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Duello nel ghetto

Duello nel ghetto

Amedeo Guerrazzi Osti

La sfida di un ebreo contro le bande nazifasciste nella Roma occupata.
Hostis Humani Generis: Pirates and Empires from Antiquity ...

Hostis Humani Generis: Pirates and Empires from Antiquity ...

Amedeo Policante

This thesis has as its subject piracy and its relation to Empire.
Česká literatura: časopis pro literární vědu

Česká literatura: časopis pro literární vědu

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M. Strachota: Geniální satira na militarismus. Úvaha nad novým vydáním Haškova Švejka. Průbo! (Ostí n. L.) 23, 1971, č. 200, 24/8, str. 5. 228 Autorský a předmětový jmenný rejstřík A. R. viz Rossová, Anna Aksamit, Karel 99 Ančík, Zdena 1, 2, ...
Empathetic Space on Screen: Constructing Powerful Place and ...

Empathetic Space on Screen: Constructing Powerful Place and ...

Amedeo D''Adamo

In this book we learn that there is a clear but complex relationship between setting and character on screen.
The Pirate Myth: Genealogies of an Imperial Concept

The Pirate Myth: Genealogies of an Imperial Concept

Amedeo Policante

It returns in the headlines of international newspapers as an untimely ‘security threat’. It materializes on the most provincial cinematic screen and the most acclaimed works of fiction.
Foucault and the History of Our Present

Foucault and the History of Our Present


... these include Nicholas Gledhill and John Hutnyk for reading various chapters; Nina Henriksson, Alessandro Inglima and Kier Swaffield for editorial assistance; Amedeo Policante for his help in the preliminary stages of the series' conception  ...
Situating Global Resistance: Between Discipline and Dissent

Situating Global Resistance: Between Discipline and Dissent


Normality! Inastate ofnormality [...] onedoes not lookaround.Man tends tofall asleep;he forgets howto think,to judge, toask himselfwho he is. This Of Cameras and Balaclavas: Violence, Myth and Convulsive Kettle Amedeo Policante.
Is Racism an Environmental Threat?

Is Racism an Environmental Threat?

Ghassan Hage

In his analysis of the history of piracy Amedeo Policante (2015) sees in the pirates' plunder one of the necessary roots of accumulated capital. He argues for the existence of a “line” between piracy and legal property whereby the aim is always ...
The Crisis of the Twenty-First Century: Empire in the Age of ...

The Crisis of the Twenty-First Century: Empire in the Age of ...


Let me begin by saying how much I enjoyed reading Amedeo Policante's (2013) essay. His main insight is that the global powers charged with policing acts of piracy and terrorism – a group that today includes, pre-eminently, the United States ...
Italian Books and Periodicals

Italian Books and Periodicals

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91 GROSSI, AMEDEO. « Guida alle Cascine e Vigne del territorio di Torino e contomi » (Guide to the ' Cascine ' and Vigne in Turin Province). Edited by Elisa Rossi Gri'baudi. Turin, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1968, 8vo, 315 pages. 91 MIGLIORINI ...
The Pirate Myth: Genealogies of an Imperial Concept

The Pirate Myth: Genealogies of an Imperial Concept

Amedeo Policante

The account of the trial of George Cusack, 'the most signal Sea-Robber, that perhaps this Age hath known', reported by a self-styled 'Impartial Hand' in The Grand Pyrate: or, the Life and Death of Capt. George Cusack the Great Sea- Robber ...
I piaceri e le grazie: collezionismo, pittura di genere e di ...

I piaceri e le grazie: collezionismo, pittura di genere e di ...

Arabella Cifani

(1) Cfr. Amedeo Grossi, Guida alle Cascine, e Vigne del territorio di Torino e contorni, 1791; edizione a cura di Elisa Rossi Gribaudi, Torino 1968. II Grossi erra nell'attribuzione dei quadri della Vigna Bogino; in realtà essi sono del Graneri; ...
I nuovi mercenari: mercato mondiale e privatizzazione della ...

I nuovi mercenari: mercato mondiale e privatizzazione della ...

Amedeo Policante

Mettendo in fila le vicende dei nuovi mercenari del mercato globale - dall'Africa all'Afghanistan, dall'America Latina all'Iraq - scopriamo fino a che punto la guerra sia parte integrante del mercato mondiale, una componente fondamentale ...

who called from an unknown number?