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Feminist Ethics and Natural Law: The End of the Anathemas

Feminist Ethics and Natural Law: The End of the Anathemas

Cristina L. H. Traina

Bat-Ami Bar On points out that, for Marx, the epistemological privilege of the proletariat arose not from its inherent dignity but from its paradoxical indispens- ability to the bourgeois system and powerlessness within it. See Bat-Ami Bar On,  ...
The Philosophical I: Personal Reflections on Life in Philosophy

The Philosophical I: Personal Reflections on Life in Philosophy


Bat-Ami Bar On, “Platoon and the Failure of War,” in Sexual Politics and Popular Culture, ed. Diane Raymond (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Press, 1990). 2. Bat-Ami Bar On, “Why Terrorism Is Morally Problematic,” in ...
Quellen zur Migrationsforschung: eine selektiert-komparative ...

Quellen zur Migrationsforschung: eine selektiert-komparative ...

Davoud Gharagozlou

Hamburg , 19% Zucker, Bat-Ami. In search of refuge : Jews and US consuls in Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 /, Bat-Ami Zucker London ; Portland, OR : Vallentine Mitchell, 2001 Zu viele Fremde in Land? : Aussiedler, Gastarbeiter, Asylanten / ...
Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and ...

Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and ...

Bat-Ami Bar On

This book introduces feminist voices into the study of Platonic and Aristotelian texts that modern Western philosophy has treated as foundational.
Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and ...

Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and ...

Bat-Ami Bar On

This book introduces feminist voices into the study of Platonic and Aristotelian texts that modern Western philosophy has treated as foundational.
The Subject of Violence: Arendtean Exercises in Understanding

The Subject of Violence: Arendtean Exercises in Understanding

Bat-Ami Bar On

The Subject of Violence is a critical investigation of violence and the subjectifying capacities. It both relies on and explores the work of Hannah Arendt.
Modern Engendering: Critical Feminist Readings in Modern ...

Modern Engendering: Critical Feminist Readings in Modern ...

Bat-Ami Bar On

This book contains readings of canonical Western philosophical texts from the viewpoint of current feminist thinking.
Modern Engendering: Critical Feminist Readings in Modern ...

Modern Engendering: Critical Feminist Readings in Modern ...

Bat-Ami Bar On

This book contains readings of canonical Western philosophical texts from the viewpoint of current feminist thinking.
Feminism and Families

Feminism and Families

Hilde Lindemann Nelson

Nationalism. Bat-Ami. Bar. On. During the past few years it has become easier to be a lesbian, a gay man, or a bisexual in IsraeL1 The Israeli sodomy law, a remnant from the British Mandate beginning with the British conquest of the area after ...
Jewish Identity and Civil Rights in America

Jewish Identity and Civil Rights in America

Kenneth L. Marcus

The Holocaust, however, immensely strengthened Jewish resistance to the notion of biological difference.1 Since that catastrophe, Jews and others have 1 Bat-Ami Bar On & Lisa Tessman, Race Studies and Jewish Studies: Toward a Critical ...
Daring to be Good: Essays in Feminist Ethico-politics

Daring to be Good: Essays in Feminist Ethico-politics

Bat-Ami Bar On

These essays challenge the private/public split that assumes ethics is a private, individual concern and politics is a public, group concern.
Terrorism: A Philosophical Analysis

Terrorism: A Philosophical Analysis

J. Angelo Corlett

28 Gordon Graham argues that "terrorists are enemies of the established state" and are "aimed against the state" [Gordon Graham, "Terrorism and Freedom Fighters," Philosophy and Social Action, 11 (1985), p. 46]. However, as Bat-Ami Bar ...
Men Doing Feminism

Men Doing Feminism


®feminist. ̄. 4. In this respectI follow twenty years of feminist theorizing. I would cite two essaysthathelp locatemy own views. First, Bat-Ami BarOn has a good account ofwhy feminists have generally privilegedcertain ...
Diversity and U.S. Foreign Policy: A Reader

Diversity and U.S. Foreign Policy: A Reader


BAT-AMI ZUCKER Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, a special relationship has developed between the United States, one of the largest and most powerful nations, and Israel, one of the smallest Middle Eastern countries.
Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories

Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories


Lorraine Code. Perspectivism is akin to standpoint theory, though it is less explicitly political. References and further reading Bat-Ami BarOn(1993). aMarginality. andEpistemic Privilege«, in L.Alcoff and E. Potter (eds) Feminist Epistemologies, ...
In Search of Refuge: Jews and US Consuls in Nazi Germany, ...

