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Baptist Union of Western Canada

Miss Ellen Stroud, R.N., is a graduate of Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, and of B.L.T.S., Calgary. She, too, has had experience in church activities and leadership among children's work. All three girls have spent the past year at the McMaster ...
Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Canada to 1900

Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Canada to 1900

Sarah Carter

A comprehensive survey of relations between Aboriginal peoples and colonizers of Western Canada, with a strong emphasis on the multiplicity of current perspectives on the issues.
The Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms

The Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms

Walter B. Shurden

Shurden examines the meaning of being Baptist by chiseling a Baptist profile and identifying freedoms commonly found in Baptist sermons, addresses, and confessions of faith.
Canada writes!: the members' book of the Writers' Union of ...

Canada writes!: the members' book of the Writers' Union of ...

Writers' Union of Canada

John Ballem Although born in Nova Scotia, John Ballem has 15.
Distinctively Baptist Essays on Baptist History: A ...

Distinctively Baptist Essays on Baptist History: A ...

Walter B. Shurden

This collection of essays by different authors is presented as a tribute to Walter B. "Buddy" Shurden, (distinctively Baptist) church historian, teacher, preacher, author, Baptist apologist extraordinaire.
Report of the Tax Commissioner of the Commonwealth of ...

Report of the Tax Commissioner of the Commonwealth of ...

Massachusetts. Tax Commissioner's Dept

Boston North End Mission,s Boston Port and Seamen's Aid Society, Boston Seamen-s Friend Society, Managers of the.3 Boston Society for the Care of Girls, . Boston Baptist Bethel Society, . Boston Baptist Social Union, Boston Children-s  ...
The University Handbook of Purdue University

The University Handbook of Purdue University

More editions

CHURCHES Baptist First Baptist Cor. 7th and North Second Baptist (Colored) - Cor. 16th and Hartford West Lafayette Baptist Cor. Chauncey and Columbia, W. L. Christian First Christian Cor. 6th and North Dutch Reformed Christian Reformed ...
William Owen Carver's Controversies in the Baptist South

William Owen Carver's Controversies in the Baptist South

Mark Robert Wilson

51 Albert McClellan, “Denominational Allocation and Distribution of Cooperative Program Money,” Baptist History and Heritage 21 (Winter 1986): 19. 52 W. O. Carver, “Looking Ahead with Southern Baptist Missions,” Home and Foreign Fields ...
Ticket to Canada

Ticket to Canada

Celia Barker Lottridge

In 1915 eleven-year-old Sam and his father arrive in an undeveloped part of western Canada and begin to plan a new farm for the family waiting back in Iowa.
Uneasy in Babylon: Southern Baptist Conservative and ...

Uneasy in Babylon: Southern Baptist Conservative and ...

Barry Hankins

Uneasy in Babylon is based on extensive interviews with the most important Southern Baptist conservatives who have wrested control of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) away from moderates.
Pocketguide to Western Hatches

Pocketguide to Western Hatches

Dave Hughes

Color photos, key features, habitat, hatch times, and fishing hints for 90 hatches common in the western U.S. and Canada, along with 169 fly patterns for matching them.
Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of ...

Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of ...

Timothy D. Whelan

See Baptist Annual Register, 1:3; 3:4; Baptist Magazine 6 (1814): 425. Gurney, William Brodie (1777-1855) — Gurney succeeded his father, Joseph (1744-1815 ), as shorthand writer for the Old Bailey and for parliament; his older brother, John  ...
Western Electrician

Western Electrician

More editions

Frederick H. \Vithycombe, lylontreal, Canada, assignor of eleven-twentieths to Clement Henry McLeod. Montreal Canada. Application filed February 2, 1899. An insulator, the entire outer or exposed surface of which is in the form of a protective ...
First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty

First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty


Malcolm B. Yarnell III Since it is rare for a Southern Baptist to present a paper on " political theology," an apology is necessary. Indeed, this may be one of the first Southern Baptist papers to treat political theology as a viable discipline.
Canada from the Outside In. Le Canada Vu D'ailleurs: New ...

Canada from the Outside In. Le Canada Vu D'ailleurs: New ...

Pierre Anctil

Aboriginal Media on the Move An Outside Perspective on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Kerstin Knopf In the past few years we have witnessed the emergence of global mediascapes, a massive influence of Western (mostly ...
History of the First Baptist Church of Milledgeville, ...

History of the First Baptist Church of Milledgeville, ...

