The Ladies'' Diary: Or Woman''s Almanack, for the Year of Our ...

The Ladies'' Diary: Or Woman''s Almanack, for the Year of Our ...
Charles Hutton

You''ll sind me sprightly, kind, and free ; And rolling years fhall prove, Fixt as Stonebenge my faith shall be* My/n>«/ship and my love. My friend at Manchester I''d meet, Nor more wou''d wifli to range, Unlefs he lead my devious feet To Mattock or Stonebenge. The fame answered by Sylvia, Tho'' Manchester for trade be fam''d, Eland in wit excell, And Betty Brown of Liverpool Se deem''d a nonpareil . The same answered by Maria. Dear Betty Brawn, and Eland too, Our party fhall attend ; My ...


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