In Search of Refuge: Jews and US Consuls in Nazi Germany, ...

Bat-Ami Zucker

The book explores the relationship of consuls with the State Department; giving examples of initiatives by consuls; instances of prejudice and showing methods by which consuls obstructed entry of refugees in ways which went beyond ...


Guy de Maupassant

Maupassant's second novel, Bel-Ami (1885) is the story of a ruthlessly ambitious young man (Georges Duroy, christened "Bel-Ami" by his female admirers) making it to the top in fin-de-sihcle Paris.
Vanished Ideology, A: Essays on the Jewish Communist ...

Vanished Ideology, A: Essays on the Jewish Communist ...


See, for example, Bat-Ami Zucker, “American Jewish Communists and Jewish Culture in the 1930s,” in Modern Judaism 14, No. 2 (May, 1994); Arthur Liebman, Jews and the Left (New York: Wiley, 1979); and Melech Epstein, The Jew and ...
Waltzing with Bashir: Perpetrator Trauma and Cinema

Waltzing with Bashir: Perpetrator Trauma and Cinema

Raya Morag

Bass, Gary J. “Jus post bellum.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 32, no. 4 (2004): 384–412. Bat-Ami, BarOn. “Introduction: Thinking about War.” Hypatia 23, no. 2 ( 2008): vii-xv. Baudelaire, Charles. The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays.
Cecilia Razovsky and the American Jewish women's rescue ...

Cecilia Razovsky and the American Jewish women's rescue ...

Bat-Ami Zucker

85. During the first half of 1937 the GJCA was granted permission to sponsor an additional five non-Aryan children per month. See Minutes GJCA, 14 May 1937, 20 January 1938. Chamberlain Collection, Folder 14. Yivo Archives, New York.
America, Its Jews, and the Rise of Nazism

America, Its Jews, and the Rise of Nazism

Gulie Ne'eman Arad

... see Bat-Ami Zucker, In Search of Refuge: Jews and US Consuls in Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 (Fssex, 2000). I wish to thank Professor Zucker for her generosity in sharing her work with me. 12. Brody, "American Jewry, the Refugees and ...
No Return, No Refuge: Rites and Rights in Minority Repatriation

No Return, No Refuge: Rites and Rights in Minority Repatriation

Howard Adelman

Bat-Ami Zucker, “Frances Perkins and the German-Jewish Refugees 1933–1940, ” American Jewish History 89, no. 1 (2001): 35–59. In contrast, though the British were criticized for treating the refugees as effectively bogus asylum seekers, ...
Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle

Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle


For a discussion of Aristotle's philosophy of science in relation the issues raised by several of these authors, see Cynthia Freeland, "Nourishing Speculation" in Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings m Plato and Aristotle, ed. Bat- Ami ...
Americans at the Gate: The United States and Refugees During ...

Americans at the Gate: The United States and Refugees During ...

Carl J. Bon Tempo

12. Wyman, Paper Walls, 4–5, 168–71, ch. 4, and appendix II; Bat-Ami Zucker, In Search ofRefuge:Jews and U.S. Consuls in Nazi Germany, 1933–1941 (London: Valentine-Mitchell, 2001), 40–42; Tichenor, Dividing Lines, 164–65. 13. Wyman ...
Beware Of The Dog: Positive Solutions For Aggressive ...

Beware Of The Dog: Positive Solutions For Aggressive ...

Pat Miller

Grisha Stewart, M.A., CPDTKA With BAT 2.0, trainer/author Grisha Stewart has completely overhauled Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) to create a new efficient and practical tool for dog reactivity. BAT 2.0 builds resilience and selfreliance ...


Jackie Robb

Bat doesn't like to follow fashion, and is ridiculed by his friends until everyone starts copying his look
Pass the Bar

Pass the Bar

Denise Riebe

Pass the Bar! provides a comprehensive overview of the pre-bar review, bar review, and bar exam process.

who called from an unknown number?