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Leadership: Leaders, Followers, and Environments

Leadership: Leaders, Followers, and Environments

Arthur Padilla

Padilla's Leadership brings a more holistic and comprehensive view to the leadership-followership process by focusing on all three of these critical aspects (leader, follower, organizational setting) - something no other book on the market ...
Portraits in Leadership: Six Extraordinary University Presidents

Portraits in Leadership: Six Extraordinary University Presidents

Arthur Padilla

In this book, Art Padilla uses the university as the organizational vehicle through which to examine the phenomenon of leadership and followership in complex entities. The unique characteristics of universities as organizations are discussed  ...
Leadership: Leaders, Followers, and Environments

Leadership: Leaders, Followers, and Environments

Art Padilla

Padilla's Leadership brings a more holistic and comprehensive view to the leadership-followership process by focusing on all three of these critical aspects (leader, follower, organizational setting) – something no other book on the ...
Princeton Alumni Weekly

Princeton Alumni Weekly

More editions

Perspective My American dream By Dan-el Padilla Peralta 'O6 Dan-el Padilla Peralta '06, the Latin salutatorian at Commencement, received the Daniel M. Sachs Class of 1960 Graduating Scholarship. He planned to update supporters on his ...
Undocumented: A Dominican Boy's Odyssey from a Homeless ...

Undocumented: A Dominican Boy's Odyssey from a Homeless ...

Dan-el Padilla Peralta

An undocumented immigrant’s journey from a New York City homeless shelter to the top of his Princeton class Dan-el Padilla Peralta has lived the American dream.
"Just Mary" Reader: Mary Grannan Selected Stories

"Just Mary" Reader: Mary Grannan Selected Stories

Mary Grannan

NAN: Arthur ... 211. IVAN: Arthur ... 212. ARTHUR: I'll do it quick as ... 213. MUSIC : OUT 214. ARTHUR: Oh hello ... you two ... (LAUGH) How are you? 215. NAN: Arthur ... he loves me and I love him. I'm so happy Arthur, so very happy. 216.
A Red Like No Other: How Cochineal Colored the World

A Red Like No Other: How Cochineal Colored the World

Carmella Padilla

The captivating story of the pursuit of the most powerful color.
Arthur Wesley Dow (1857-1922)

Arthur Wesley Dow (1857-1922)

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The most complete biographical account of Arthur Wesley Dow (hereafter cited as A WD) is given in Arthur Warren Johnson, Arthur Wesley Dow, Historian, Artist, Teacher ( Ipswich, Mass.: Ipswich Historical Society, 1934). Although not in all ...
The Discovery of King Arthur

The Discovery of King Arthur

Geoffrey Ashe

Examines the evidence concerning the actual life of King Arthur and traces the development of the myth of King Arthur from the twelfth to the twen tieth century
Divine Institutions: Religious Practice, Economic ...

Divine Institutions: Religious Practice, Economic ...

Dan-El Padilla Peralta

In the course of two and a half centuries, the city-state of Rome rose from central Italian dominance to Mediterranean hegemony.
Academic Genealogy of Mathematicians

Academic Genealogy of Mathematicians

Sooyoung Chang

He wrote Introduction to Diophantine Approximation in 1957 and An Introduction to the Geometry ofNumbers in 1959.3 John Arthur Todd John Arthur Todd John Arthur Todd John Arthur Todd John Todd was born on 23 August 1908 in ...
William Arthur: The Tongue of Fire Or the True Power of ...

William Arthur: The Tongue of Fire Or the True Power of ...

William Arthur

Arthur Ransome's Long-lost Study of Robert Louis Stevenson

Arthur Ransome's Long-lost Study of Robert Louis Stevenson

Arthur Ransome

This is the first publication of a book by Arthur Ransome, originally commissioned in 1910. The manuscript, nearly complete, was sequestered by Ransome's wife in 1914, and he never saw it again.
The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem

Catherine Shaw

DID YOU TAKE THE FLASK OF DIGITALIN FROMMR AKERS ? Arthur: NNNo. NNo. No. I did not. Mr Bexheath: Are you certain? Arthur: Yes! Mr Bexheath: DIDYOU KILL MR.AKERS? Arthur: No! Mr Bexheath: Hmph. Very well. Now, sir, I would ...
The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller

The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller


Arthur Miller: A Checklist 1936–1967,” Bulletin of the New York Public Library ( 1970): 107–34. Tetsumaro Hayashi also edited Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams: Research Opportunities and Dissertation Abstracts (Jefferson: McFarland, ...
A Collector of Ambroses and Other Rare Items

