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Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World

Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World

Carlos Fraenkel

Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza: Reason, ...

Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza: Reason, ...

Carlos Fraenkel

He then follows it through the medieval period in both Islamic and Jewish forms; he closely analyses its appearance in the work of Spinoza in the early modern period; and he shows how it largely disappeared after the Enlightenment, when ...
Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World

Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World

Carlos Fraenkel

Teaching Plato in Palestine is part intellectual travelogue, part plea for integrating philosophy into our personal and public life.
Traditions of Maimonideanism

Traditions of Maimonideanism


Carlos Fraenkel. him to be a thinker in his own right, not only the disciple of Maimo- nides and the mediator of his work. 1. Interpreting Judaism as a Philosophical Religion16 How did Maimonides' workjustify the study of philosophy in a ...
Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy

Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy


“De Geneesheeren onder Spinoza's Vrienden,” Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Part 1, 1856–1873. Fraenkel, Carlos (2006). “Maimonides' God and Spinoza's Deus sive Natura,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 44: 169– 215.
Além do golpe: versões e controvérsias sobre 1964 e a ...

Além do golpe: versões e controvérsias sobre 1964 e a ...

Carlos Fico

versões e controvérsias sobre 1964 e a ditadura militar Carlos Fico. CIP-Brasil. Catalogação-na-fonte Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de Livros, RJ. Fico, Carlos F468a Alem do golpe: a tomada do poder em 3 1 de março de 1964 e a ...
de Punho Cerrado

de Punho Cerrado

Carlos Ceia

Carlos Ceia. Ficha técnica: Título: De Punho Cerrado: Ensaios de Hermenêutica Dialéctica da Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea Autor: Carlos Ceia NOTA DO AUTOR Este livro foi publicado em 1997 pelas. 1al edição, Cosmos, Lisboa,  ...
Foreign Policy Theory in Menem's Argentina

Foreign Policy Theory in Menem's Argentina

Carlos Escudé

Carlos Escude explains the rationale for dramatic changes in Argentina's foreign policy following the inauguration of President Carlos Menem in 1989.
Leadership Theory and the Community College: Applying Theory ...

Leadership Theory and the Community College: Applying Theory ...

Carlos Nevarez

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nevarez, Carlos, 1969– Leadership theory and the community college : applying theory to practice / Carlos Nevarez, J. LukeWood, and Rose Penrose.—First edition. pages cm Includes ...
Don Carlos and Mary Stuart

Don Carlos and Mary Stuart

Friedrich Schiller

... Schiller, Friedrich, 1759–1805. [Don Carlos. English] Don Carlos and Mary Stuart / Friedrich Schiller ; translated with notes by Hilary Collier Sy-Quia ; adapted in verse drama by Peter Oswald ; with an introduction by Lesley Sharpe. p. cm. 1.
David Smith: photographs 1931-1965

David Smith: photographs 1931-1965

David Smith

Introduction by Rosalind E. Krauss. Text by Joan Pachner. Preface by Jeffrey Fraenkel, Matthew Marks.
Peter Hujar: night : [exhibition] Fraenkel Gallery, Matthew ...

Peter Hujar: night : [exhibition] Fraenkel Gallery, Matthew ...

Peter Hujar

In the tradition of Brassai's Paris at Night, Peter Hujar's Nightbrings together 43 hauntingly beautiful images of New York City.
Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic

Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic

Michael Holz

This book is an introduction to modern cardinal arithmetic, developed in the frame of the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory together with the axiom of choice.
Carlos Cardoso: Telling the Truth in Mozambique

Carlos Cardoso: Telling the Truth in Mozambique

Paul Fauvet

On 22 November 2000 Carlos Cardoso, arguably the finest of post-independence Mozambican journalists, was assassinated in Maputo while investigating the theft of $14 million from the country's largest bank.
Separate Reality

Separate Reality

Carlos Castaneda

Carlos continues his apprenticeship with Don Juan, and learns about such things as "stopping the world," "seeing," and "stalking"
Globalization and Education: Critical Perspectives

Globalization and Education: Critical Perspectives


Carlos Alberto Torres and Ted Mitchell (New York: SUNY Press, 1998), 155–80; Torres, Democracy; Karen McClafferty, Carlos Alberto Torres, and Ted Mitchell, eds., Challenges ofUrban Education: Sociological Perspectivesforthe ...
Carlos the Impossible

Carlos the Impossible

J. T. K. Belle

When Carlos emerged from the callejon, he stretched lazily under the morning sun, and saw Hernando slumped sideways over a horse's saddle, motionless, dew rising up ... The end comes, not with a flash of the muleta, not at the end of a pic.



EVERY WOMAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND WHO NEEDS THIS BOOK! Carlos J. Lee has been every "bad boy" that you have ever dated. He's a former dog, liar, cheater, asshole, user, manipulator and has slept with hundreds of women.
The Cowboy Bible and Other Stories

The Cowboy Bible and Other Stories

Carlos Velázquez

The provocateur and cult sensation Carlos Velazquez has earned comparisons to Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Bukowski and William S. Burroughs, and has been called 'a grand storyteller' (Diario Jornada), 'an icon'(Frente) and 'one of the most ...
The Letters of Denise Levertov and William Carlos Williams

The Letters of Denise Levertov and William Carlos Williams

Denise Levertov

Denise Levertov, William Carlos Williams, Christopher John MacGowan ... Creeley, himself in France with his family in 1951, wrote to Williams: "Good that Denise Goodman wrote; they were here when we first came, past friends, etc., and they ...
The Cambridge Companion to William Carlos Williams

The Cambridge Companion to William Carlos Williams


34. 35. 36. At the top of thefirst page of the transcription, Gratwick wrote: “Letter to Sophie William Carlos Williams: The University of Pennsylvania ... Sophie Drinker, Music and Women: The Story of Women in Their Relation to Music(New York: ...
Carlos Fuentes' The Death of Artemio Cruz

Carlos Fuentes' The Death of Artemio Cruz

Harold Bloom

Carlos Fuentes's The Death of Artemio Cruz features a collection of captivating and informative critical essays that will enhance a reader's understanding of and appreciation for this paramount work of modern Latin American literature.
Mollusca of the Tertiary Formations of Northeastern Mexico

Mollusca of the Tertiary Formations of Northeastern Mexico

Geological Society of America

W-30. 3737 meters south from Rancho El Mantillo on road to Presa Nueva, Carlos Canti'I, China, Nuevo Le6n. L-23. 2.4 kilometers S. 55° E. from Bench Mark Chata, Carlos Cantu, General Bravo, Nuevo Le6n. I-13. 2 kilometers W. 15° S. from ...
Wrath of the Gods-Xibalba

Wrath of the Gods-Xibalba

Carlos H. Cantu

Carlos H. Cantu. time cut them in half. Make each bullet count; it is either them, or us!” A shot is fired on the opposite side. “That must be the signal! Do not let them get here!” Cayetano proves to be right. The chiapanecos advance crouching.
Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy ...

Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy ...

Paul Preston

A powerful biography of Spain’s great king, Juan Carlos, by the pre-eminent writer on 20th-century Spanish history.
Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy

Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy

Paul Preston

Paul Preston--who has thrown more light on the eventful history of twentieth-century Spain than any other commentator--addresses this mystery in this definitive biography of King Juan Carlos.
Como eles agiam: os subterrâneos da ditadura militar : ...

Como eles agiam: os subterrâneos da ditadura militar : ...

Carlos Fico

Carlos Fico revela, neste relato inédito, que o DSI possuía informações sobre todo e qualquer tipo de questão que poderia preocupar ou incomodar a ditadura.

who called from an unknown number?