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理察.波斯納(Richard A. Posner)

... Devotionto Bibliographical Orthodoxy andthe Constriction ofOpenand EqualAccessto the Law°704lbany Law Review491(2007)。 98 Linda J. Barris。 UnderStanding and Mastering The Bluebook:4 Guide for Students and Practioners(2ded ...
Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy

Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy

Richard A. Posner

Richard Posner argues for a conception of the liberal state based on pragmatic theories of government.
Sex and Reason

Sex and Reason

Richard A. POSNER

Richard A. Posner is Circuit Judge, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School.
Frontiers of Legal Theory

Frontiers of Legal Theory

Richard A. Posner

The most exciting development in legal thinking since World War II has been the growth of interdisciplinary legal studies. Judge Richard Posner has been a leader in this movement, and his new book explores its rapidly expanding frontier.
Overcoming Law

Overcoming Law

Richard A. Posner

Throughout, the book is unified by Posner's distinctive stance, which is pragmatist in philosophy, economic in methodology, and liberal (in the sense of John Stuart Mill's liberalism) in politics.
Cardozo: A Study in Reputation

Cardozo: A Study in Reputation

Richard A. Posner

How are reputations forged? Why do some reputations endure, while others crumble? And how can we know whether a reputation is fairly deserved? In this ambitious book, Richard Posner confronts these questions in the case of Benjamin Cardozo.
Antitrust Law, Second Edition

Antitrust Law, Second Edition

Richard A. Posner

In this thoroughly revised edition, Posner explains the economic approach to new generations of lawyers and students.
Aging and Old Age

Aging and Old Age

Richard A. Posner

Observing that people change both physically and cognitively as they age, Posner suggests that each of us has, in succession, two separate selves - younger and older - with different abilities, interests, and behaviors, an insight that ...
How Judges Think

How Judges Think

Richard A. Posner

A distinguished and experienced appellate court judge, Posner offers in this new book a unique and, to orthodox legal thinkers, a startling perspective on how judges and justices decide cases.
How Judges Think

How Judges Think

Richard A. Posner

C.K.Rowland and RobertA. Carp, Politicsand Judgment in Federal District Courts 165 (1996). 12. SeeRichard A. Posner, “Cognitive Theory as the Ground ofPolitical Theoryin Plato, Popper, Dewey, andHayek,” in Cognition and Economics ...
No Hormones, No Fear: A Natural Journey Through Menopause

No Hormones, No Fear: A Natural Journey Through Menopause

Trisha Posner

No Hormones, No Fear is the story of Posner’s search for an alternative to the AMA’s sanctioned regimen of hormone replacement therapy.
Terror in the Balance: Security, Liberty, and the Courts

Terror in the Balance: Security, Liberty, and the Courts

Eric A. Posner

In Terror in the Balance, Posner and Vermeule take on civil libertarians of both the left and the right, arguing that the government should be given wide latitude to adjust policy and liberties in the times of emergency.
Killing JFK: 50 Years, 50 Lies: --From the Warren Commission ...

Killing JFK: 50 Years, 50 Lies: --From the Warren Commission ...

Dr. Lance Moore

Ms. Lee, at 87, is suing her literary agent, Samuel Pinkus, who was in partnership with Posner, for trying to steal the copyright (and ... Her lawsuit asserts that Pinkus and Posner created a company in 2011 called Philologus Procurator Inc.,  ...
The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic

The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic

Eric A. Posner

The answer, according to legal scholars Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule, is nothing. In The Executive Unbound, they provide a bracing challenge to conventional wisdom, arguing that a strong presidency is inevitable in the modern world.
Reflections on Judging

Reflections on Judging

Richard A. Posner

LindaJ. Barris, Understanding and Mastering The Bluebook: AGuide for Students and Practitioners (2d ed. 2010). 99. See,for example, besides Gallacher's article “ Cite Unseen,” James D. Gordon III,“Oh No! A NewBluebook!” 90 MichiganLaw ...
Law and Literature

Law and Literature

Richard A. Posner

Law and Literature is the only book-length treatment of a widely popular subject that is drawing considerable academic attention.
Denver University Law Review

Denver University Law Review

More editions

Richard A. Posner, The Uncertain Future of Legal Education, Address Before the Annual Meeting ofthe Association ofAmerican Law Schools (january 15, 1991) p. 6. 95. Some have voiced alarm at the textual deconstruction that has become ...
Economic Analysis of Law

Economic Analysis of Law

Richard A. Posner

Lucid, comprehensive, and definitive in its field, this text covers every aspect of economic analysis of the law.
Law and Literature

Law and Literature

Richard A. Posner

Kieran Dolin's book maintains a steadier focus on legal and literary texts than Binder and Weisberg's. But it is indiscriminate in coverage; jargon-laden in expression (reflecting the baleful influence of literary theory); politically obsessed; and ...
Just Cause: Freedom, Identity, and Rights

Just Cause: Freedom, Identity, and Rights

Drucilla Cornell

Included here are two of her most important contributions to legal theory--her well-known defense of worker's rights (also included is the response to her essay by Judge Richard Posner) and her ground-breaking defense of Spanish-language ...

Lilla LoCurto

This volume accompanies an exhibition of 18 of these images. Helaine Posner is an independent curator living in New York.
Kiki Smith

Kiki Smith

Helaine Posner

Offers a look at the work and life of the American artist who uses such materials as glass, metal, wood, paper, ink, paint, and wax in her work
Richard Middleton, the Man and His Work

Richard Middleton, the Man and His Work

Henry Savage

Richard Middleton . . . Frontispiece Camera Portrait by E. O. Hoppé. Facing page Richard Middleton at the Age of 7 . . 10 Richard Middleton in Fancy Dress . . 28 A Bohemian Gathering . . . . 36 Sketch by Herbert Garland. Richard Middleton at ...
New Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance Historical ...

New Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance Historical ...


KOINEIZATION IN EARLY CASTILE DONALD N. TUTEN Emory University Spanish, or more specifically medieval Castilian, has often been acknowledged to represent an exceptional or even 'deviant' variety of Romance (e.g. Posner ...
Freedom’s Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and ...

Freedom’s Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and ...

Richard S. Newman

Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and the Black Founding Fathers Richard S. Newman ... —Richard Allen, “An Address to Those Who Keep Slaves and Approve the Practice” With his coauthorship of the yellow-fever pamphlet, Richard ...

who called from an unknown number?