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The Human Body

The Human Body

Connie Jankowski

Connie Jankowski Connie Jankowski is a seasoned journalist, marketing expert, public relations consultant, and teacher. Her education includes a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Pittsburgh and graduate study at Pitt. She has ...
Women in Power in the Early Modern Drama

Women in Power in the Early Modern Drama

Theodora A. Jankowski

Some time later, when Mark discovers the continuing affair between his wife and his vassal, he banishes Tristan from court. The hero eventually marries the second Ysolt, Ysolt of the White Hands, though his devotion to the first Ysolt prevents ...
Deaf Life Magazine

Deaf Life Magazine

More editions

'I ?l H5 Mal Katherine A. Jankowski PRACTICES” Dr. Katherine A. Jankowski has been appointed principal of Pre-College Demonstration and Elementary Schools at Gallaudet University. She will assume her new post in January 1997.
Social Register, Summer

Social Register, Summer

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Clapboard Ridge Rd Du Bois M'" Diane [Molloy) | Greenwich Ct PhЖi58jLee" Riverside" Tyringham Mass PhЖ6-9659 266 Livingston New Haven Ct Du Bois WDelafield (Theodora EMcCormick) Du Bois M'" Theodora D & Ja Mr Eliot Ja M'"  ...
Theodora: A Novel

Theodora: A Novel

Noel Bertram Gerson

Fictionized biography of the wife of Rome's 5th century A.D. Emperor Justinian.
The Wonder of Outer Space

The Wonder of Outer Space

Connie Jankowski

Long ago, astronomers believed that the Earth was the center of the universe.
Space Exploration

Space Exploration

Connie Jankowski

Discusses how modern technology has helped people learn more about the universe.
Astronomers: From Copernicus to Crisp

Astronomers: From Copernicus to Crisp

Connie Jankowski

Profiles the careers and contributions of various early astronomers.
The Evolution of a Woman College President: Theodora J. Kalikow

The Evolution of a Woman College President: Theodora J. Kalikow


The significance of this autoethnographic study lies in the simple act of sharing a story. This is a story of leadership, challenges, and successes.
Ishi: Last of His Tribe

Ishi: Last of His Tribe

Theodora Kroeber

The old Yahi World and the new world of the white man as seen by Ishi, last survivor of his people.
Hold Fast the Mountain Pass: A Work of Historical Fiction ...

Hold Fast the Mountain Pass: A Work of Historical Fiction ...

Theodora Vasils

Acknowledgments Were it not for the prompting and encouragement of Helen Kazantzakis with whom I enjoyed a twenty-five year friendship this book may never have been attempted. It was through our friendship that I became acquainted ...


Mike Allen

This volume, the first of a planned anthology series, places off-beat new talents like Matthew Cheney, Theodora Goss, Richard Parks and Sonya Taaffe alongside veterans such as Joe Haldeman and Ian Watson to offer a unique literary ...
All About Light and Sound

All About Light and Sound

Connie Jankowski

Explains the importance of light and sound in the universe and describes what scientists have found out about them.
Jane Goodall: Primatologist and Animal Activist

Jane Goodall: Primatologist and Animal Activist

Connie Jankowski

Jane Goodall is a Capstone Press publication.
Pioneers of Light and Sound

Pioneers of Light and Sound

Connie Jankowski

Introduces some of the most influential scientists to study light and sound, and to create such technology as phonographs, telephones, and cameras.
All About Light and Sound

All About Light and Sound

Connie Jankowski

Light and sound are two of the most important ways to understand the world around us.
Journal of Emotional Education

Journal of Emotional Education

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THE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY REVIEV Publisher: Jacob Samuel List, Ph.D., D.H.L. Editors: Christopher Terry and Alice S. Reed Annette Davis, Ed .D. Madeline Davis, M.S. Theodora Hirschhorn, Ed.D. Kenneth Axel, B.A. Shelly ...
Protective groups in organic synthesis

Protective groups in organic synthesis

Theodora W. Greene

Ten reactivity charts with more than 28,000 entries summarize the relative reactivities of 270 commonly used protective groups with 108 reagents. This book will be an indispensable reference for synthetic chemists and students.
Hippocrates: Father of Medicine

Hippocrates: Father of Medicine

Connie Jankowski

Presents the life of the ancient Greek physician, whose assumptions that diseases came from nature and that a physician could treat a patient using knowledge still form the basis of modern medicine.
Advances in Information Retrieval: 28th European Conference ...

Advances in Information Retrieval: 28th European Conference ...


... London, UK, April 10-12, 2006, Proceedings Mounia Lalmas, Andrew MacFarlane, Stefan Rüger, Anastasios Tombros, Theodora Tsikrika, Alexei Yavlinsky. Using Query Profiles for Clarification Henning Rode and Djoerd Hiemstra University ...
The Poetics of the Everyday: Creative Repetition in Modern ...

The Poetics of the Everyday: Creative Repetition in Modern ...

Siobhan Phillips

... self-definition and self-effacement in “Borges and I” (Bidart) Bornstein, George Bosanquet, Theodora “Boundless Moment, A” (Frost) Bové, Paul A. Bradbury, Malcolm Brazeau, Peter Breslin, James E. B. “Bright Star” (Keats) “Broken Home,  ...
Adopting cats and kittens: a care and training guide

Adopting cats and kittens: a care and training guide

Connie Jankowski

Tells how to select and care for a cat, discusses health care, feeding, and training, and looks at feline behavior
Justinian: The Last Roman Emperor

Justinian: The Last Roman Emperor

George Philip Baker

Examines how Emperor Justinian (482-565 A.D.) and his wife, Empress Theodora, both infamous, he for corruption and she for sexual depravity, fought revolts, riots, intrigues, and plots in an attempt to restore the Roman Empire to its former ...
World Historical Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Novels for ...

World Historical Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Novels for ...

Lynda G. Adamson

... to Athens only to be accused and then acquitted on charges of treason before writing The Demes, a satire on the problems of Athens. Genre(s): War Story; Legal Story. Kazantzakis, Nikos 1 33. Alexander the Great. Trans. Theodora Va- sils.
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Context, Exploration and ...

Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Context, Exploration and ...


Differences in Video Search Behavior between Novices and Archivists Henning Rode, Theodora Tsikrika, and Arjen P. de Vries Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Science Park 123, Amsterdam, The Netherlands henning.rode ...
Hippocrates: Making the Way for Medicine

Hippocrates: Making the Way for Medicine

Connie Jankowski

Doctors thought the gods were to blame for illness. Hippocrates studied the human body and tried to figure out what caused disease so he could develop cures. Hippocrates suggested rules for doctors to follow.

who called from an unknown number?