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Aesthetic Afterlives: Irony, Literary Modernity and the Ends ...

Aesthetic Afterlives: Irony, Literary Modernity and the Ends ...

Andrew Eastham

Bjørn K. Myskja's book-length study The Sublime in Kant and Beckett (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002) focuses on Molloy and its critical reception (Myskja, 2002). 15 Immanuel Kant, The Critique ofJudgement, trans.James Creed Meredith ...
The Handbook of Internet Studies

The Handbook of Internet Studies


Yet online, concealing one's identity (or even lying) is regarded as appropriate and, ironically, the morally right thing to do (see also J. E. Cohen, 2000; Woo, 2006). Bjørn K. Myskja (2008) discusses a related problem with regard to online trust, ...
Kant-Studien: Ergänzungshefte

Kant-Studien: Ergänzungshefte

Bjørn K. Myskja

I am very grateful to Beatrice Longuenesse for inviting me and to the Department of Philosophy at Princeton for allowing me to visit. This gave me the opportunity to participate in Longuenesse's seminar on the Kant's Critique of Judgement from  ...
The Sublime in Kant and Beckett: Aesthetic Judgement, Ethics ...

The Sublime in Kant and Beckett: Aesthetic Judgement, Ethics ...

Bjørn K. Myskja

I am very grateful to Beatrice Longuenesse for inviting me and to the Department of Philosophy at Princeton for allowing me to visit. This gave me the opportunity to participate in Longuenesse's seminar on the Kant's Critique of Judgement from  ...
The Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett: A Selective ...

The Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett: A Selective ...

Charles A. Carpenter

Pp. 222–40 in Pilling 1994 Myskja, Bjørn K. The sublime in Kant and Beckett: aestheticjudgement, ethics and literature. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2002. 313 pp. ( Beckett's theories emerge in chapters on 'Molloy and the ethics ofliterature' [12– 59] and ...
The Ethics of Animal Re-creation and Modification: Reviving, ...

The Ethics of Animal Re-creation and Modification: Reviving, ...


From Protection to Restoration: A Matter of Responsible Precaution Anne I.Myhr and BjørnK.Myskja Introduction Climate change and human activities are the main reasons for the increasing degradation of ecological systems. Advances within ...
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of ...

The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of ...

Bjørn Lomborg

StateofTheWorld'sForests1997.Rome: FoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnitedNations. 1997c montes/fo/sofo/SOFO97/97toce.stm. 1997d Telefood Profiles: WaytoaFutureof Abundant Harvests. In Eritrea, 140 Farmers ...
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie

Walter de Gruyter & Co

Bjorn K. Myskja The Sublime in Kant and Beckett Aesthetic Judgement, Ethics and Literature 2002. 23 x l5,5 cm. XII, 3l3 pages. Cloth. €84,- [D]/sFrl34- • ISBN 3- ll-0l7l26-0 (Kantstudien-Erganzungshefte l40) Ausgangspunkt lur die vorliegende ...
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2014 - 2015

World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2014 - 2015

Charles W. Kegley

Loescher, Gil. (2005) “Blaming the Victim: Refugees and Global Security,” pp. 126–29 in Robert J. Griffiths (ed.), Developing World 05/06. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Lomborg, Bjørn. (2007) Solutions for the World's Biggest Problems.
100 topchefer: guide til dansk erhvervsliv

100 topchefer: guide til dansk erhvervsliv

Niels Lunde

De tre var chefen for de vesteuropæiske aktiviteter, Alex Myers, den ansvarlige for Asien-regionen, Jesper Bjørn Madsen, og den internationale marketingchef, Jan Hillesland. Hvorfor? Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen vurderede, at Carlsbergs vilkår  ...
Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical ...

Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical ...

American Philosophical Association

US $58.00 ISBN 3-11-017073-6 □ The Sublime in Kant and Beckett Aesthetic Judgement, Ethics and Literature Bjorn K. Myskja 2002. xii ♢ 313 pages. Cloth. Approx. US $84.00 ISBN 3-11-017126-0 (Kantstudien-Erganzungshcflc 140) ...
Kant Studien

Kant Studien

More editions

Marc Schattenmann, Erfurt Bjorn K. Myskja: The Sublime in Kant and Beckett. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2002, 309 Seiten. ISBN 3-11-017126-0. Das Buch ist eine philosophische, asthetische und ethische Studie iiber das Erha- bene ...

who called from an unknown number?