Travis Edwin Smith

Samuel Boykin, ed. History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia, 60 33. B. D. Ragsdale, The Story of Georgia Baptists, vol. 2, 143 34. The Beck Papers 35. Minutes, Central Baptist Association, 1860-1866 36. Ibid., 1866 37. Ibid., 1867 38 .
Remaking Europe: The European Union and the Transition Economies

Remaking Europe: The European Union and the Transition Economies


JozefM van Brabant The origin of the pro-integration sentiment in the western part of Europe, and the movement toward rebuilding the (western) European economy and, to a much lesser extent, its polity as well, spawned after World War II is ...
One Sacred Effort: The Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists

One Sacred Effort: The Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists

Chad Brand

5. Baker, Southern Baptist Convention, 228. 6. Proceedings, Baptist General Association of Kentucky (Lexington, 1851), 8-9. 7. Albert McClellan, " Denominational Allocation and Distribution of Cooperative Program Money," Baptist History and ...
American Baptist Quarterly

American Baptist Quarterly

More editions

See William Wright Barnes, The Southern Baptist Convention, 1845-1953 ( Nashville: Broadman Press, 1954), 103-113; William Wright Barnes, The Southern Baptist Convention: A Study in the Development of Ecclesiology ( Seminary Hill, TX: ...
Twentieth-century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics

Twentieth-century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics

Larry L. McSwain

Chapter 13 GLEN HAROLD STASSEN (1936—): BAPTIST PEACEMAKER IN A CONFLICTED WORLD David P. Gushee Glen Harold Stassen is arguably the leading Baptist peace theorist- activist of the twentieth century, and he shows no  ...
The Baptist Summit at Mercer University: 19-20 January 2006, ...

The Baptist Summit at Mercer University: 19-20 January 2006, ...

Mercer University. Baptist Summit

Baptist Summit (1st : 2006 : Mercer University) The Baptist Summit at Mercer University : 19-20 January 2006, three addresses / by R. Kirby Godsey, Walter B. Shurden, and William D. Underwood. — 1st ed. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-88146- 061-2 ...
Women in Baptist Life

Women in Baptist Life

Leon McBeth

16 William Wright Barnes, The Southern Baptist Convention 1845-1953 ( Nashville: Broadman Press, 1954), 162. 17 William Wright Barnes, " Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary," Encyclopedia of Southern Baptists ( Nashville: ...
Marjorie Too Afraid to Cry: A Home Child Experience

Marjorie Too Afraid to Cry: A Home Child Experience

Patricia Skidmore

See also Geoff Blackburn, The Children's Friend Society: Juvenile Emigrants to Western Australia, South Africa and Canada, 1834—1842 (Northbridge, Western Australia: Access Press, 1993), 239—40. Kershaw and Sacks, NeW Lives for Old,  ...
Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian: Small Shoes for Feet Too Large

Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian: Small Shoes for Feet Too Large

Clarence R. Bolt

Wesleyan Methodist Church *" Methodist Church of Canada after union in 1883-4 souncs: Information from George Henry Cornish, Cyclopedia of Methodism in Canada, 2 vols. (Toronto: Methodist Book and Publishing House 1903) souncsz ...
A History of Blacks in Kentucky: From Slavery to ...

A History of Blacks in Kentucky: From Slavery to ...

Marion Brunson Lucas

(Louisville, Ky., 1910), 22-23; Spencer, Baptists, 2:654-55; Mechal Sobel, "Trablin ' On" The Slave Journey to an Afro-Baptist ... First (Walnut Street) Baptist Church, February 17, 1844, March 11, 1844 (Walnut Street Baptist Church, Louisville, ...
Preliminary Programme of the ... Annual Meeting of the ...

Preliminary Programme of the ... Annual Meeting of the ...

Canadian Historical Association. Meeting

Public Morality in 20th-Century Canada Moralite publique dans le Canada du XXe siecle 42.1 Jeffery Vacante, University of Western Ontario Judging Female Prostitution in 1920s Montreal: The Coderre Commission and the Struggle to Define ...
A Genealogy of Dissent: Southern Baptist Protest in the ...

A Genealogy of Dissent: Southern Baptist Protest in the ...

David Stricklin

... genealogy of dissent: Southern Baptist protest in the twentieth century / David Stricklin. CIs). Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8131-2093- 4 (hardcover: alk paper) 1. Southern Baptist Convention—History—20th century.

who called from an unknown number?