrial and agricultural policy, Kenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol compare the origins, implementation, and consequences of two similar programs from Franklin ...
Vision and Method in Historical Sociology
Theda SkocpolThe core essays of this book focus on the careers and contributions of nine of these scholars: Marc Bloch, Karl Polanyi, S. N. Eisenstadt, Reinhard Bendix, Perry Anderson, E. P. Thompson, Charles Tilly, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Barrington ...
Boomerang: Health Care Reform and the Turn Against Government
Theda SkocpolHow did the debate on health reform turn into the most concerted attack on government in recent American history?
Bringing the State Back In
PreviewKenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol, "Capitalists, Farmers, and Workers in the New Deal - The Ironies of Government Intervention" (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., ...
Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined Its Citizens and ...
Matthew A. CrensonKenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol, State and Party in America's New Deal ( Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995), 70-71; Vittoz, New Deal Labor Policy, 83-85. 14. Donald R. Brand, Corporatism and the Rule of Law: A Study of the ...
Obama and America's Political Future
Theda SkocpolBartels, Unequal Democracy; Hacker and Pierson, WinnerTake-All-Politics. Andrea Louise Campbell, How Policies Make Citizens: Senior Political Activism and the American Welfare State (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003) .
Native Carolinians: The Indians of North Carolina
Theda PerdueIn Native Carolinians, Dr. Theda Perdue, Atlanta Distinguished Professor of Southern Culture at UNC at Chapel Hill, discusses the history, life-style, and culture of the native people of the region before the arrival of Europeans.
Vamp: The Rise and Fall of Theda Bara
Eve GoldenTheda Bars's remarkable life as told by Eve Golden's heartfelt account is short of discovering a means of traveling through time and as close as we are ever likely to get to meeting the screen's great Vamp!
Gendered Citizenships: Transnational Perspectives on ...
PreviewTransnational Perspectives on Knowledge Production, Political Activism, and Culture K. Caldwell, R. Ramirez, K. Coll, T. Fisher, L. Siu. Purdue, Theda. 1998. Cherokee ... L. Steven Zwerling and Howard B. London, 55–64. New Directions for ...
North Carolina Governor Richard Caswell: Founding Father and ...
Joe A. MobleyAlexander, “Richard Caswell: Versatile Leader of the Revolution,” 130– 31; Theda Perdue and Christopher Arris Oakley, Native Carolinians: The Indians of North Carolina (Raleigh: North Carolina Office of Archives and History, 2010), 38 –39; ...
Diva: Defiance and Passion in Early Italian Cinema
Angela Dalle VaccheContrasting the Italian diva with the Hollywood vamp Theda Bara and the famous Danish star Asta Nielsen, Dalle Vacche shows how the diva oscillates between articulating Henri Bergson's vibrant life-force and representing the suffering ...
Before the Volunteer State: New Thoughts on Early Tennessee, ...
PreviewCynthia Cumfer, Separate Peoples, One Land: The Minds of Cherokees, Blacks, and Whites on the Tennessee Frontier (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 2007), 27. See also, Theda Perdue, Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture ...
Cosmetic Injection Techniques: A Text and Video Guide to ...
Theda C. KontisCosmetic Injection Techniques and the videos that accompany it provide all medical professionals in the field (from beginners to experienced injectors) with practical information on how to properly administer neurotoxin and filler ...
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