A Collector of Ambroses and Other Rare Items

Arthur Jean Cox

Those hewould gladlymention include “Say That He Still Lives!” and “The Spectacles of Jorge Luis Borges” (both as by Arthur Jean Cox),“Writers of thePurple Page” (as by John Thames Rokesmith), “A Prince ofSnobs” (asby Arthur Pendennis) ...
The New Revelation

The New Revelation

Arthur Conan Doyle

This early work by Arthur Conan Doyle was originally published in 1918 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1859.
A Visit to Three Fronts

A Visit to Three Fronts

Arthur Conan Doyle

This early work by Arthur Conan Doyle was originally published in 1916 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1859.
Arthur Wesley Dow, 1857-1922: His Art and His Influence

Arthur Wesley Dow, 1857-1922: His Art and His Influence

Arthur Wesley Dow

His first biographer, Arthur Warren Johnson, recalled an incident early in Dow's career when, on learning of the demise of a cow about four miles out of town, he took his wheelbarrow and collected the remains, the better to study the animal's ...


William Arthur Goss

William Arthur Goss. POEMS AND LETTE RS OF WILLIAM ARTHUR (3055 William Arthur Goss Poems and Letters of William Arthur Goss William Arthur Goss. Front Cover.
Revealing King Arthur: Swords, Stones and Digging for Camelot

Revealing King Arthur: Swords, Stones and Digging for Camelot

Christopher Gidlow

Was it a clue at last? This book argues that it is time to reassess the possibility of a real King Arthur and acknowledge the importance his legends still hold for us today. Christopher Gidlow is the author of 'The Reign of Arthur'.
Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know®

Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know®

Julia E. Sweig

Today, these years (1971–75) are remembered as the “grey period” of Cuban revolutionary art. (Padilla was released from prison a month after his arrest, in part due to international pressure, and would perform an infamous “selfcritique,” ...
The Life Of Sir Walter Ralegh, Knt. By Arthur Cayley, Jun. Esq

The Life Of Sir Walter Ralegh, Knt. By Arthur Cayley, Jun. Esq

Arthur Cayley

Arthur Cayley. Ralegh. Isaid in his returnfrom France, not Spain.' ' ' Attorney. Farther, in his examination, he saith,' nothing could be set down for the distribution of the money to the discontented, without conference with Ralegh. You said it ...
Agriculture of Pennsylvania

Agriculture of Pennsylvania

More editions

Arthur Todd, Philadelphia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diploma. Apiarian tools. Arthur Todd, Philadeiphia, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diploma. A very extensive and fine collection, for which he deserves great credit. Reversible frame. Arthur Todd, Philadelphia, .
The Collected Essays of Arthur Miller

The Collected Essays of Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller

Published with the essays are articles that Miller had written and in-depth interviews he has given. This collection features material from two earlier publications: Echoes Down the Corridor and The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller.
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 2

Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 2

Paul Preuss

This gripping saga brings together the genius of Arthur C. Clarke and the talents of distinguished science-fiction writer Paul Preuss. The book has an introduction by Arthur C. Clarke.
The Lost Book of King Arthur

The Lost Book of King Arthur

Simon Keegan

The Lost Book of King Arthur reveals the texts that documented the great king's life. And furthermore identifies - with actual photographs and locations of where you can go and see them - two of Arthur's famous Grails.
Home Front Heroes: A Biographical Dictionary of Americans ...

Home Front Heroes: A Biographical Dictionary of Americans ...


Galston, Arthur William GALSTON, ARTHUR WILLIAM (1920- ) Plant biologist Arthur Galston inadvertently discovered a synthetic chemical compound in 1943 that led to the development of the herbicide Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War ...
Organizing the Chicano Movement: The Story of CSO

Organizing the Chicano Movement: The Story of CSO

Humberto Garza

Gilbert C. Padilla, CoFounder United Farm Workers of America178 From the above information, one can deduct that Raul Yzaguirre was the third individual to serve as Executive Director of the NCLR and that he served in that capacity for over ...
The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles v

The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles v

William Robertson

... wasted each other's strength by mutual hoftilities, the crown would rife to power on the ruin or weaknefs of both, and encroach no lefs on the independence of the nobles, than on o standov. 308. Diét. de Bayle, Art. Padilla, PP. Mart. Ep. 7 18.

who called from an unknown number?