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Software and Mind: The Mechanistic Myth and Its Consequences

Software and Mind: The Mechanistic Myth and Its Consequences

Andrei Sorin

The purpose of these constructs is to override the nesting scheme: they endow the application's Ë Doug Bell, Ian Morrey, and John Pugh, Software Engineering: A Programming Approach (Hemel Hempstead, UK: Prentice Hall, 1987), p. 17.
Viața românească

Viața românească

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Andrei Sorin scrisese un articol şi-1 citea în toate răspântiile. Stai să trag sertarul ăsta. Uite-1, flutură el o foaie de ziar îngălbenită: Suntem la sfârşit de decembrie, dar sufletul nostru trăieşte întărâtat de bucurii de aprilie. Sună crivăţul, însă ...
Tradition Transformed: The Jewish Experience in America

Tradition Transformed: The Jewish Experience in America

Gerald Sorin

"Sorin's thesis is extremely timely, and his book deserves to be read both widely and closely by our communal elites consumed with the notion that American Jews are hellbent on assimilation." -- PS
Advances in Intelligent Control Systems and Computer Science

Advances in Intelligent Control Systems and Computer Science


... Moldoveanu, Florica 379,453 Morar, Anca 379, 453 Muste, Marian 295 91, 177 Neamtu, Andrei-Sorin 157 Negru, Catalin 423 Nit,ulescu, Mircea 143 Odub ̆asteanu, Carmen 439 Oltean, Virginia Ecaterina 15 Oluji ́c, Maja 91 Author Index.
The Nurturing Neighborhood: The Brownsville Boys' Club and ...

The Nurturing Neighborhood: The Brownsville Boys' Club and ...

Gerald Sorin

Drawing heavily on the reminiscences of the Brownsville boys themselves, and skillfully integrating these with material from newspapers, books, and commentary of the time, Sorin creates an original and compelling picture of the communal and ...
Howard Fast: Life and Literature in the Left Lane

Howard Fast: Life and Literature in the Left Lane

Gerald Sorin

Recounting the story of his private and public life with its adventure and risk, love and pain, struggle, failure, and success, Sorin also addresses questions such as the relationship between modern Jewish identity and radical movements, ...
Irving Howe: A Life of Passionate Dissent

Irving Howe: A Life of Passionate Dissent

Gerald Sorin

To have lived a life of conviction and engagement in that era was a notable achievement. Irving Howe lived such a life and Gerald Sorin has done a masterful job of guiding us through it in all its passion and complexity.
Spirit, Faith and Church: Women’s Experiences in the ...

Spirit, Faith and Church: Women’s Experiences in the ...


Women's Experiences in the English-Speaking World, 17th-21st Centuries Laurence Lux-Sterritt, Claire Sorin ... 1 Suspicious Saints: The Spiritual Paradox of the Daughters of Eve Laurence Lux-Sterritt and Claire Sorin Chapter One.
The Revisionist Stage: American Directors Reinvent the Classics

The Revisionist Stage: American Directors Reinvent the Classics

Amy S. Green

18 Andrei Serban, "Andrei Serban Introduces The Miser," American Repertory Theatre News, April 1989, p. 3. 19 Moliere, Tlte Miser and George Dandin, p. 48. 20 Serban, "Andrei Serban Introduces The Miser," p. 3. 21 Moliere, Theatre ...
Dark Times, Dire Decisions: Jews and Communism

Dark Times, Dire Decisions: Jews and Communism


2), Judith Kalik, 332 Hasia R. Diner, Lower East Side Memories, Gerald Sorin, 334 Hasia R. Diner, Jeffrey Shandler, and Beth S. Wenger (eds.), Remembering the Lower East Side: American Reflections, Gerald Sorin, 334 Todd M. Endelman , ...
A Bar in Brooklyn: Novellas & Stories, 1970-1978

A Bar in Brooklyn: Novellas & Stories, 1970-1978

Andrei Codrescu

Since emigrating to the U.S. from the Nosferatu darknesses of his native Romania in 1966, Andrei Codrescu has blazed a rocket-bright trail across the cultural landscape of his adopted country, gaining a national audience as public radio ...
The Poetry Lesson

The Poetry Lesson

Andrei Codrescu

Neither a novel nor a memoir but mimicking aspects of each, The Poetry Lesson is pure Andrei Codrescu: irreverent, unconventional, brilliant, and always funny.
Theatre Studies

Theatre Studies

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Ed Menta's The Magic World Behind the Curtain: Andrei Serban in the American Theatre, focuses on Romanian director Andrei Serban and the inspiration behind his work in the American theatre. The book examines his early avani-garde ...
Ellen Stewart and La Mama: A Study of Theatrical Spaces

Ellen Stewart and La Mama: A Study of Theatrical Spaces

Susan Lisbeth Chast

*"The Master List of Plays from the Beginning, " La Mama Archives. *Andrei Serban, quoted by Jennifer Dunning, "Serban Stages Shakespeare at La Mama," New York Times, Friday, 18 January 1980, C24. “Andrei Serban, quoted by Jennifer ...
A Time for Building: The Third Migration, 1880-1920

A Time for Building: The Third Migration, 1880-1920

Gerald Sorin

A Time for Building describes the experiences of Jews who stayed in the large cities of the Northeast and Midwest as well as those who moved to smaller towns in the deep South and the West.
American Jewish History

American Jewish History

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Presentation of the Lee Max Friedman Medal to Gerald Sorin* The following remarks by Deborah Dash Moore, Chair of the Academic Council of the American Jewish Historical Society, were made on June 5, 2006, at the Biennial Scholars' ...


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EXTRATERRESTRIAL REAL ESTATE: DEBUNKING THE MYTH by Virgiliu Pop, LL.M Str. Andrei Saguna B1.U2, ScA, Ap.3 Timisoara 300108 Romania ...
Andrei Codrescu and the Myth of America

Andrei Codrescu and the Myth of America

Kirby Olson

"This work explores Codrescu's writings and how they are a part of the surrealist tradition.
High Performance Parallel I/O

High Performance Parallel I/O


[1] [2] FUSE: File System in Userspace. John Bent, Sorin Faibish, James Ahrens, Gary Grider, John Patchett, Percy Tzelnic, and Jon Woodring. Jitter-Free Co-Processing on a Prototype Exascale Storage Stack.
A Craving for Swan

A Craving for Swan

Andrei Codrescu

Essays deal with Stalin, time, television, bears, eternal youth, fashion, summer, the imagination, longings, metaphors, science, shopping, and the future

who called from an unknown number?