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Trademark Rules of Practice of the Patent and Trademark ...
United States Patent and Trademark OfficeOfficial Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent OfficeUnited States. Patent Office. modification thereof.” It would have been proper for the Examiner to have objected to this form of the claim. Its efi'ect is to cover the method presented merely, and not the m-t of constructing in the manner, &c., as the ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
United States. Patent and Trademark OfficeBuffington, Veronica Ann: See— Bolognia, David; Kern, Arthur, O'Brien, Patrick, Rufo, George, Jr.; and Buffington, ... Bures, Jacques: See— Dumais, Patrick, Lacroix, Suzanne; Gonthier, Francois; Black, Richard James; and Bures, Jacques , 5,710,848, Cl. 385-43.000. ... Burk, Robert M.; and Woodward, David F, to Allergan.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
United States. Patent and Trademark OfficeHans; Nilsson. Lennart: Hallin. Jan-Erik; and Edgren, Kent, 6.170.636,0. 198- 441.000. Ninomiya, Kohei: See — Kuroda. Nobuyuki; Yamanaka. Mitsuo; Takemoto. Hirofumi; Ninomiya. Kohei; and Kugimoto. Junichi. 6.172,243, CI. 549- 531.000.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
United States. Patent and Trademark OfficeUS 6,436,459 B2 LOW-FAT SNACKS HAVING IMPROVED EATING QUALITIES AND DOUGH COMPOSITIONS USED TO PREPARE LOW-FAT FABRICATED SNACKS Maria Dolores Martinez-Serna Villagran, West Chester, Ohio Stephen ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
United States. Patent and Trademark Office-41 -40 5.914.564 RF DRIVEN SULFUR LAMP HAVING DRIVING ELECTRODES WHICH FACE EACH OTHER (□forge Gabor. Lafayette; Thomas Robert Orr. Castro Valley; C harles Maurice Greene. Oakland: Douglas Gordon Crawford.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
United States. Patent and Trademark OfficeKazuyoshi, Suzuki, Akio, Kurata, Mitsuru, Ebata, Tokihide, Takada, Yoshihiro, Matsuzawa, Kunihiko, Tanaami, Hideyuki, Udagawa, Yutaka, Ikkatai, Masatoshi, Kuboki, Keiju, Miura, Yasushi, Nishio, Masahiro, Takanaka. Yasuyuki, Takagi. Eiichi ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
ReadFor use of the European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority for international applications filed in the United States Receiving Office, see the notice appearing in the Official Gazette at 1022 O.G. 52, on September 28, 1982.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office: Patents
United States. Patent Office226,769 TELEPHONE UNIT TEST SET William Charles Hatfield and John Martin Reed, Garland, Tex., assignors to Electronic Communications Services, Inc., Garland, Tex. Filed Jan. 20, 1971, Ser. No. 108,247 Term of patent 14 years Int. CI.
Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition
Thomas T. GordonA major exception is that, since Canada is a bilingual country, patent applications can be filed in either English or French. ... The weekly publication of the Canadian Patent Office, the Canadian Patent Office Record, lists the patents issued ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent OfficeColumbus, Peter Spiros, and Erikson, Carl Reinhold, 3,442,845. Dickstein, Jack, Cooperman, Isadore Nathan, and Cesanek, James John, 3,442,831. Hoyt, Howard E., and Pfluger, Helmuth L., 3,442,674. Sandler, Stanley Robert, Berg, ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office2,809,888 CAST IRON WITH HIGH CREEP RESISTANCE AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME Robert Douglas Schelleng, Roselle, and John Trimble Eash, Westfield, N. J., assignors to The International Nickel Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. ...
Official gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office2,512.742 HIGH-FREQUENCY AMPLIFIERS, RADIO TRANSMITTERS, AND THE LIKE Ernest Green and Victor Owen Stokes, Chelmsford, England, assignors to Radio Corporation of America, a corporation of Delaware Application December ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent OfficeDreyer, John F., Springfield, assignor to The General Polarizing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Optically polarizing dichroic film and preparing ... Robert C, Livingston, and J. W. Emling, Morris- town. N. J., assignors to Bell Telephone Laboratories ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office... and a tail structure movable with another of said sections relative to the wing section to which said fuselage is attached. 1,S17,C52. .HYPODERMIC SYRINGE. ARTHUR ErVin Smith, Los Angeles, Calif. Filed May 18, 1925, Serial No. 31,030.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office900 POLYANTHA ROSE PLANT Alfred Krebs, Montebelio, Calif., assignor to Howard & Smith, Montebelio, Calif. Application December 18, 1947, Serial No. 792,549 1 Claim. (CI. 47— 61) The new and distinct variety of polyantha rose plant, ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office: Patents
United States. Patent Office~-i3,816,237 OPTICALLY INACTIVE MAGNETO-OPTIC SUBSTRATE Edward Martin Barrall, San Jose, and Kenneth Lee, Saratoga, both of Calif., assignors to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, N.Y. ~ Filed Feb. 26, 1973 ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office(See Brogan, Graham W. i Black. William M., Fresno, Calif. Calculating mcahine. 1,870,705 : Aug. 9. Blackhall, John B„ Highland Park, and H. S. Pardee, Rnvinia, 111. ; said Pardee assignor to said Blackhall. Railway car. 1,870,227 ; Aug. 9.
Official gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent OfficeSchnell, Steve, Kirkwood, assignor to Wagner Electric Corporation. St. Louis, Mo. Braking system. 2,328,685 : Sept. 7. Schnitzer, Benjamin J. (See Donnell, L. H., and Schnitzer.) Schoeller, Walter. (See DOhrn, M., Schoeller, Laubereau, Fox, ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office: Patents
United States. Patent Office3,613,675 PHOTOCURABLE RESIN IMPREGNATED BANDAGE FOR FORMING RIGID SURGICAL CASTS Donald Wayne Larsen, 208 Ashlawn Drive, Ashton, Md., and Raymond John Ceresa, Alpine 2 St. Andrews Park, Histon, Cambridge, ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office2 312 330 ORNAMENTING MACHINE Benjamin W. Freeman, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Frederick Stuart Knight, Brockton, Mass.; said Knight assignor to said Freeman Application March 25, 1938, Serial No. 198,120 20 Claims. (CI. 101— 324) 1.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent Office3,276,159 TRAPPING DEVICE Frederick C. Robards, 220 Behrends Ave., Juneau, Alaska Filed Nov. 2, 1964, Ser. No. 408,443 3 Claims. (Cl. 43-15) ll... 1. A trapping device comprising a spring means having elongated extensions, a line ...
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office
United States. Patent OfficeArthur Ervin Smith, Los Angeles, Calif. Filed May 18, 1925. Serial No. 31,031. 7 Claims. ... 1,603,878. ELIMINATOR. Arthur R. Smith, Schenectady, N. Y., assignor to General Electric Company, a Corporation of New York. Filed May 19. 1924.
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