The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa
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9Constitution of the Weimarer Republic art 5 and 12, translated in Elmar Hucko ( ed) The Democratic Tradition, Four German Constitutions 149 and 152 (1987); Gordon A Craig Germany 1866-1945 419 (1980); Erich Roper 152. 10Gerhard Anschuetz, Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches vom 1 1 August 1919 Kommentar 507 (14 ed 1933 reprinted 1965): art 109-165 "Grundrechte und Grundpflichten", fundamental rights and duties. 1 1Gerhard Anschuetz 506. 12Elmar Hucko (ed) ...


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